
A Founding and Enduring Mission for FAS


自1946年以来,FAS专家研究方法improve controls on technologies that can be used to make nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons and have educated policymakers, the public, and the press about these methods. In general, there are two approaches to stopping or limiting the spread of WMD: nonproliferation and counter-proliferation.


Nonproliferation typically involves the creation and enactment of treaties, international conventions, domestic laws, regulations, and even non-binding codes of conduct. An exemplar of this approach is the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) of 1970. The NPT is one of the most universally adhered to treaties with all but four countries as members. Five of the members (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) are defined in the NPT as nuclear weapon states while the other almost 190 member countries are defined as non-nuclear weapon states. The former states have agreed in article VI of the treaty to pursue nuclear disarmament and a treaty on general and complete disarmament while the latter have agreed in articles II and III to not acquire nuclear explosives and to maintain proper safeguards on their peaceful nuclear programs. Article IV contains the grand bargain that the nuclear capable states will aid other states in acquiring peaceful nuclear technologies. While article IV does not explicitly mention acquisition uranium enrichment and reprocessing of plutonium, many states have often interpreted this article has providing such access. The concern is that enrichment and reprocessing can be applied to make highly enriched uranium and plutonium, the essential fissile material necessary to manufacture nuclear weapons.


FAS最近启动了一个非扩散法律和政策的新项目,该项目由FAS高级研究员,律师和退休的海军官员克里斯托弗·比德威尔(Christopher Bidwell)执导。该计划认识到,使WMD不扩散工作达到所需的目的,需要将嵌入在结合和补充这两个要素的法律基础设施中的技术解决方案和政策选择组合。这两个元素都无法在真空中开发。实际上,这两个要素互相发挥作用。为了帮助使这些要素共同起作用,FAS提供了一个平台,在该平台中,非扩散科学和技术社区可以与法律和政策社区进行互动,以通过非扩散挑战思考。当前重点的领域包括:归因,出口控制,使用制裁和经济杠杆,基础设施保护以及支持WMD非强化目标的验证/监测。


如前所述,FAS自成立以来一直在理解如何更好地防止或限制和平核能进入武器计划。FAS总裁查尔斯·弗格森(Charles Ferguson)自2010年以来一直在这一关键领域领导着FAS的努力。特别是,FAS一直将其工作集中在伊朗和东亚。弗格森博士和阿里·瓦兹(Ali Vaez)博士已经写了有关更有效的保障措施和监测伊朗核计划的文章。克里斯·比德威尔(Chris Bidwell)和马克·詹森(Mark Jansson)等其他FAS研究人员最近研究并写了有关伊朗核问题的研究。从2011年到2013年,弗格森博士与当时的美国 - 日本核工作组曼斯菲尔德基金会的执行董事L. Gordon Flake共同主持。弗格森(Ferguson)博士还共同领导了涉及日本,韩国和美国核能和非扩散专家的三边计划。FAS将继续分析和教育全球核能发展,这可能影响进一步的扩散。




例如,FAS专家调查了导弹防御的利益和风险,以抵消由WMD武装的导弹威胁。目前,兼职高级研究员查尔斯·弗格森(Charles Ferguson)和布鲁斯·麦克唐纳(Bruce MacDonald)正在研究中国可能发展和部署导弹防御的战略意义。近年来,FAS赞助了有关美国导弹防御部署对美国俄罗斯核武器控制和减少武器的潜在影响的分析工作。自1960年代以来,汉斯·贝特(Hans Bethe),理查德·加尔文(Richard Garwin)和赫伯特·约克(Herbert York)等FAS领导人已向国会作证,并广泛地撰写了有关导弹辩护的文章,以进一步进行公开辩论。FAS将继续分析和跟踪导弹防御的发展,尤其是其在击落导弹及其对武器控制和国际安全的影响方面的技术有效性。