
Office of the Press Secretary




THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. Please have a seat.

在过去的几周中,我一直在谈论我认为应该是一个国家的首要任务 - 为中产阶级和想要进入中产阶级的美国人建立更好的便宜货。同时,我专注于担任总司令的第一任责任,这使美国人的安全。最近几天,我们再次提醒我们对我们国家的威胁。


Now, keep in mind that as a senator, I expressed a healthy skepticism about these programs, and as President, I’ve taken steps to make sure they have strong oversight by all three branches of government and clear safeguards to prevent abuse and protect the rights of the American people. But given the history of abuse by governments, it’s right to ask questions about surveillance -- particularly as technology is reshaping every aspect of our lives.

I’m also mindful of how these issues are viewed overseas, because American leadership around the world depends upon the example of American democracy and American openness -- because what makes us different from other countries is not simply our ability to secure our nation, it’s the way we do it -- with open debate and democratic process.


因此,今天,我想讨论四个具体的步骤 - 不是全包,而是我们将很快采取的一些具体步骤来向前推进辩论。

首先,我将与国会合作,对《爱国者法》第215条进行适当的改革 - 收集电话记录的计划。正如我所说,该计划是我们努力破坏恐怖分子情节的重要工具。而且它不允许政府无需授权就听任何电话。但是,鉴于该计划的规模,我了解那些担心可能会遭受虐待的人的担忧。因此,在与国会议员和公民自由主义者进行对话之后,我相信我们可以采取一些措施,使美国人民更有信心,以免有其他保障措施免受虐待。



人们提高的担忧之一是,居dge reviewing a request from the government to conduct programmatic surveillance only hears one side of the story -- may tilt it too far in favor of security, may not pay enough attention to liberty. And while I’ve got confidence in the court and I think they’ve done a fine job, I think we can provide greater assurances that the court is looking at these issues from both perspectives -- security and privacy.


Number three, we can, and must, be more transparent. So I’ve directed the intelligence community to make public as much information about these programs as possible. We’ve already declassified unprecedented information about the NSA, but we can go further. So at my direction, the Department of Justice will make public the legal rationale for the government’s collection activities under Section 215 of the Patriot Act. The NSA is taking steps to put in place a full-time civil liberties and privacy officer, and released information that details its mission, authorities, and oversight. And finally, the intelligence community is creating a website that will serve as a hub for further transparency, and this will give Americans and the world the ability to learn more about what our intelligence community does and what it doesn’t do, how it carries out its mission, and why it does so.

第四,我们组成了一群高级的外部专家,以审查我们的整个情报和通信技术。我们需要一个新时代的新思维。现在,我们必须通过在全球电信的大草场中找到针头来阐明恐怖分子。同时,技术赋予了政府 - 包括我们自己的 - 监视通信的前所未有的能力。

因此,我负责这个独立小组退后一步,审查我们的能力,尤其是我们的监视技术。And they’ll consider how we can maintain the trust of the people, how we can make sure that there absolutely is no abuse in terms of how these surveillance technologies are used, ask how surveillance impacts our foreign policy -- particularly in an age when more and more information is becoming public. And they will provide an interim report in 60 days and a final report by the end of this year, so that we can move forward with a better understanding of how these programs impact our security, our privacy, and our foreign policy.

So all these steps are designed to ensure that the American people can trust that our efforts are in line with our interests and our values. And to others around the world, I want to make clear once again that America is not interested in spying on ordinary people. Our intelligence is focused, above all, on finding the information that’s necessary to protect our people, and -- in many cases -- protect our allies.

的确,我们具有重要的功能。确实,我们表明了一个限制,世界上许多政府甚至都不认为要做,拒绝表现出来 - 顺便说一句,包括美国一些最具声音的批评家。我们不应该忘记政府根据严格的准则和狭窄目的在线收集信息的能力,以及其他一些政府愿意将自己的公民送入监狱的意愿。

让我再考虑一个想法。我们情报界的男人和女人每天都在工作以确保我们的安全,因为他们爱这个国家并相信我们的价值观。他们是爱国者。我相信那些代表隐私和公民自由的合法发表声音的人也是爱国者,他们热爱我们的国家,并希望它能辜负我们的最高理想。因此,这就是我们将如何解决在美国的差异 - 通过在我们的宪法的指导下进行激烈的公开辩论,对我们作为法律国家的历史以及对事实的尊重。

因此,这样,我将提出一些问题。让我们看看我们到了谁。我们将从AP的Julie Pace开始。

问谢谢,总统先生。I wanted to ask about some of the foreign policy fallout from the disclosure of the NSA programs that you discussed. Your spokesman said yesterday that there’s no question that the U.S. relationship with Russia has gotten worse since Vladimir Putin took office. How much of that decline do you attribute directly to Mr. Putin, given that you seem to have had a good working relationship with his predecessor? Also will there be any additional punitive measures taken against Russia for granting asylum to Edward Snowden? Or is canceling the September summit really all you can do given the host of issues the U.S. needs Russian cooperation for? Thank you.


的确,在我的头四年中,在与梅德韦杰夫总统合作时,我们取得了很大的进步。我们开始完成 - 或开始II。我们能够共同进行伊朗制裁。他们为我们在阿富汗提供部队方面提供了帮助。我们能够将俄罗斯带入世贸组织 - 这不仅对俄罗斯有益,而且对我们的公司和企业来说是有益的,因为它们更有可能遵循国际规范和规则。因此,已经做了很多好的工作,这将继续完成。确实是,当普京总统(当梅德韦杰夫担任总统)担任总理时,我认为我们在反美的俄罗斯一边看到了更多的修辞关于美国和俄罗斯之间的冷战竞赛。而且我鼓励普京先生想到前进,而不是在这些问题上倒退 - 取得了不同的成功。乐动冠军


And that's okay. Keep in mind that although I'm not attending the summit, I'll still be going to St. Petersburg because Russia is hosting the G20. That's important business in terms of our economy and our jobs and all the issues that are of concern to Americans.

I know that one question that's been raised is how do we approach the Olympics. I want to just make very clear right now I do not think it's appropriate to boycott the Olympics. We've got a bunch of Americans out there who are training hard, who are doing everything they can to succeed. Nobody is more offended than me by some of the anti-gay and lesbian legislation that you've been seeing in Russia. But as I said just this week, I've spoken out against that not just with respect to Russia but a number of other countries where we continue to do work with them, but we have a strong disagreement on this issue.





查克·托德(Chuck Todd)。

问谢谢,总统先生。鉴于您刚刚宣布了基于爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)对所有这些监视计划的泄漏的基本泄漏,这是改变吗?现在,他比他是黑客更重要的举报人,或者您在某个时候打电话给他,还是不应该提起指控的人?应该为他提供更多保护吗?他是爱国者吗?您只是用这些单词。然后只是跟进个人 - 我想跟进个人 -

总统:好的,我想确保 - 每个人都在问一个问题,这将是有帮助的。



因此,这里的问题确实与他们想乘坐俄罗斯的地方有关 - 这在政策方面是实质性的。和 -



See, now I’ve forgotten your first question, which presumably was the more important one. No, I don’t think Mr. Snowden was a patriot. As I said in my opening remarks, I called for a thorough review of our surveillance operations before Mr. Snowden made these leaks.

我的偏爱 - 我认为美国人民的偏爱 - 是为了合法的,有序地审查这些法律,这是一项基于事实的辩论,然后将我们带到一个更好的地方。因为我从来没有声称自从某些法律被以某种方式制定的时间以来已经开发出的所有监视技术不需要一些额外的改革。那正是我要求的。


但是话虽如此,一旦发生了泄漏,我们看到的是信息以滴滴和乏味的方式出现,有时是侧面出来的。信息发布后,管理进来,试图纠正记录。But by that time, it’s too late or we’ve moved on, and a general impression has, I think, taken hold not only among the American public but also around the world that somehow we’re out there willy-nilly just sucking in information on everybody and doing what we please with it.

That's not the case. Our laws specifically prohibit us from surveilling U.S. persons without a warrant. And there are a whole range of safeguards that have been put in place to make sure that that basic principle is abided by.

But what is clear is that whether, because of the instinctive bias of the intelligence community to keep everything very close -- and probably what’s a fair criticism is my assumption that if we had checks and balances from the courts and Congress, that that traditional system of checks and balances would be enough to give people assurance that these programs were run probably -- that assumption I think proved to be undermined by what happened after the leaks. I think people have questions about this program.

因此,因此,我认为对我们继续回答这些问题很重要。What I’m going to be pushing the IC to do is rather than have a trunk come out here and leg come out there and a tail come out there, let’s just put the whole elephant out there so people know exactly what they're looking at. Let’s examine what is working, what’s not, are there additional protections that can be put in place, and let’s move forward.



问谢谢,总统先生。我想问一下您有关在博客圈中,即使在参议院民主党核心小组中,您最终将为下一位美联储主席做出的选择,这些辩论在博客圈中,即使在参议院民主党核心小组中也发挥了作用。民主党人认为拉里·萨默斯(Larry Summers)具有内在的道路,也许您对他有所保证。珍妮特·耶伦(Janet Yellen)是美联储的副主席。参议院中有许多妇女是民主党人,他们认为打破玻璃天花板将是历史性和重要的。


Q Are you annoyed by this sort of roiling debate? Do you find it any way unseemly? And do you believe this will be one of the most important -- if not the most important -- economic decisions you’ll make in the remainder of your presidency?


我有一系列出色的候选人。您已经提到了其中两个 - 萨默斯先生和耶伦先生 - 耶伦女士。他们俩都很棒。

我认为,萨默斯先生可能有一条内在轨道的看法与我在萨默斯先生先生听到的一堆攻击有关,这是我不喜欢的标准华盛顿练习。Because when somebody has worked hard for me and worked hard on behalf of the American people, and I know the quality of those people, and I see them getting slapped around in the press for no reason -- before they’ve even been nominated for anything -- then I want to make sure that somebody is standing up for them. I felt the same way when people were attacking Susan Rice before she was nominated for anything. So I tend to defend folks who I think have done a good job and don't deserve attacks.

但是我认为他们两个杰出的候选人。米y main criteria -- I’ve stated this before, but I want to repeat it -- my main criteria for the Fed Reserve chairman is somebody who understands they’ve got a dual mandate. A critical part of the job is making sure that we keep inflation in check, that our monetary policy is sound, that the dollar is sound. Those are all critical components of the job. And we’ve seen what happens when the Fed is not paying attention. We saw, prior to Paul Volcker coming into place, inflation shooting up in ways that really damaged the real economy.

但是另一个任务是充分就业。现在,如果您看我们面临的最大挑战,挑战不是通货膨胀。面临的挑战是,我们仍然有太多的人失业,长期失业,经济中的懈怠过多,而且我们的增长速度并没有那么快。And so I want a Fed chairman who’s able to look at those issues and have a perspective that keeps an eye on inflation, makes sure that we’re not seeing artificial bubbles in place, but also recognizing, you know what, a big part of my job right now is to make sure the economy is growing quickly and robustly, and is sustained and durable, so that people who work hard in this country are able to find a job.

而且,坦率地说,我认为拉里·萨默斯(Larry Summers)和珍妮特·耶伦(Janet Yellen)都是高素质的候选人。还有其他几个候选人也有很高的资格。我将在秋天做出决定。

问:您能看到您对拉里·萨默斯(Larry Summers)的看法如何像刚刚一样大力捍卫萨默斯(Larry Summers),而在其他地方则使一些人相信您已经下定决心?





问我愿意。我必须告诉你 -





And if you look at the reports -- even the disclosures that Mr. Snowden has put forward -- all the stories that have been written, what you're not reading about is the government actually abusing these programs and listening in on people's phone calls or inappropriately reading people's emails. What you're hearing about is the prospect that these could be abused. Now, part of the reason they're not abused is because these checks are in place, and those abuses would be against the law and would be against the orders of the FISC.


所以在光的环境变化whole set of questions have been raised, some in the most sensationalized manner possible, where these leaks are released drip by drip, one a week, to kind of maximize attention and see if they can catch us at some imprecision on something -- in light of that, it makes sense for us to go ahead, lay out what exactly we're doing, have a discussion with Congress, have a discussion with industry -- which is also impacted by this -- have a discussion with civil libertarians, and see can we do this better.



另一件事是,随着技术的进一步发展,技术本身可以为我们提供一些其他保障措施。So, for example, if people don’t have confidence that the law, the checks and balances of the court and Congress are sufficient to give us confidence that government is not snooping, well, maybe we can embed technologies in there that prevent the snooping regardless of what government wants to do. I mean, there may be some technological fixes that provide another layer of assurance.

And so those are the kinds of things that I’m looking forward to having a conversation about.

Q Can you understand, though, why some people might not trust what you're saying right now about wanting to --


问 - 他们应该对这个过程感到满意吗?


If I tell Michelle that I did the dishes -- now, granted, in the White House I don’t do the dishes that much -- (laughter) -- but back in the day -- and she’s a little skeptical, well, I’d like her to trust me, but maybe I need to bring her back and show her the dishes and not just have her take my word for it.

因此,该计划是 - 我很舒服,目前没有滥用该计划。I’m comfortable that if the American people examined exactly what was taking place, how it was being used, what the safeguards were, that they would say, you know what, these folks are following the law and doing what they say they’re doing.

But it is absolutely true that with the expansion of technology -- this is an area that’s moving very quickly -- with the revelations that have depleted public trust, that if there are some additional things that we can do to build that trust back up, then we should do them.

Jonathan Karl.



And I’d refer you back to that speech just back in May where I said specifically that although they are less likely to be able to carry out spectacular homeland attacks like 9/11, they have the capacity to go after our embassies. They have the capacity, potentially, to go after our businesses. They have the capacity to be destabilizing and disruptive in countries where the security apparatus is weak. And that’s exactly what we are seeing right now.

So it’s entirely consistent to say that this tightly organized and relatively centralized al Qaeda that attacked us on 9/11 has been broken apart and is very weak and does not have a lot of operational capacity, and to say we still have these regional organizations like AQAP that can pose a threat, that can drive potentially a truck bomb into an embassy wall and can kill some people.

And so that requires us, then, to make sure that we have a strategy that is strengthening those partners so that they’ve got their own capacity to deal with what are potentially manageable regional threats if these countries are a little bit stronger and have more effective CT and so forth. It means that we’ve got to continue to be vigilant and go after known terrorists who are potentially carrying out plots or are going to strengthen their capacity over time -- because they’re always testing the boundaries of, well, maybe we can try this, maybe we can do that. So this is a ongoing process. We are not going to completely eliminate terrorism. What we can do is to weaken it and to strengthen our partnerships in such a way that it does not pose the kind of horrible threat that we saw on 9/11.



THE PRESIDENT: I will not have a discussion about operational issues.

埃德·亨利(Ed Henry)。








关于医疗保健,我不仅选择自己延迟这一点。这是与全国各地的企业进行协商changing their HR operations, if they’ve got a lot of employees, which could be costly for them, and them suggesting that there may be easier ways to do this.

Now, what’s true, Ed, is, is that in a normal political environment, it would have been easier for me to simply call up the Speaker and say, you know what, this is a tweak that doesn’t go to the essence of the law -- it has to do with, for example, are we able to simplify the attestation of employers as to whether they’re already providing health insurance or not -- it looks like there may be some better ways to do this; let's make a technical change to the law. That would be the normal thing that I would prefer to do.

But we're not in a normal atmosphere around here when it comes to "Obamacare." We did have the executive authority to do so, and we did so. But this doesn't go to the core of implementation. Let me tell you what is the core of implementation that's already taken place. As we speak, right now, for the 85 percent of Americans who already have health insurance, they are benefiting from being able to keep their kid on their plan if their kid is 26 or younger. That's benefiting millions of young people around the country, which is why lack of insurance among young people has actually gone down. That's in large part attributable to the steps that we've taken.


老年人一直在处方药折扣。这正在发生。免费预防性护理 - 乳房X线照片,避孕。这正在发生。今天,我在一项签署法案的情况下遇到了一个年轻人,我正在与学生贷款账单进行签约,他来找我,说谢谢 - 他不能超过25岁,26岁 - 谢谢您;我患有癌症,这要归功于与加利福尼亚计划合作的《负担得起的护理法》,我能够获得医疗保健,现在正在缓解。因此,现在人们已经在受益。

Now, what happens on October 1st, in 53 days, is for the remaining 15 percent of the population that doesn’t have health insurance, they're going to be able to go on a website or call up a call center and sign up for affordable quality health insurance at a significantly cheaper rate than what they can get right now on the individual market. And if even with lower premiums they still can't afford it, we're going to be able to provide them with a tax credit to help them buy it. And between October 1st into March there will be an open enrollment period in which millions of Americans for the first time are going to be able to get affordable health care.

现在,我认为真正有趣的问题是,为什么我的朋友在另一方中提出了阻止这些人获得医疗保健的想法,他们的圣杯是他们的首要任务。目前,共和党中的一个统一原则是确保3000万人没有医疗保健,大概是废除了我刚才提到的所有这些好处 - 孩子们遵守父母的计划;老年人可以享受处方药的折扣;我猜恢复了保险的终身限制;患有现有条件的人继续被阻止能够获得健康保险。


这个想法仅仅是,如果没有它,这3000万人或从负担得起的护理的其他方面受益的1.5亿人将更好。这是他们的主张 - 不是事实支持,而不是得到任何证据的支持。它只是一种意识形态的固定。

Well, I tell you what, they're wrong about that. There is no doubt that in implementing the Affordable Care Act, a program of this significance, there are going to be some glitches. No doubt about it. There are going to be things where we say, you know what, we should have thought of that earlier. Or this would work a little bit better. Or this needs an adjustment. That was true of Social Security. That was true of Medicare. That was true of the Children’s Health Insurance Program. That was true of the prescription drug program, Part D, that was rolled out by a Republican President and supported by Republicans who are still in the House of Representatives. That's true, by the way, of a car company rolling out a new car. It’s true of Apple rolling out the new iPad.



杰西卡·耶林(Jessica Yellin)。


THE PRESIDENT: Well, I’m not going to engage in hypotheticals. I can tell you that the American people would have difficulty understanding why we would weaken our economy, shut down our government, shut down vital services, have people who are not getting paid who then can't go to restaurants or shop for clothes, or all the other things that we’re doing here because Republicans have determined that they don't want to see these folks get health care.

同样,他们曾经说过要替代。那从来没有真正到达,对吗?我的意思是,两年来,我一直在听说整个替代事情 - 现在我没有听说过,因为基本上他们没有议程以可承受的价格为人们提供健康保险。以及您将在恢复受到一些吸引力的时候关闭政府的想法;我们正在成长的地方,尽管不如我们需要的快;住房市场正在恢复的地方,尽管不如我们想要的那么快;我们将在华盛顿造成另一场危机,没有经济学家认为这是一个好主意 - 我假设他们不会走这条路。我有信心,最终常识将占上风。

Q And if they do, sir, you will have to make that choice?

THE PRESIDENT: We’ll see what happens. We’ve got a couple of months.

Q When’s the last time you spoke to Speaker Boehner about the budget?


好的。斯科特·霍斯利(Scott Horseley)。




So when I hear the opposition to immigration reform, I just run through the list of things they’re concerned about, I look at what the Senate bill does, and I say to myself, you know what, the Senate bill actually improves the situation on every issue that they say they’re concerned about.

Now, what they may argue is it doesn’t solve the problem 100 percent. I don’t know a law that solves a problem 100 percent. Social Security lifted millions of seniors out of poverty, but there are still some poor seniors. The Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act drastically reduced discrimination in America, but there’s still discrimination. That doesn’t make them bad laws, it just means that there are very few human problems that are 100 percent solvable.

So what I see right now is a strong bipartisan vote coming out of the Senate. I think that the Speaker and others have said they need to do something, and I’d urge, when they get back, to do something -- put forward a bill that has an opportunity to actually pass. It may not be precisely what’s in the Senate bill. My preference would be for them to go ahead and call the Senate bill. But if they’ve got some additional ideas, I think the Senate is happy to consider them. And get that bill on the floor, put it up for a vote.

我绝对可以肯定,参议院法案的投票加强了边境安全;要求无证件工人的责任支付罚款,支付罚款并延伸到界限;改革我们的法律移民体系;要求雇主承担责任 - 我绝对相信,如果该法案在房屋地板上,那将通过。


这是您实际上达成了一些广泛共识的地方。我不知道您有劳动的问题,商会,福音派,学生团体 - 您命名 - 支持账单。让我们完成它。


