1992年和1993财年的国防授权法(参议院 - 1991年8月2日)




主持人。The clerk will report the amendment.


The Senator from Michigan [Mr.Levin]提出了编号为1056的修正案。

莱文先生。Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that reading of the amendment be dispensed with.


The amendment is as follows:

On page 23, line 11, strike out `and' and all that follows through line 14, and insert in lieu thereof the following:







The B-2 bomber testing schedule has slipped 3 years and the trend is for continued slippage. This means that we will not know as much about the bomber's performance as early in the program as the Air Force had previously planned. This means greater concurrence and greater risk that more planes than desirable will be bought and produced without first knowing if it will work as required.





绝大多数飞行测试没有电动汽车en begun. More than 90 percent lies ahead of us. If the Defense Department wants to obligate these funds for these bombers, my amendment would require the Secretary of Defense to certify first that the bombers will work as required, not just that the limited flight test program has not yet produced any catastrophes. The certification of demonstrated success from testing is the key to the high degree of confidence the amendment requires.

总统先生,鉴于沉重的财政约束this Nation faces we must spend every Federal dollar wisely. We literally cannot afford to waste money. We cannot afford to buy a bomber that doesn't work as required. Many would argue that we can't afford the B-2 even if it does work, and I am sympathetic to their concerns. We need to review the affordability issue each year.

But surely the least we can do is require that DOD assures us that we are going to get what we pay for before we spend any more money. This amendment will help accomplish that.

The B-2 bomber program represents a large investment in a radical new aircraft design and technology. There are many critical elements of the program that are being tested that will demonstrate whether or not the aircraft will be able to perform the missions that were required at the outset of the B-2 program. Some of these critical elements include the terrain following/terrain avoidance radar system, the integrated offensive and defensive avionics systems, including critical defensive avionics systems, the low observable signature features, including radar cross section, infra red, electromagetic, optical, and sonic signature reduction features, flight characteristics throughout the flight speed and altitude envelope, including maximum airspeed flights at low altitude with representative operational gross weight loads, and weapon release characteristics for all weapons in the B-2 baseline program.

Some of these tests already have been conducted, while scheduled to be conducted by the end of calendar 1992.

If the Defense Department certifies as provided in section 118, (C)(6), then would the chairman be willing to hold, as soon as practicable during the 45-day period, a hearing, with a closed session if necessary, to consider the status of the B-2 test program and production schedule?

Mr. EXON. I appreciate the efforts of the distinguished Senator from Michigan to strengthen the committee's oversight of the B-2 program. I believe the Senator's amendment to section 118 is in the spirit of the recommendations contained in the recent Rand briefings and Rand's followup letter of July 31, 1991, to SenatorsNunn, Warner, Levin和myself. That letter recommended that the Secretary be asked to certify that:

First, sufficient testing has been completed on critical aspects of the systems design so as to enable officials to project, with high confidence, system capability to satisfy the operational needs of the using command, and

Second, any aspects of system performance, or elements of the system design, that are deemed critical to successfully achieving the above operational goals and that have not been successfully tested at the time that funds are to be expended should be identified, and the expected test schedule for those elements should be provided.

Accordingly, I want to assure the distinguished Sentor that when the certification under section 118(c) is received, I will immediately consult with the Senator and other members of the subcommittee to establish appropriate hearing dates and witnesses.

I ask unanimous consent that a copy of the Rand briefing and followup letter be printed in the Record.

There being no objection, the material was ordered to be printed in theRecord, 如下:

The Rand Corp.
Santa Monica, CA, July 31, 1991.

荣誉。卡尔·莱文(Carl Levin),


Dear Senator Levin:这封信是com回应你的要求ments on the phrasing of certain restrictions on use of funds appropriated for the B-2 bomber program. I specifically refer to Section 118, paragraph (C) in S-1507.

I agree with your objective of ensuring that reasonable progress is being made in the development and test program and that no evidence of potentially serious problems has been uncovered. Unfortunately, the process raises complex and troublesome issues. I shall discuss those issues briefly in order to lay a foundation for my recommendations.



My belief is that any attempt to list specific features for certification raises more problems than it solves. My recommendation is that when `fencing' the expenditure of authorized funds the Congress should ask the Secretary of Defense or other appropriate official to certify that:

(a) Sufficient testing has been completed on critical aspects of the system design so as to enable officials to project, with high confidence, system capability to satisfy the operational needs of the using command.

(b) Any aspects of system performance, or elements of the system design, that are deemed critical to successfully achieving the above operational goals and that have not been successfully tested at the time that funds are to be expended should be identified, and the expected test schedule for those elements should be provided.

An approach such as this clearly provides more flexibility to the DoD officials in terms of deciding exactly what is critical, and how much testing is needed to judge the performance to have been adequately demonstrated. However, my intention is to also place on those DoD officials the responsibility of identifying the full list of such critical elements, and of defending the contents of that list in a continuing dialog with the Congress. Of course, such a list of critical issues should be defined at the beginning of a program, and the System Maturity Matrix is a first step toward such an objective, but at this time in the B-2 program that process has not been refined to an adequate degree.


Cordially yours,

Giles K. Smith.

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(国防研究所国家安全研究总监副总裁Michael D. Rich的声明)



In 1987, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition requested that RAND conduct a study of the acquisition strategy of what was then known as the Advanced Technology Bomber. Our initial results, which I briefed to Secretary Weinberger, Secretary Aldridge, and several congressional audiences in the fall of 1987, gave high marks to the risk-reduction measures taken in the early phases of the program. However, we expressed considerable concern about the planned pace of the flight test program, which had not yet begun, and especially about the scheduled timing of key production go-aheads. We made several specific recommendations about both the test program and its relationship to the production program. The subsequent evolution of those programs reflected our recommendations.


1这部分研究由吉尔斯·史密斯(Giles K. Smith)在约翰·伯克勒(John Birkler)的指导下进行。

This research was performed for OSD and conducted within the National Defense Research Institute, the federally funded research and development center sponsored at RAND by OSD and the Joint Staff. The views expressed, however, are those of the research team and do not necesarily represent those of RAND or any of its research sponsors.


Over the past decade a series of initiatives from government commissions and from the Congress have urged the Department of Defense to devote more attention to testing activities during the weapons acquisition process. One special thrust has been to encourage the Services to not only do more, and better, operational testing, but also to defer high-rate production of a new system until its operational suitability and effectiveness have been demonstrated.

Given the mandate to demonstrate operational suitability and effectiveness of a new weapon system before authorizing high-rate production, the obvious question is, how much testing and demonstration are enough? The complete flight test program of a modern aircraft system typically extends four to five years after first flight. The industrial lead time from funding authorization to delivery of such a system is at least three years. Thus, to wait until the end of all testing before funding the first high-rate production lot would mean delivery of the first inventory aircraft at least seven years after first flight. Such a delay would be expensive and would diminish the combat advantage provided by the technology advances incorporated in the design.


Decision environment





One of the major steps in the present study was to assemble data from the flight test phase of previous combat aircraft development programs in order to get some idea of which of the alternative models is most accurate (Fig. 2). The following programs were examined in some detail: 2

2 Results were compared in a cursory manner with those from two other major combat aircraft developed in recent times, the F-15 and F-16, and no inconsistencies were found.

Figure 2: Research approach
B-1A, B-1B, F-117, F/A-18, C-5A.
Apply historical patterns to estimate future progress of B-2 flight test program.

The B-1A/B-1B bomber, the most recent bomber program and possibly the one most directly analogous to the B-2;

The F-117, our only operational stealth airplane;

The F/A-18 fighter, another recent major combat aircraft; and



When we examined the past programs it became apparent that we needed to distinguish between some different kinds of `positions' (Fig. 3):

[Page: S12071]

1. Those that seriously diminish the mission capability of the system, and that are so difficult or expensive to fix that they threaten the very life of the program;

Type 1: Potential program killers:
Seriously diminish mission capability.
Seriously diminish mission capability.
Can be corrected, but require time or funding beyond original program scope.

2. Other important problems that also affect mission capability but are capable of being corrected to an acceptable degree, although that corrective action causes important delays or increases in program cost.

3. Routine problems that can be corrected within the original program budget and schedule.

There are, of course, many problems discovered during flight test. Most are Type 3 (corrected within the scope of the original program) and therefore have little or no effect on mjaor program decisions. By focusing on the two knds of major problems that migh be uncovered during flight test, we concluded that we needed a two-step decision process when addressing the high-rate production decision.

First, it seems appropriate to demonstrate enough of the critical system capabilities so as to achieve high confidence that there are no flaws in the system concept so serious as to justify program cancellation. We refer to this as `proof of concept.'


By applying this analysis approach to the B-2 program we reached two conclusions (Fig 4.):

Fig. 4: Conclusions
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   --   --   --   -
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   --   --   --   -
High confidence in system concept by middle of CY 1992:
Verification of detection/survivability.
Delay beyond FY92 authorization for starting high-rate production likely to increase total production cost.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   --   --   --   -





Military weapon systems are typically designed against very demanding performance goals, and rarely does a new system fully achieve all such goals early in its operational life. But each new system is typically configured around a few critical design concepts and performance goals, such that failure to meet those goals jeopardizes the entire program. Those goals should be demonstrated to a rather high level of confidence. The question is, how much testing is needed in order to have high confidence that there are no remaining `show stopper' problems in the design?


我们接近这个问题在两个方面。首先,我们ught guidance from past experience. We reviewed a wide range of earlier aircraft weapon system programs, together with other systems that are technologically complex and challenging, to see when in the test programs project-threatening (Type 1) problems were revealed, and how often that occurred. Surprisingly, we found very few instances where major weapon system programs were cancelled because of problems revealed or confirmed during fullscale tests.

在过去的几十年中,我们认为这反映了现代技术和现代管理实践,我们发现只有两个计划在全面测试开始后被取消,并且在大量的连环生产开始之前:陆军的Divad Gun(The Sergeant York)和默认的彩虹导弹。根据在整个规模测试中揭示的主要设计或性能问题,没有取消飞机计划。



一件事明显从我们回顾过去的计划s was that the few Type 1 problems actually encountered in full scale system tests had usually been identified as critical issues during the engineering development phase. That gave us confidence that we should be able to create, a priori, a list of such critical issues for the B-2 and then see when in the flight test program we are likely to have accumulated some verification of performance in those areas.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   -------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   -------
Detection/Survivability End 1991.
Vehicle Performance Mid-1991.
Flying qualities throughout critical portion of envelope.
Propulsion system performance.
Airfield performance.
Limit load demo.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   -------

[Page: S12072]


2.Vehicle Performance: The novel vehicle configuration makes verification of basic flight vehicle performance especially important. This includes demonstration of acceptable flying qualities and performance levels throughout the critical portions of the speed-altitude envelope, demonstration of propulsion system performance, and demonstration of acceptable handling qualities and performance during take-off, landing, and ground operation. Adequate cruise efficiency should be demonstrated at gross weights representative of useful loads for typical missions. These characteristics have been adequately demonstrated through tests completed to date.

3. Structure Strength and Durability: The unusual configuration and the extensive use of composite materials suggest that validation of structure adequacy should be the next criterion for proof of concept. That should include verification of predicted air loads in critical maneuvers, together with the common practice of taking the static test specimen to at least 80 percent of ultimate load and the fatigue specimen to at least the equivalent of one operational lifetime. These performance characteristics should be adequately demonstrated by the end of this year.

4. Weapon Release: The unusual vehicle configuration suggests that weapon carriage and clean separation should be demonstrated. The necessary tests are expected to be performed during the first half of 1992.


3This conclusion is based on results of a still-classified antecedent RAND study performed in 1987, and is specific to the B-2 program at this point late in the overall development process. It should not be interpreted as a general conclusion; in fact, at the beginning of any modern combat aircraft program the electronic system must be considered among the elements deserving special attention during both development and test.

Provided the present test schedule is met, by some time during the first half of calendar year 1992 there should be considerable confidence that the basic system concept of the B-2 is sound.



To minimize total procurement cost, the expected cost of correcting flaws not yet discovered should not exceed the savings achieved through prompt start of high-rate production.


Direct cost of production delays

We start the process of estimating the cost consequences of delaying high-rate production by establishing a series of optional production rate profiles that, while not identical to any actual B-2 program schedules, are close enough for our purposes. We assume a Low Rate Initial production (LRIP) rate of two units per year, which is characteristic of actual appropriations in recent years. Following a decision to produce at higher rates, a build-up sequence of four and six units would occur in successive years, leading to a sustained maximum rate of 12 per year. We examined several such profiles, with each successive one containing an additional year of low-rate production.


Each year of delay in moving to rates beyond LRIP costs at least $400 million dollars. 5

4Note that these are generalized estimates based on our somewhat arbitary authorization profiles. Therefore, the cost values do not correspond to specific budget authorizations or requests for future authorizations, but the magnitudes and trends are consistent with official values.

5 This estimate is based on broad military aircraft industry averages for overhead rates and fixed costs. We recognize that the B-2 program is likely to experience higher levels of such fixed costs, which would strengthen our conclusions regarding the cost benefits of early production go-ahead.


Given the estimated cost of delaying production in order to gain more test information, the next step in estimating the total expected production cost is to determine the likely cost consequences of the risk remaining at each point in time during the test program. The `risk cost' is defined (Fig. 7) as the probability of some remaining undetected flaws, times the expected cost of correcting those flaws and retrofitting any previously-completed production items. Each of those elements can be estimated on the basis of previous experience.

剩余缺陷的概率:在我们检查的以前五个飞机开发计划中,我们试图确定满足“ 2型”标准的问题:

1. The design discrepancy had to be identified during the flight test phase. This eliminated any problems that had been identified during design or component test prior to flight test.


Total Cost equals Production Cost Plus Risk Cost.
Risk Cost Equals Risk: Probability that additional tests or operational service will reveal new flaws that require corrective action times Corrective costs: Cost of correcting deficiencies in units already funded when flaws were revealed.

2. The discrepancey had a significant effect on the basic mission capability of the system, and therefore had to be fixed.

3. The discrepancy had to be either expensive or time consuming to fix, so that it required changing the schedule or the budget of the project to a significant degree.


The data are plotted in Fig. 8. Figure 8 not reproducible in theRecord.It is apparent that the shape of the risk reduction trend in this data set more closely compares with Curve A in Fig. 1 than Curve B. By roughly mid-way in the test program there is a very low probability that an important flaw remains undetected. Even without further quantitative analysis, we believe this provides justification for rejecting the argument that production decisions should be delayed until `all testing has been completed.'


That process was repeated, using the arbitrary assumption that the B-2 program might take twice as much testing as historical evidence would indicate is needed to reveal major problems. The resulting `Pessimistic Case' risk profile is also shown in Fig. 9.


We would expect the cost of correcting flaws to vary with the time required to perform corrective engineering and to introduce the new design into the production line. That averages about three years, with a range of one to five years encompassing almost all data points. We used a reference value of three years, and a pessimistic upper limit of five years.


添加直接生产成本和风险的成本后果,可以估算每个生产概况的总生产成本。结果显示在图10中,其中我们绘制了假定的70-Airplane购买的预计生产成本与授权LRIP的生产的第一年。(图10在Record.) The lower curve is the estimate of direct production cost, whereas the upper curve includes the cost consequences of risk that we estimate are associated with each of the different years in which higher-rate production is first authorized.

We included in our calculations a series of cases in which we assumed that authorization for high-rate production had occurred in prior years. We did that to show a more complete picture of cost trends. In this chart only the last two points on the right, for FY92 and FY93, represent real opportunities at this time. We estimate that the minimum-cost point actually occurred several years ago. This is because the `risk cost' component of the total production cost is small compared to the direct production cost, so the trend of total expected cost is dominated by the cost of delaying production. Thus, any delay (at least since FY90) in authorizing production beyond LRIP appears to cause an increase in the expected total production cost.


All of the results shown above used constant FY91 dollars. To test the sensitivity of the conclusions of the escalation treatment, we repeated the analysis using then-year dollars, together with the most pessimistic combination of assumptions for the other variables (five-year lead time to correct problems, and the pessimistic risk profile). Results are similar to those for constant dollars, but with steeper slopes (i.e., larger cost penalties for each year of delay in authorizing high-rate production).






High confidence in system concept by middle of CY 1992: Verification of detection/survivability, flight vehicle well demonstrated, first looks at weapon release and mission equipment.

Delay beyond FY92 authorization for starting high-rate production likely to increase total production cost.


2. Under even the most pessimistic combinations of assumptions regarding the effect of problems not yet discovered, any delay beyond FY92 in authorizing high-rate production will likely cause an increase in total procurement cost of the system. This conclusion is valid even if the total production quantity is less than the current projection of 70 units.


Every program is different, and there is no promise that the conclusions drawn regarding the B-2 program will apply to the next program. However, it does seem that a policy of delaying production until the design is highly refined and demonstrated through exhaustive flight testing is not necessarily the best course in every program.




Mr. President, I would like to add, the Senator from Michigan is a tireless worker on the Armed Services Committee. We came to the Senate together, and I have tried to keep up the pace, but I have not equaled the pace in terms of his ability to perform homework.

When this subject of the B-2 bomber was under consideration by the Senate, he gave it his closest attention, and I am pleased to say I support the program.


莱文先生。Mr. President, first let me thank my dear friend from Virginia. The hour is late, so I will not be too rhapsodic for too long.

We are indeed good friends. We came to this body together and have a very lot of very close and good working relationships over the years. I thank him for his comments.



Again, I thank my friend from Virginia.

主持人。Is there further debate?



The amendment (No. 1056) was agreed to.

Mr. DIXON. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote.

华纳先生。I move to lay that motion on the table.

The motion to lay on the table was agreed to.