[联邦公报》:2009年5月21日(卷74,编号为97)][通知](页23901 - 23902)= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - -科学和技术政策办公室总统执行办公室;透明及公开政府摘要:二零零九年一月二十一日总统的备忘录透明度和公开政府,指示首席技术官与管理和预算办公室(OMB)和总务管理局(GSA)协调,制定一套建议,以通知公开政府指令。该指令将由行政管理和预算局发布,并将指示各行政部门和机构采取具体行动来实施总统备忘录中规定的原则。公众可以通过电子邮件或白宫网站参与制定建议的过程http://www.whitehouse.gov/open就可能采取的措施,以及如何增加政府的公开和透明度,提供意见、想法和建议。日期:意见必须在2009年6月19日前收到。地址:透过以下其中一种方式提交意见:http://www.whitehouse.gov/open。电子邮件:(电子邮件保护)。邮件:科学和技术政策,经办人的办公室:开放政府的建议,725街17号,华盛顿特区,在响应提交给本通知20502.意见可以提供给公众在网上或通过其他手段。出于这个原因,请不要在保密性质,您的评论信息,包括诸如个人敏感信息或专有信息。如果您提交的电子邮件评论,您的电子邮件地址会被自动捕获并作为被放置在公共案卷和互联网上公布的意见的一部分。欲了解更多信息,请联系:科学与技术政策,经办人的办公室:政务公开,725街17号,NW,华盛顿特区20502.补充信息:在他2009年1月21日,总统备忘录,以执行部门和机构负责人,发表在联邦纪事[74 FR 4685,2009年1月26日],主席简单介绍三个原则促进一个透明和开放的政府:透明度有助于促进问责制,什么他们的政府在做公民提供信息;参与提高政府的效率,并改善其决定通过窃听,被广泛地分散在社会中,知识的质量;和协作驾驭创新的工具,方法和制度,促进跨各级政府和私营部门的合作。总统备忘录要求的建议来通知OMB指令,将指导具体行动执行部门和机构实施的透明度,参与和合作的三大原则。这个联邦注册公告的目的是征求在这些建议的发展公众参与。 There is a great deal of dispersed information among the nation's citizens. With twenty-first century tools, the United States is in a unique position to take advantage of that dispersed information to inform the policymaking process. Our goal is to use the principles of open government to obtain fresh ideas about open government itself. Comments on open government may relate to government-wide or agency-specific policy, project ideas, and relevant examples. Comments may address law, policy, technology, culture, and practice on issues such as: What government information should be more readily available on-line or more easily searched? How might the operations of government be made more transparent and accountable? How might federal advisory committees, rulemaking, or electronic [[Page 23902]] rulemaking be better used to improve decisionmaking? What alternative models exist to improve the quality of decisionmaking and increase opportunities for citizen participation? What are the limitations to transparency? What strategies might be employed to adopt greater use of Web 2.0 in agencies? What policy impediments to innovation in government currently exist? What changes in training or hiring of personnel would enhance innovation? What performance measures are necessary to determine the effectiveness of open government policies? This public process is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person. John P. Holdren, Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy. [FR Doc. E9-12026 Filed 5-20-09; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3170-W9-P