
标题:USS Simon Lake乘坐Joc Jon McMillan Naval Station Rota,西班牙 - USS Simon Lake(AS 33)最近在其历史上的最后一次离开了海军站Rota的海军驻地罗塔。35岁的潜艇招标是最终航行到美国,将在抵达时在那里退役。前西蒙湖船员,David Glasgow Farragut(DGF)高中音乐俱乐部和海军站,罗塔,指挥官和指挥硕士长均在手上看船。该船的指挥官Capt David Duffie提出了Rota的基地指挥官G. K. Stair Cair Cair,这是一个在海军站港口铺设的西蒙湖印刷品,并感谢罗拉多年来对西蒙湖的支持。Duffie还感谢DGF音乐俱乐部的成员参加船的最终告别欧洲。DGF音乐俱乐部主任Mark Bignell先生表示,孩子们“觉得他们已经做了一些特别的东西”。他还表示,父母“很高兴看到他们的孩子参加这样的活动。”对于大多数DGF音乐俱乐部而令人兴奋的情况,它正在为其他人说再见的人而搬家。“这是我第一次见到它正在进行中,”迪尔卡德尔德说。Lou Jorfi是一名Rota Sailor,他们在西蒙湖完成了两个旅游,20年间。 Jorfi said he has served eight tours on ships and submarines, but the two tours he spent with the Simon Lake were special. "I essentially made E4 and O4 on the Simon Lake,� he explained. �I also have two (battle) Es and two MUCs (Meritorious Unit Commendation Awards) and they come from that ship. That ship was kind like home [for me]." Simon Lake was forward deployed to Europe for more than half of its 35 years of service. The ship was homeported in Rota from 1972 to 1977 and has been homeported in Holy Loch, Scotland and La Maddalena, Italy. -USN-