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The President




When E.O. 12958 took effect in FY 1996, you called upon agency heads who have original classification authority to review carefully the number of officials within their agencies to whom they delegate this authority. In FY 1997 they again responded by reducing the number by over 400 individuals. We believe that some further reductions may be possible. However, it appears that some executive branch agencies are approaching the minimum necessary for effective operations.

We again report a decrease in the costs of implementing the security classification system. While Government agencies reported cost estimates 28 percent higher than in fiscal year 1996, industry achieved a dramatic 73 percent decrease in its cost estimates, thus creating an overall decrease in the program. We believe the increase for Government stems largely from the agencies' ability to estimate these costs more accurately. Moreover, a significant portion of the increase is reflected in the costs of information systems security. For industry, the dramatic decrease represents the affect that appears to be resulting from the consolidation of defense contractors.


Despite these very positive trends, we are concerned about the increase in classification activity for the second year in a row. While the reasons appear to be related to changes in the statistical collection methods rather than to increasing classified programs, we believe that the emphasis on declassification, combined with decreasing staff size, may be adversely limiting attention to classification standards and activity. Increased oversight and commitment by ISOO and the agencies are needed to curb this trend and to help ensure that the goals of the Order are met.


史蒂文·加芬克尔(Steven Garfinkel)

Summary of FY 1997 Program Activity








Executive Order 12958, "Classified National Security Information," signed by President Clinton on April 17, 1995, and effective on October 14, 1995, is a radical departure from the secrecy policies of the past. The first order to revise the security classification system since the end of the Cold War, E.O. 12958 includes major changes which should result in fewer new secrets and significantly more information being declassified. At the same time, the Order includes all of the necessary safeguards to protect appropriately classified information. Fiscal Year 1997 is the second full year of the Order's policies.

The declassification provisions of Section 3.4 contain the most far-reaching reforms in the new security classification system. This section, entitled "Automatic Declassification," requires the automatic declassification of most historically valuable information that is 25 years old. In the past, these older classified records remained classified indefinitely. Under E.O. 12958, these same records, including what may be billions of pages created over the past 50 years, will become automatically declassified five years from the issuance date of the Order, or April 17, 2000. In order to keep information classified beyond 25 years, agency heads must be able to demonstrate that particular information falls within a narrow exception to automatic declassification. That determination is then subject to outside review by an interagency panel of senior officials.






To meet the President's declassification targets detailed in Executive Order 12958, executive branch agencies were to declassify during FY 1996 at least 15 percent of their total records subject to the Order's automatic declassification provisions, "and similar commitments for subsequent years until the effective date for automatic declassification," i.e., April 17, 2000. Existing records subject to automatic declassification have been appraised as historically valuable and will be at least 25 years old in April 2000.





As a result of the ISOO review, six agencies withdrew entirely their requests for file series exemptions. The remaining 10 agencies that requested such exemptions have significantly narrowed the scope of their requests. Perhaps most important, for each of the remaining file series proposed for exemption, the agencies have established fixed dates to review them for declassification.

Other Positive Trends




The National Industrial Security Program:

In 1991, the President formally established the National Industrial Security Program (NISP) through Executive Order 12829. Its ultimate goal then, to make the executive branch's industrial security program more efficient and cost effective, remains obtainable only if there is a resurgence of commitment and support from senior officials within the agencies with large numbers of classified contracts.



初步结果表明,一些issues that were identified in the first NISP survey in the Boston area also exist for some contractors in the western regions, and in the Washington Metropolitan area. Some of these contractors expressed concerns about inconsistent application of reciprocity requirements for security clearances, the lack of specificity in some provisions of the NISPOM, and the reluctance by some user agencies or specific components to comply fully with the NISP. Despite these prevailing concerns, there is evidence of progress and program accomplishment, particularly in the area of cost savings, i.e., uniform physical security requirements; co-utilization of facilities; and better utilization of personnel resources formerly tied up with multiple agency inspections. ISOO expects to complete its analysis and issue its second survey report in FY 1998. Despite a general acknowledgment that the initial momentum of the NISP has tapered off, there remains a genuine feeling, particularly at the grass roots level, that a revitalized NISP is essential to continuing the dialogue between Government and industry begun by Executive Order 12829.

安全分类 - 花费多少?

The security classification program is now in its third year of reporting costs for both Government and industry. Congress first requested security classification cost estimates from the executive branch in 1994. The Office of Management and Budget reported those cost estimates to Congress while working with agencies to develop better sampling methodology for future years. Congress has continued to seek updated estimates. In addition, ISOO is tasked through Executive Order 12958 to report these costs to the President. Executive Order 12928, "National Industrial Security Program," also requires that industry or contractor costs be collected and reported by ISOO to the President.

Until the last few years, the costs for the security classification program were deemed non-quantifiable, intertwined with other somewhat amorphous overhead expenses. While many of its costs remain ambiguous, ISOO continues to ask questions about their makeup and is looking for ways to refine the methodology. ISOO can resolve some of the questions, but requiring exact responses to these cost collection efforts would be cost prohibitive. Consequently, ISOO relies on sampling and therefore the measurements of costs of the security classification system will be estimates. Nevertheless, by maintaining stability in methodology, ISOO should gain over time a good indication of the total cost burden and its upward and downward trends.


The data presented below were collected by categories based on common definitions developed by an executive branch working group. The categories are defined below.


Physical Security:涉及旨在保护和保护机密设施和信息的物理措施的一部分安全措施,国内或国外。

Information Security:包括两个子类别:分类管理:识别,控制和保护未经授权的披露机密信息的行政政策和程序制度,该信息由行政命令或法规授权。分类管理包括用于识别,控制,传输,传输,检索,库存,存档,解密或破坏机密信息的那些资源。信息系统安全:确保机密性,完整性的衡量标准和控制措施,可以通过计算机或信息技术系统处理和存储的分类信息的可用性。它可以包括为计算机硬件和软件提供认可的保护系统所需的所有安全功能,以及自动化系统中的分类信息材料或过程。


Security Management and Planning:Development and implementation of plans, procedures and actions to accomplish policy requirements, develop budget and resource requirements, oversee organizational activities and respond to management requests related to classified information.

独特的项目:Those department or agency-specific activities that are not reported in any of the primary categories but are nonetheless significant and need to be included.






The Government cost estimate shows a significant 28 percent increase above the cost estimate reported for FY 1996. Industry, on the other hand, reported a dramatic 73 percent reduction in its cost estimate. The total cost estimate for Government and industry for 1997 is $4.1 billion, 21 percent below the total cost estimate for 1996 of $5.2 billion.




It appears that both Government and industry efforts to refine their collection methods have paid off with more accurate data. The refining process seems to be a continuous one, as well it should be given the many variables in the security classification program. A better understanding of costs should help considerably in the management of the security classification program.



Original classification authorities, also called original classifiers, are those individuals designated in writing, either by the President or by selected agency heads, to classify information in the first instance. Under Executive Order 12958, only original classifiers determine what information, if disclosed without authority, could reasonably be expected to cause damage to the national security. Original classifiers must also be able to identify or describe the damage.


In fiscal year 1997, agencies reported decreases in the number of original classifiers for the Top Secret and Confidential classification levels and an increase of original classifiers for the Secret classification level. At the Top Secret level, agencies reported a decrease of 23 percent, and a 73 percent decrease was reported by agencies at the Confidential level. The number of Secret original classifiers increased by 23 percent or 528 additional classifiers. The Department of State is responsible for 97 percent of the total decrease in Confidential original classifiers. However, at the same time that State decreased its Confidential original classifiers, it increased the number of Secret original classifiers by 60 percent, which more than accounts for the total increase in Secret original classifiers. Including its decrease in Top Secret original classifiers, overall, State still realized a 5 percent decrease in total original classifiers. In addition to the Department of State, ISOO wishes to recognize six other agencies for their efforts to reduce the number of original classifiers. Most impressive were the efforts of CIA and Justice, which reported decreases of 80 percent and 51 percent, respectively. Although the reductions in the number of original classifiers are not as significant as the CIA and Justice, ISOO wishes to recognize Commerce, AID, DOE, and ACDA for their efforts to reduce their number of original classifiers.



For FY 1997, agencies reported a total of 158,788 original classification decisions. This figure represents an increase of 51 percent over the number of original classification decisions reported in FY 1996. By classification level, Top Secret decreased by 2 percent, while Secret increased by 81 percent and Confidential by 20 percent. Increased activity in military operations, the revision of classification guides, and improved counting systems for the data collection help to explain this increase. Although original classification increased significantly in FY 1997, the number of decisions made by original classifiers is lower than reported in previous fiscal years under prior executive orders. Executive branch classifiers are in the second year of implementation of this Order.

Three agencies-- DOD, Justice, and State-- now account for 94 percent of all original classification decisions. DOD reported a total of 89,414 original classification decisions, which represents a 79 percent increase from the previous year. This increase can be attributed in part to the review and issuance of new security classification guides as part of the continuing implementation of the requirements of Executive Order 12958. Probably the most significant factor contributing to the increase is the number of military operations and exercises conducted by the services and components during fiscal year 1997. Justice also reported a large increase from fiscal year 1996 of 57 percent. State continued its downward trend in original classification activity by 4 percent.

Several agencies with smaller security classification programs reported marked decreases in the number of original classification decisions. In particular, ISOO commends DOT, OSTP, and USTR, which reported decreases of 97 percent, 75 percent, and 76 percent, respectively, in the number of original classification decisions.

作为原始分类过程的一部分,分类器必须确定保护信息的时间范围。这通常称为分类的“持续时间”。行政命令12958在原始分类时创建了三个可能的结果。首先,如果适用于信息的国家安全敏感性持续时间,则应在特定日期或事件时标记为解密的信息。例如,分类器可以确定信息的敏感性将在完成特定项目的完成后消失。该事件将在文档的面上注明,并且当项目完成后,信息将自动解解。其次,如果原始分类机构无法确定解密的较早特定日期或事件,则应从原始决定之日起10年来标记为解密的信息。第三,如果特定信息属于八个类别中的一个或多个,则分类器可以在10年时将其豁免。在几乎所有情况下,这将导致信息在25年时自动解密。通过E.O的签发,消除了根据第12356号行政命令第12356号行政命令“所需的确定”或“ OADR”的无限持续时间标记。 12958.

在1997财政年度,分类器选择丧失地位ification upon a specific date or event less than 10 years, or upon the 10-year date for 73,250 original classification decisions. On the remaining 85,538 original classification decisions, original classifiers chose the exempted from 10-year declassification instruction. In both years under this new Order, approximately half of all original classification actions were marked for automatic declassification in 10 years or less. This represents a dramatic change from the figures reported under prior systems, when more than 90 percent of original decisions were marked for indefinite classification. ISOO will look closely at this aspect of the classification process as it monitors the security classification system in the coming years. The long-term effect of assigning a specific date, event or 10-year date bodes well for the classification system in that more information will be declassified earlier, without the need for costlier reviews in the future.




国防部的导数分类活动增加by 67 percent for fiscal year 1997. However, the number of classification decisions, all derivative, reported by the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) for fiscal year 1997 but unreported in prior years, account for the entirety of the increase. Without NRO's decisions, DOD would have reported a 27 percent decrease in derivative classification decisions. NRO provides support for the missions of both the DOD and Intelligence Communities and generates significant amounts of generally short-lived classified information in support of those missions. The continuing military operations in Bosnia, the Gulf and elsewhere also contributed significantly to this total. In addition to NRO, the military services are responsible for most of the remaining DOD derivative classification activity. Army leads the way for the second straight year after previously classifying less information than either Air Force or Navy. Understandably, international conflicts or incidents affect classification activity more than any other stimulus. In ISOO's experience, this is especially true when a deployment is planned over a period of time, since that time frame will generate a large quantity of initial planning and intelligence information, much of which will be classified.

During fiscal year 1997, the four major classifying agencies reported very different results for derivative classification activity. This year DOD has the distinction of derivatively classifying the most information of the four agencies. CIA managed a significant 33 percent decrease in its derivative activity for FY 1997. State reported a modest four percent decrease, while Justice reported a 58 percent increase. All other agencies reported 41,605 derivative classification actions, a 31 percent increase from the year before.








在1997财政年度,解密活动继续其戏剧性的上升趋势。这种向上的趋势再次可以直接归因于两个解密程序:(1)“自动解密”,E.O。第3.4节。12958;(2)“系统解密审查”,该命令的第3.5节,这很明显是由自动解密程序开始的。“自动解密”计划始于1995年10月中旬,其有效的行政命令12958年。根据“自动解密”计划,所评估为具有永久历史价值的信息一旦达到25岁,除非代理机构负责人,否则将自动解释。已经确定它属于允许继续分类的狭窄豁免。1996财年是该计划实施的第一年。从1972年开始,“对解密的系统审查”是该计划,该计划在记录达到特定年龄之后为解密的目的而审查了分类的永久有价值的记录。在E.O.12356年,奈良是对其机密持有的系统审查所需的唯一机构。 Now E.O. 12958 requires all agencies that originate classified information to establish and conduct a systematic declassification review program.



Mandatory Review





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