第114届国会2d会议第4922号决议修订《美国法典》第5编第552节,将《信息自由法》的要求适用于国家安全委员会及其他目的。_______________________________________________________________________众议院的2016年4月13日Walorski夫人提出了以下议案;这是指监管和政府改革委员会_______________________________________________________________________法案修改第552节标题5,美国代码,应用的信息自由法的要求,国家安全委员会和其他用途。由美利坚合众国参议院和众议院在国会中集合制定,第一节。短标题。该法案可被称为《2016年国家安全法透明度法案》。秒。2。发现。国会发现:(1)奥巴马政府经常声明他们对透明度的承诺,并发布了一份透明和公开的政府备忘录,称“透明度促进问责制,并为公民提供有关政府正在做什么的信息。”(2)根据法规,国家安全委员会(NSC)有权就与国家安全相关的国内、国外和军事政策的整合向总统提供咨询,并执行总统指示的其他职能。 (3) The NSC maintained an active Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) program and responded to requests under Presidents Ford, Carter, Reagan, and George H.W. Bush. (4) The 1996 case that eliminated the FOIA requirement for the NSC, Armstrong vs Executive Office of the President, concluded that the NSC does not exercise sufficiently independent authority. (5) In the 20 years since the Armstrong case, former Secretaries and Cabinet officials, including Leon Panetta and Robert Gates, have spoken out concerning the increasing centralization of power at the White House, and the NSC in particular. (6) The Obama Administration issued Presidential Policy Directive 1 on February 13, 2009, which established the roles and responsibilities for the NSC and established the National Security Advisor as the principal advisor to the President. (7) The NSC has grown 20 times in size since the 1960s and now has approximately 400 employees. (8) The NSC's growth has accelerated in the recent administrations, the NSC doubled in size to approximately 100 under President Clinton, the NSC doubled in size again to approximately 200 under President George W. Bush, and has doubled again under President Obama to nearly 400 employees. (9) Successive administrations have shifted the NSC's role beyond coordinating and advising as was intended by the National Security Act of 1947 and now use the NSC as the final approval for military operations as well. (10) General Norton Schwartz, former Chief of Staff of the Air Force stated, ``The NSC should not be activists. They should have a limited, if any role, in execution.''. (11) Brent Scowcroft, National Security Advisor to Presidents Ford and George H.W. Bush stated, ``The basic rule is that you shouldn't have so many people that you can duplicate the work of the departments.''. (12) The Presidential Records Act has been applied to the NSC, given the NSC's growing autonomy and level of responsibilities, the NSC should instead follow the disclosure requirements of the FOIA and be obligated to preserve its records in accordance with the Federal Records Act. SEC. 3. APPLICATION OF THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT TO THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL. Section 552(f)(1) of title 5, United States Code (commonly referred to as the Freedom of Information Act), is amended by inserting ``and the National Security Council'' after the ``Executive Office of the President''. SEC. 4. APPLICATION. The amendment made by section 3 shall apply with respect to any record created by the National Security Council before, on, or after the date of the enactment of this Act.