[联邦注册卷第78卷,第78卷(2013年4月23日,星期二)] [通知] [第23916-23917页]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------商业专利和商标办公室保密和出口行动许可:拟议收集;评论请求。------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------摘要:美国专利和商标局(USPTO),作为减少文书工作和受访者负担的持续努力的一部分,邀请一般公众和其他联邦机构,借此机会根据1995年《简报法》,《公法104-13》(44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(a))对持续信息收集发表评论。日期:书面评论必须在2013年6月24日之前或之前提交。地址:您可以通过以下任何方法提交评论:电子邮件:[电子邮件保护]在消息的主题行中包括``0651- 0034评论''。邮件:美国专利和商标办公室首席信息官办公室记录官Susan K. Fawcett,P.O。Box 1450,Alexandria,VA 22313-1450。联邦规则制定门户网站:http://www.regulations.gov。有关更多信息,请联系:请求其他信息请求向美国专利法律管理局法律顾问劳尔·塔玛约(Raul Tamayo),美国专利和商标办公室Box 1450,Alexandria,VA 22313-1450;致电571-272-7728;或通过电子邮件到[电子邮件保护]在主题行中使用``文书工作''。有关此集合的其他信息也可以从http://www.reginfo.gov获得``信息收集评论''。专利和专利申请中包含的信息以及外国专利申请的申请。特别是,每当有兴趣的政府机构的负责人认为,每当出版或通过授予专利的发明或授予专利的发明,都必须对国家安全有害。在美国专利和商标局(USPTO)必须发布保密命令,并在国家利益所需的期限内拒绝授予专利。只要保密命令有效,就不会在申请上颁发专利。如果将保密命令应用于国际申请,只要保密命令有效,该申请就不会转发给国际局。可以发出三种类型的保密订单,每种范围。在某些国家 /地区,第一类,保密命令和外国申请的许可,旨在允许在专利申请中最广泛地利用技术数据,同时仍控制任何将导致非法出口的出版物或披露。第二种类型的保密命令和披露机密信息的许可是以与任何其他分类材料相同的方式处理以专利申请给出的机密技术数据。 The third type of secrecy order is used where the other types of orders do not apply, including orders issued by direction of agencies other than the Department of Defense. Under the provision of 35 U.S.C. 181, a secrecy order remains in effect for a period of one year from its date of issuance. A secrecy order may be renewed for additional periods of not more than one year upon notice by a government agency that the national interest continues to so require. The applicant is notified of such renewal. When the USPTO places a secrecy order on a patent application, the rules authorize the applicant to petition the USPTO for permits to allow disclosure, modification, or rescission of the secrecy order, or to obtain a general or group permit. In each of these circumstances, the petition is forwarded to the appropriate defense agency for decision. Also, the Commissioner for Patents at the USPTO may rescind any order upon notification by the heads of the departments and the chief officers of the agencies who caused the order to be issued that the disclosure of the invention is no longer deemed detrimental to the national security. Unless expressly ordered otherwise, action on the application and prosecution by the applicant will proceed during the time the application is under secrecy order to a specific point as indicated under 37 CFR 5.3. Applications under secrecy order that come to a final rejection must be appealed or otherwise prosecuted to avoid abandonment. Appeals in such cases must be completed by the applicant, but unless specifically indicated by the Commissioner for Patents at the USPTO, will not be set for hearing until the secrecy order is removed. In addition to the issuance of secrecy orders, the USPTO is required to grant foreign filing licenses to applicants. The filing of a patent application is considered a request for a foreign filing license. However, in some instances an applicant may need a license for filing patent application in foreign countries prior to a filing in the USPTO or sooner than the anticipated licensing of a pending patent application. To file a patent application in a foreign country, the applicant can petition the USPTO for a foreign filing license either with or without a corresponding United States application. In addition, the applicant can petition to change the scope of a license and, when a patent application is filed through error in a foreign country without the appropriate filing license, an applicant can petition the USPTO for a retroactive license. This collection includes the information needed by the USPTO to review and issue or revoke the various types of petition contemplated herein. This collection of information is required by 35 U.S.C. 181-188 and administered through 37 CFR 5.1-5.33. There are no forms associated with this collection of information. II. Method of Collection By mail, facsimile or hand carried to the USPTO. III. Data OMB Number: 0651-0034. Form Number(s): None. Type of Review: Revision of a currently approved collection. Affected Public: Businesses or other for-profits; not-for-profit institutions. Estimated Number of Respondents: 2,294 responses per year. The USPTO estimates that approximately 25% (574) of these responses will be from small entities. Estimated Time per Response: The USPTO estimates that it will take the public from 30 minutes (0.5 hours) to 4 hours to gather the necessary information, prepare the appropriate documents, and submit the information required for this collection. Estimated Total Annual Respondent Burden Hours: 1,431 hours. Estimated Total Annual Respondent Cost Burden: $570,598. The USPTO expects that the information in this collection will be prepared by attorneys at an estimated rate of $371 per hour. Therefore, the USPTO estimates that the respondent cost burden for this collection will be approximately $530,901 per year. [[Page 23917]] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimated Estimated Item Estimated time for response annual annual burden responses hours ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Petition for Rescission of Secrecy Order...... 3 hours......................... 8 24 Petition to Disclose or Modification of 2 hours......................... 12 24 Secrecy Order. Petition for General and Group Permits........ 1 hour.......................... 1 1 Petition for Expedited Handling of License (no 30 minutes...................... 1,900 950 corresponding application). Petition for Expedited Handling of License 30 minutes...................... 300 150 (corresponding U.S. application). Petition for Changing Scope of License........ 30 minutes...................... 3 2 Petition for Retroactive License.............. 4 hours......................... 70 280 ------------------------------- Totals.................................... ................................ 2,294 1,431 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimated Total Annual (Non-hour) Respondent Cost Burden: $376,229. There are no capital start-up, maintenance, or record keeping costs associated with this information collection. However, this collection does have annual (non-hour) costs in the form of filing fees for the foreign filing petitions and postage costs. No fees are associated with the secrecy order petitions. The license petitions all charge the 37 CFR 1.17(g) fee, for which small and micro entity discounts have recently been introduced. The USPTO estimates that 25% of responses will come from small entities and 25% of small entities qualify as micro entities. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total non-hour Item Responses Filing fee cost burden (a) (b) (a) x (b) = (c) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Petition for Rescission of Secrecy Order..................... 8 $0.00 $0.00 Petition to Disclose or Modification of Secrecy Order........ 12 0.00 0.00 Petition for General and Group Permits....................... 1 0.00 0.00 Petition for Expedited Handling of License (no corresponding 1,306 200.00 261,200.00 application)................................................ Petition for Expedited Handling of License (no corresponding 475 100.00 47,500.00 application) (small entity)................................. Petition for Expedited Handling of License (no corresponding 119 50.00 5,950.00 application) (micro entity)................................. Petition for Expedited Handling of License (corresponding 206 200.00 41,200.00 U.S. application)........................................... Petition for Expedited Handling of License (corresponding 75 100.00 7,500.00 U.S. application) (small entity)............................ Petition for Expedited Handling of License (corresponding 19 50.00 950.00 U.S. application) (micro entity)............................ Petition for Changing Scope of License....................... 1 200.00 200.00 Petition for Changing Scope of License (small entity)........ 1 100.00 100.00 Petition for Changing Scope of License (micro entity)........ 1 50.00 50.00 Petition for Retroactive License............................. 47 200.00 9,400.00 Petition for Retroactive License (small entity).............. 18 100.00 1,800.00 Petition for Retroactive License (micro entity).............. 5 50.00 250.00 -------------------------------------------------- Totals................................................... 2,294 .............. 376,100.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The USPTO estimates that 99% of the petitions in this collection are submitted by facsimile or hand carried because of the quick turnaround required. For the 1% of the public that chooses to submit the petitions to the USPTO by mail through the United States Postal Service, the USPTO estimates that the average postage cost for a paper submission will be $5.60 (USPS Priority Mail, flat rate envelope) and that 23 submissions will be mailed to the USPTO per year for a total estimated postage cost of $129. Therefore, the USPTO estimates that the total (non-hour) cost burden for this collection in the form of filing fees and postage costs is estimated to be approximately $376,229. IV. Request for Comments Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized and/or included in the request for OMB approval. All comments will become a matter of public record. The USPTO is soliciting public comments to: (a) Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; (b) Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (c) Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses. Dated: April 18, 2013. Susan K. Fawcett, Records Officer, USPTO, Office of the Chief Information Officer. [FR Doc. 2013-09522 Filed 4-22-13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510-16-P