Striving For A Safer World Since 1945

In the latest episode of Above The Fray, FAS President Ali Nouri‘s video podcast, he and the Coronavirus Project team discuss how the important role of scientists during pandemics and how we can all pitch in to make the world safer.

Past episodes are available on YouTube.

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Environmental Assessment Reveals New Details About the Air Force’s ICBM Replacement Plan

Any time a US federal agency proposes a major action that “has the potential to cause significant effects on the natural or human environment,” they must complete an Environmental Impact Statement, or EIS. An EIS typically addresses potential disruptio …

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US Officials Give Confusing Comparisons Of US And Russian Nuclear Forces

By Hans M. Kristensen and Matt Korda October 22, 2020 [updated] In their effort to paint the New START treaty as insufficient and a bad deal for the United States and its allies, Trump administration official have recently made statements suggesting th …

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At 11th Hour, New START Data Reaffirms Importance of Extending Treaty

By Hans M. Kristensen Just four months before the New START treaty is set to expire, the latest set of so-called aggregate data published by the State Department shows the treaty is working and that both countries – despite tense military and political …

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Personal Debt and National Security

Last June the Department of Defense denied an application for security clearance for access to classified information because the applicant had “delinquent debts totaling about $24,000.” In May, a defense contractor was denied a security clearance base …

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Construction of New Underground Nuclear Warhead Facility At Warren AFB

Construction has begun of a new nuclear weapons storage facility at F.E. Warren Air Force Base. Click on image to view full size By Hans M. Kristensen The Air Force has begun construction of a new underground nuclear weapons storage and handling facili …

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(The Other) Red Storm Rising: INDO-PACOM China Military Projection

Click on image to download PDF-version of full briefing Some Missile Numbers Do Not Match Recent DOD China Report By Hans M. Kristensen U.S. Indo-Pacific Command recently gave a briefing about the challenges the command sees in the region. The briefing …

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Senator’s Challenge to War Powers Secrecy Blocked

Last January the Trump Administration formally notified Congress under the War Powers Act of a US drone strike that killed Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani. But unlike all known prior War Powers Act notifications, the report on the Soleimani killing w …

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The Pentagon’s 2020 China Report

By Hans M. Kristensen and Matt Korda (With table corrected for typos) The Pentagon has just released its long-awaited 2020 version of its annual report on China’s military developments. In this article, we review the elements concerning China’s nuclear …

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US Army Views North Korean Military Tactics

North Korea’s military “uses tactics based on former Soviet or current Russian doctrine, Chinese developments, lessons learned, and observation of recent military actions,” according to a new US Army manual on the subject. “While North Korea maintains …

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Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 75 Years After

Seventy-five years later, we commemorate the nuclear attacks and the unspeakable human suffering they inflicted, which remind us of the uniquely destructive capability of nuclear weapons and the importance of ensuring that they are never used in anger again.

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