



在此期间,法国总统查尔斯德戴乐乐的政策导致法国与美国之间的严重差异,特别是对北约军事方的法国退出和法国决心建立单独的核武器(Force de Frappe)。然而,法国继续在柏林坚定的三方政策继续支持,法国人被捷克斯洛伐克的华沙协议入侵同样震动。除了后者之外,法国在1968年的许多人在1968年与学生和工人骚乱的关注。在整个期间,美国和法国对越南略有不同的观点。

With regard to Scandinavia, the volume includes documentation on a problem that arose with Denmark in January 1968, when a nuclear-armed U.S. B-52 bomber crashed in Thule, Greenland, and raised the thorny issue of nuclear overflights and the storage of nuclear weapons. The documentation on Italy reflects U.S. interest in the internal political scene in Italy as the center-left coalition took power, as well as developments within the Italian Communist Party. Spain unsuccessfully demanded support of Spanish foreign policy initiatives--especially the return of Gibraltar from the British--and more concessions for a renewal of U.S. base rights in Spain. Portugal had to cope with low-level insurgencies in its African colonies of Angola and Mozambique and was not prepared to criticize America in Vietnam. The Salazar regime grew suspicious that the United States was aiding the rebels in Portuguese Africa and tired of U.S. efforts to prevent Portugal from obtaining military supplies. Portugal also used its defense and base agreements with the United States to try to wrest concessions from Washington. During the Johnson administration the Vatican had misgivings about U.S. policy in Vietnam, and Pope Paul VI made a concerted effort to mediate a Vietnam settlement. In 1967 both Vice President Hubert Humphrey and President Johnson met with the Pope to try to win the Vatican's understanding.



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