

办公室总检察长华盛顿特区,1996年20530 3月14日,供官方使用备忘录的:,商务部长弗雷德里科·佩纳,交通黑泽尔·R·奥利里的罗伯特·鲁宾财政部罗纳德H.布朗的秘书,秘书,能源部长约翰·M·德奇,中央情报局约翰·P·怀特,国防部副部长塞缪尔·伯杰,副总统助理国家安全事务路易斯J·弗里,主任,调查莱昂菲尔特,助理联邦局局长副总统国家安全事务萨利卡岑,管理,信息和法规事务,管理和预算办公室W.鲍曼·卡特,副总统助理,国家经济委员会主席约翰·H·吉本斯,主任,科技厅政策詹姆斯·李维特,董事,美国联邦紧急事务管理署FROM:珍妮特·雷诺,总检察长主题:关键基础设施安全的目的我有责任,P下住宅决策指令(PDD)39,它涉及反恐政策,以“主持内阁委员会审查漏洞的......重要的国家基础设施和(总统)和相应的内阁成员或机构负责人,提出建议恐怖主义。”这份备忘录的目的是向大家介绍一下做了日期,并邀请您参加内阁委员会的工作。经过与中央情报主任,协商国防部副书记,副检察长,副助理总统国家安全事务副总统的国家安全顾问和联邦调查局的局长,经研究决定,在关键基础设施的广度和来源和攻击形式多样性的光,内阁委员会应考虑从其他来源的基础架构不仅恐怖威胁,同时也威胁。委员会需要解决的基础设施,传统的“物理”攻击(如爆炸)和电子,“网络”攻击(例如,计算机或通信系统的攻击)。为了促进内阁委员会的工作,一个小型工作组审查了方案:(1)将考虑政府应该如何处理,以在长期的关键基础设施的威胁了专职小组; and (2) an emergency response capability to address physical and/or cyber threats in the interim, while the full-time group was conducting its study. The report of the working group is attached, along with a summary of its recommendations. Having reviewed the options presented by the working group, we make the following proposals: Preliminary Recommendation 1: Follow-on Study Group We propose the creation of a full-time Task Force in the Executive Office of the President to study infrastructure assurance issues and recommend national policy (as outlined more fully in the CIWG). The Task Force would be headed by a presidential appointee from the private sector and comprise full- time representatives from the affected agencies. It would include an advisory committee from the private sector, and could also draw on existing advisory groups for assistance. The Task Force would report to the President through a Principals Committee of affected agencies. The work of the Task Force would be overseen by a Steering Committee consisting of the Deputy Attorney General, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, and a representative of one of the agencies reflecting civil concerns. The Task Force would have a nominal duration of 12 months. An important issue that remains to be addressed is how the Task Force would be funded. Preliminary Recommendation 2: Interim Operational Response We also propose establishing a single interagency coordinating group within the Department of Justice, chaired by the FBI, to handle the interim infrastructure assurance mission with regard to both physical and cyber threats and to coordinate the work of the government in this area. This group would facilitate rapid access to existing physical and cyber security efforts and expertise within the government. It would also act as a form of "yellow pages" to facilitate access to resources and expertise in the private sector, particularly with regard to cyber threats. Individuals agencies would continue to carry out their existing programs. In particular, DoD and JCS would continue to perform an emergency response function for their own assets and responsibilities. Nevertheless, their expertise might be called upon to assist in the event of a threat or attack to infrastructures outside of DoD. Conclusion I look forward to meeting with you (or, if you prefer, your Deputy) to discuss this subject and to decide on final recommendations to the President. Attachments FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
