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来源注:以下社论简短发表于外交关系of the United States, 1964-1968, vol. XII, Western Europe, pp. XXXI-XXXV, April 16, 2001.


In compliance with the外交关系of the United Statesstatute to include in the外交关系series comprehensive documentation on major foreign policy decisions and actions, the editors have sought to present essential documents regarding major covert actions and intelligence activities. The following note will provide readers with some organizational context on how covert actions and special intelligence operations in support of U.S. foreign policy were planned and approved within the U.S. Government. It describes, on the basis of previously-declassified documents, the changing and developing procedures during the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson Presidencies.


The Truman administration's concern over Soviet "psychological warfare" prompted the new National Security Council to authorize, in NSC 4-A of December 1947, the launching of peacetime covert action operations. NSC 4-A made the Director of Central Intelligence responsible for psychological warfare, establishing at the same time the principle that covert action was an exclusively Executive Branch function. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) certainly was a natural choice but it was assigned this function at least in part because the Agency controlled unvouchered funds, by which operations could be funded with minimal risk of exposure in Washington.1

CLA的早期使用其新的秘密行动任务不满官员在国务院和国防部的部门。美国国务院,相信这个角色太重要了,不能单独中央情报局和关注的是,军方可能会造成在五角大楼一个新的对手秘密行动处,压重开的地方进行秘密行动活动的责任应该驻留的问题。因此,在1948年6月18日,一个新的NSC指令,NSC 10/2,取代NSC 4-A。

NSC 10/2针对中情局进行“隐蔽”,而不仅仅是“心理”操作,将它们定义为这是由这个政府对外国敌对国家或国家集团或支持对外友好国家或国家集团,但其中的进行或赞助的一切活动”如此策划与执行,对他们的任何美国政府的责任是不明显的未经授权的人,并且破获如果美国政府可以振振有词拒绝对他们的任何责任“。

The type of clandestine activities enumerated under the new directive included: "propaganda; economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance movements, guerrillas and refugee liberations [sic] groups, and support of indigenous anti-Communist elements in threatened countries of the free world. Such operations should not include armed conflict by recognized military forces, espionage, counter-espionage, and cover and deception for military operations."2

政策协调办公室(OPC),于1948年9月1日,新成立的中央情报局,按照NSC 10/2,承担了组织和管理秘密行动的责任。OPC,这是采取从国务院的指导在平时和战时军队,最初有美国国务院和军方的直接访问,而无需通过CLA的行政层次着手,提供中央情报主任(DCI)获悉所有重要项目和决定的。3In 1950 this arrangement was modified to ensure that policy guidance came to OPC through the DCI.

在朝鲜战争的OPC迅速增长。战时承诺和其他任务很快就取得秘密行动最昂贵的和官僚突出CLA的活动。关注这个情况,DCI沃尔特·比德尔·史密斯于1951年初要求NSC加强政策指导和中央情报局操作的正确“的范围和程度”执政党。白宫回应两项举措。在1951年4月,杜鲁门总统创建的NSC下的心理战略委员会(PSB),以协调政府各部门的心理战策略。NSC 10/5,在1951年10月颁布,重申了国家安全委员会10/2给出的秘密行动任务,并扩大了CLA的过游击战权威。4The PSB was soon abolished by the incoming Eisenhower administration, but the expansion of ClA's covert action writ in NSC 10/5 helped ensure that covert action would remain a major function of the Agency.


NSC 5422特别小组;二分之五千四百十二特别小组;303委员会

艾森豪威尔政府开始在1954年缩小CLA的纬度按照一系列国家安全委员会指令,中央情报总监对秘密行动的行为的责任被进一步明确。艾森豪威尔总统批准NSC 5412于1954年3月15日重申了中央情报局的海外秘密进行的行为负责。秘密行动的定义时曾明确载明;该DCI是与国务卿和国防部长的指定代表协调,以确保秘密行动的规划和与美国的外交和军事政策相一致的方式进行制作负责;和业务协调委员会被指定为协调对国务院,国防部和CIA之间的秘密行动支持正常渠道。国务卿,国防部长和总统的代表都在推动这一政策下中情局发起的重大秘密行动计划被告知并分别给出了这样的程序和各部门之间的支持安全协调政策审批的国务院和国防部和中央情报局。5

一年后,于1955年3月12日,NSC一分之五千四百十二发出,等同于NSC 5412除了指定的规划协调小组作为负责协调秘密行动的机构。1955年12月28日的NSC2分之5412,分配给代表国务卿,国防部长,并协调秘密行动的总统责任(助理部长等职)。由艾森豪威尔政府任期结束,这个群体,也就是后来被称为“NSC二分之五千四百十二特别小组”,或简称“特别小组”,成为执行机构来审查和批准中情局发起的秘密行动计划。6The membership of the Special Group varied depending upon the situation faced. Meetings were infrequent until 1959 when weekly meetings began to be held. Neither the CIA nor the Special Group adopted fixed criteria for bringing projects before the group; initiative remained with the CIA, as members representing other agencies frequently were unable to judge the feasibility of particular projects.7

1961年4月的猪湾失败后,通用马克斯韦尔·泰勒审查了肯尼迪总统的请求,美国准军事能力,并提交在六月其中建议加强秘密行动的高层次方向发展的报告。正如泰勒报告中,特别小组的结果,主持由总统特别助理国家安全事务麦克乔治·邦迪,以及包括副国务卿副U.亚历克西斯·约翰逊,国防部副部长罗斯韦尔·吉尔帕特里克,主任中央情报局外国人杜勒斯和一般工作人员李曼·雷姆尼泽联席会议主席,承担规划和审查秘密行动承担更大的责任。直到1963年的DCI确定的CLA发起的项目是否已提交特别小组。在1963年的特别小组制定的一般,但非正式的标准,包括风险,成功的可能性,潜在的暴露,政治敏感性和成本($ 25,000阈值是由CIA通过),决定秘密行动项目是否已提交给特别组。8


President Kennedy also established a Special Group (Counter-Insurgency) on January 18, 1962, when he signed NSAM No. 124. The Special Group (Cl), set up to coordinate counter-insurgency activities separate from the mechanism for implementing NSC 5412/2, was to confine itself to establishing broad policies aimed at preventing and resisting subversive insurgency and other forms of indirect aggression in friendly countries. In early 1966, in NSAM No. 341, President Johnson assigned responsibility for the direction and coordination of counter-insurgency activities overseas to the Secretary of State, who established a Senior Interdepartmental Group (SIG) to assist in discharging these responsibilities.10




1NSC 4-A, December 17, 1947, is printed in外交关系,1945至1950年,情报机构,文件257的产生。

2NSC 10/2, June 18, 1948, printed ibid., Document 292.

3Memorandum of conversation by Frank G. Wisner, "Implementation of NSC-10/2," August 12, 1948, printed ibid., Document 298.

4NSC 10/5“的范围和秘密行动的步伐,” 1951年10月23日,在迈克尔·华纳,编辑,The CIA Under Harry Truman(华盛顿特区:中央情报局,1994年),第437-439。

5威廉·M·利瑞,编辑,The Central Intelligence Agency: History and Documents,P(阿拉巴马出版社,1984年大学)。63;NSC 5412的文本定于出版外交关系,1950- 1960年,情报部门的发展。

6Leary,The Central Intelligence Agency: History and Documents,第63,147-148。;专责委员会,研究政府运作的最终报告关于情报活动,美国参议院,第一卷,外交和军事情报(1976), pp. 50-51. The texts of NSC 5412/1 and NSC 5412/2 are scheduled for publication in外交关系,1950- 1960年,情报部门的发展。

7Leary,The Central Intelligence Agency: History and Documents, p. 62


9See外交关系, 1961-1963, vol. X, Documents 270 and 278.

10For text of NSAM No. 124, see ibid., vol. VIIJ, Document 68. NSAM No. 341, March 2, 1966, is printed ibid., 1964-1968, vol. XXXIII, Document 56.

11对于NSAM 303号文,见同上,文档204。

12专责委员会,研究政府运作的最终报告关于情报活动,美国参议院,第一卷,外交和军事情报, pp. 56-57.

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