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Operations Security Impact On


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Executive Order 12958effectively changes the way federal agencies manage classified national security information. It is intended to reduce the amount of information that is classified; places limits on the length of time it remains classified and facilitates the declassification of information. It sets in motion a five year time limit (April 1995 - April 2000) within which all classified information more than 25 years old and judged to be of permanent historical value shall be reviewed for declassification and declassified unless it meets certain definitive exemption criteria. All material not meeting the exemption criteria will be automatically declassified�whether or not the records have been reviewed.


To fulfill the task objective the study was to be conducted in the following parts:

gathe隐含在这种方法是信息ring on records management activities within DoD, the actual accession process used by NARA, methods used in agency and NARA declassification, sampling techniques, release dates, etc. A decision was made to first determine if there was an OPSEC problem with the materials prior to expending effort on a detailed review of what could have been a non-problem. Although this initially hampered a clear understanding of the procedures in use, it in fact added more validity to the data collection. The researcher had no special edge or inside knowledge at NARA, and could thus recreate data acquisition activities as experienced by any researcher with limited or no NARA experience. Any understanding of the system would initially be gleaned from publicly available educational materials, general Internet searches and whatever help a researcher could obtain in routine course from NARA personnel.


可以考虑到大量的信息le and the finite number of hours for the task. a structured work plan was constructed. The plan design ensured both completeness and flexibility to deal with issues as they surfaced. Elements of the plan were:


The underlying principle used in approaching the review of already released material was the application of OPSEC precepts to the problem. Operations security takes a systematic look from the adversary's viewpoint. For purposes of this study the threat chosen was information acquisition to assist proliferators and terrorists in the development/use of weapons of mass destruction (Nuclear, Chemical and Biological). This targeting was selected based on items of interest delineated in EO 12958 and DoD Directive 5200.30.



Each agency of the government is assigned a number by NARA for identification purposes. This number is known as a Record Group. A researcher would therefore determine the Record Group of the agency and go about finding all available information on the identity and location of the records of interest in that Record Group. The key to record retrieval is obtaining availablefinding aids. The main NARA finding aid is a computer printout which lists the Record Group. the title of the file and the physical location within the archives building. This finding aid is extremely general in nature and one entry could cover hundreds of boxes of records with no clue as to the contents other than "decimal file". (See enclosures #l, 2, 3 and 4).

在研究的审查部分中检查了大约37立方英尺的记录。审查中使用了每立方英尺2500页的NARA估算值,其中包含了80,000多个单独的页面。检查了以下记录组中的文件。为了指出各种检查的记录,该系列的标题如Nara Master位置名册中列出,并提供了每个文档类型的摘要。

[Reviewed records are denoted with an "X" on the enclosure]. In some instances, more specific finding aids may be available for a particular group. However, there is no reliable way to predict the quality of the NARA finding aids before actually starting the physical search of the documents.



The sheer amount of available text material within NARA is mind boggling. NARA estimates that it currently maintains 21 million cubic feet of material in its facilities. TheMoynihan关于保密的报告估计,所有国防部(包括组件服务)的所有国防部拥有25年历史的十亿页材料,并受到行政命令12958的约束。此估计不包括图片,录音或电子数据。


Just as the Internet has entwined itself in our society and altered the flow of information sharing in ways that are still becoming clear, it has also played an equally important role in the government secrecy/declassification arena. This has manifested itself in the following areas:


Information contained in four declassified documents raises OPSEC concerns. The four documents are listed below.


A major problem in the development of weapons of mass destruction is procuring the organizational acumen necessary to achieve successful weaponization. Having the actual knowledge of the actual basic formulae is, in most cases, commonly known. One measurement of this is the incredibly complex logistical, organizational and test infrastructure and the necessarily long lead- and planning-times required for the development of weapons of mass destruction testing programs. Protecting the information which provides a basis for these test programs development may keep a potential proliferator at bay, or at least delay the time-line for the program development. This delay allows additional protective measures to be considered for implementation.


所有文档都广泛提及其他原子测试镜头和程序的代码名称。仅专注于这些代码名称,尤其是在其他记录集团中,例如原子能委员会,国防核局,美国海军,美国空军,美国陆军等ReportsReports其他记录组。这种重点可以大大减少搜索参数,并在更少的时间内产生可行的结果。实际上,由于RG 374(DNA)文件中的先前名称,因此在RG 330(OSD)中发现了这些文档。尽管DNA记录组中的引用没有立即的智能值,但OPSEC方法(从对抗视图中查看总体中的事物)决定使用代码名称作为其他记录组的搜索参数。没有什么比铅笔清单更精致的,有时间进行搜索产生了结果。


OSD和组件防御组织将组织努力的水平用于实施EO 12958。但是,在此阶段的工作阶段,在紧密授权的时间范围内完成EO指令似乎是一项非常艰巨的任务。

Considering the mountain of backlogged data, the string of various Executive Orders, classification/declassification policies and the relatively primitive state of records management in this backlog, the progress has been remarkable. From a zero ramp-up in late CY 1995, the various programs appear to be rapidly closing on viable methods for eventually accomplishing the task. However, with the amount of time available, it appears, there is a monumental challenge in front of the various organizations to even meet the spirit of the EO, much less meet the letter of the law.

On-site visits with Army and DIA, coupled with background data on Air Force, reveal an excellent start for the development of lateral relationships, utilization of computer and OCR technology, and innovative use of a mixture of civilian, military, contractor and reservist personnel. Each interviewee (identified at Appendix A) were appreciative of the OSD approach to concentrate on the policy level and to allow the separate agencies to solve the implementation problem from their level.


This effort provided a snapshot in time of one aspect of what DoD declassification personnel are facing. Numerous government panels and working groups are attempting to deal with the complex issues of implementation. It was not the purpose of this study to replicate any of those issues. Indeed, the system appears to have adapted within DoD and is moving towards mission completion, albeit not at a pace that will meet the goals of EO 12958.





3. Provide current DoD direction for the declassification of specific subject areas. The directive DoDD 5200.30, provides basic guidelines to the declassification community. Currently the directive is being used to provide a first cut at what subject areas require further review by specific agency/organization declassification specialists. The inclusion of current general instructions into a restructured directive or into the DoD Declassification Plan and the continued emphasis on the various agencies/organizations to ensure current declassification guidance is available for the specific projects and programs is essential for effective declassification of material.

4.对NARA的解密和分类RG330记录进行审查。根据EO 2000年的规定,将对机密记录进行审查。建议对记录进行完整的审查。但是,认识到解密社区内的资源限制,对记录的统计可行采样,并且在整个审查过程中都解决了OPSEC的疑虑,将提供有关当前敏感信息无意间发布给公众的信息。这些知识将提供一种为解密专家提供有关如何在将来审查材料的更具体指导的方法,并允许特定的信息恢复控制,以最大程度地减少可能发生的损害。


Declassification of information that no longer needs to be protected is an excellent objective. Indeed a very large amount of the material reviewed appeared to be of no use - intelligence or otherwise. The 85 to 95% declassification ratio mentioned in my background reading seemed to hold up. However that is to be expected in records that are 45 to 50 years old. This does not mean releasing information solely based on age or extremely narrow review criteria. Some information or collection of information, especially in the area of nuclear weapons, does not lose its value with the passage of time. Indeed some of the least sophisticated and oldest material may be of most value to a potential proliferator. For instance, according to the能源咨询委员会部长Doe(1997), the Iraqi nuclear program was based on obsolete U.S. 1940's technology.




马里兰州大学公园的国家档案与记录管理局记录解密司司令总监让·舒布尔(Jean Schauble)。

LTC Gary Moore,美国陆军解密活动的运营官,弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿。


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