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5. 32542-6810!!

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7.空军研究实验室 MunitionsDirectorate 工程承办科(机场管制及管制办事处),13101w号楼佛罗里达州Eglin AFB 337室,32542-6810!!



10.N / A ! !

11.对于合同信息,联系Checontract Specialist,John Hawk,850 / 882-4294,Ext 3414. ForteChnical和Programmatic事项,联系方案经理先生。Norman Coker,850 / 882-2220,EXT 3209

12.N / A ! !

13. N / A !!

14. N / A !!

15.N / A ! !

16.N / A !!

17.这位概要的变体最初于191月30日在CBD中发布,随后于5月21日在97年5月21日进行了修订。由于当时有必要改变足够的方案问题,因此有必要进行新的预定通知划定的新的预定通知。乐动冠军军队董事会和示威分部的空军研究计划(AFRL)计划为动力低肋促攻击系统(LOCAAS)追求提升技术示范(ATD)计划。本努力的预期合同值为19-02财年之间为12-140亿美元。所有方面都将被视为对此采购进行精简,包括使用其他交易辅助文书10 U.S.C.2371扩大用于原型的用途(第845节)。ATD的目的是证明低成本,[NTE $ 30k平均单位生产成本(AUPC),不包括饮食/分配机制],系统可以制作一个具有自主目标识别(ATR)的多模式弹头,固态激光雷达(LADAR)寻求者(ATR)和INS / GPSMIDCORSE指导,这些组件可以集成在由微型涡轮喷气发电线发动机的空气车辆提供..Unition概念,这些概念不涉及这些。科技会被考虑。The overall objective of the ATD is to providean affordable standoff (minimum 90 miles) miniature munition toautonomously search for, detect, identify, attack, and destroytheater missile defense, surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems(i.e. SEAD) and interdiction/armor targets of military interest.The system will be capable of discriminating betweenclasses/types of targets and between targets and non-combatants.The Powered LOCAAS system will be designed so as to be producedfor less than $30,000 AUPC based on production of 12,000 units in1994 base year dollars. It is the intent of this procurement,within 48 months of an award, to demonstrate military utility ofa complete Powered LOCAAS munition level system from missionplanning, using Air Force Mission Support System (AFMSS) or itssuccessor, through possible launch from combat aircraft, totarget acquisition and engagement. The offeror must be able tosupport development of a Powered LOCAAS mission planner andengagement simulation which is Distributed InteractiveSimulation/Higher Language Architecture (DIS/HLA) compliant. Thistool will allow simulation of multiple Powered LOCAAS munitionsfrom mission planning through carriage release by Air Forceplatforms, as well as model and display Powered LOCAAS munitionflyout and target engagement. The simulation will provide allnecessary capability to exercise the Powered LOCAAS simulation inDIS/HLA wargaming exercises. This simulation and a detailed6-Degree of Freedom simulation will be components of a modelingand simulation master plan which the offeror will be expected tosupport. The offeror is also expected to support aggressivepre-flight Government testing of the Powered LOCAAS system in theKinetic Hardware-in-the Loop (KHILS) facility at Eglin AFB. Thisprocurement is considered a continuation of on-going laboratoryefforts previously accomplished at the US AFRL, Eglin AFB and theUS Army MICOM, Redstone Arsenal. Particularly given governmentbudgetary constraints, it is an objective of this procurement totake maximum advantage of relevant independent industryinvestment. The Government plans to make updated informationconcerning this acquisition available to qualified offerors viathe Eglin Electronic Bulletin板,位于at@http: / / eglinpk.eglin.af.mil /行动/ LOCAAS.HTM。根据潜在报价方的要求,在98年2月至4月期间,动力LOCAASIPT将可与主承包商团队进行一对一的讨论。节目信息包,包括节目任务清单和时间表草案,将根据要求提供。计划于1998年7月发布《计划研究与发展公告》。提案在98年秋季提交,预计在1998年11月- 12月授予。与本计划相关的信息可能被保密至SECRET/NOFORN。只有在巴特克里MI 49016-3412(1-800-352-3572)国防后勤服务中心美国/加拿大联合认证办公室注册并获得认证的合格的美国主承包商才有资格接受招标。认证使用DD Form 2345,军用关键技术数据协议完成。本概要仅供参考和规划之用,不构成IFB或RFP,政府不应将其解释为对合同的承诺。总承包商应在本公告发布后15个日历日内提交能力声明。 If an offeror has already submitted astatement of capability under the 30 Jan 97 CBD for the LOCAASACTD then a letter indicating continued desire to propose issufficient. In addition to one-on-one discussions with potentialprimes, a formal industry day will be scheduled and theannouncement published in the CBD prior to the issuance of thesolicitation. The basic strategy contemplated for the ATD is afour phased program. Phase I may consist of no more than twofully qualified contractors competing for downselect. This is a6-12 month effort consisting of three main tasks. (1) ConceptDefinition: Which consists of a complete requirements flow downfor entire munition system and address all munition performancerequirements as well as mission planning dispense/deliveryconcepts. (2) System Design: A Detailed design for the entiremunition, to include tactical safe/arm device (or function) andwarhead interface. Munition design must be compatible with TMD(SUU-64, 66, 4 LOCAAS/TMD) dispense and be form/fit compatiblewith ATACMS and MLRS. In order to verify a dispensable design,sufficient level details must be provided for the TMD dispensesystem. Likewise, sufficient level of detail on a missionplanning concept must be provided consistent with overall conceptdefinition. The level of detail on the munition must besufficient to support a design review and decision to fabricateflight test hardware. (3) Preliminary Seeker Captive Test:Operate a tactical seeker testbed in accordance with the conceptdefinition and system design. All proposed scan modes anddecision logic must be implemented in both hardware and software(including ATR). The ability to autonomously identify targets inall three target groups (Attack Ops, SEAD, Armor/Interdiction)must be demonstrated. The ATR must be demonstrated in real timeoperation using a representative flight processor. Together withconcept definition and system design, preliminary captive testresults will be used to support downselect and/or continuationdecision. To be selected in this phase a competitor must have aproposal the government finds acceptable in terms of performance,cost, schedule, and risk for both the initial and follow-on phasefor the completion of the ATD effort. Specific performancecriteria will be established to guide the downselect and/orcontinuation decision.第二阶段为期两年,将包括三项主要任务(1) 战术导引头制造和鉴定:为捕获飞行试验制造一个形状系数导引头。导引头光学元件和万向节应与为飞行试验制造的光学元件和万向节基本相同,但为确保在捕获飞行试验下延伸而进行的任何必要修改除外。所有战术作战模式的实施必须符合概念定义和系统设计。导引头应能够(通过资格测试)在预期飞行状态的全范围内运行。Captivepod必须完全配备DGPS地面真实性仪表,并在高温、寒冷、雪天、雨天、盐雾等条件下进行防风雨操作。(2)KHILS导引头制造和安装支持:制造战术导引头(交付给AFRL的KHILSfacility),包括质量平衡常平架/常平架控制系统、PCE板、,和飞行处理器(光学元件将由质量平衡模型组成)。应为KHILS的安装和检查提供支持(3) 战术导引头captiveTest:该测试将演示导引头在各种战术场景下的性能。将在不同的地理位置进行至少三次为期4周的测试序列,涵盖LOCAAS目标和背景的全谱。将评估性能与已知(已部署或即将部署)对策。将为选定的任务制定具体的退出标准,并根据这些标准判断激光雷达/自动目标识别系统的性能。第三阶段为期2年6个月,与第二阶段并行运行。这一阶段将包括两项主要任务(1) 战术弹药制造:制造飞行试验物品,以支持控制飞行试验和使用惰性弹头进行的三次动力制导飞行试验。无论是惰性的还是带电的,制导飞行试验车辆应包括战术安全/防护功能或装置。应制造足够数量的弹头,以证明战术水平的性能,包括端到端火力序列(2) 战术单元鉴定:整个测试环境范围的鉴定测试。具备足够的资质,以支持拟用平台的惯性落差。鉴定必须包括所有测试专用设备,如遥测(TM)和飞行终端系统(FTS)。应提供分析,以证明弹药能够在实际飞行环境的整个预期范围内生存。第四阶段是第一阶段至第三阶段的高潮,将进行多达四次以上的制导飞行试验。在本次收购的拟定开发阶段,已任命一名监察员,听取要约人或潜在要约人的意见。承包商的目的不是削弱项目主管或合同官员的权威,而是将承包商的意见、问题、分歧和建议传达给适当的政府人员。如有要求,监察员将对案件来源严格保密。监察员不参与建议书的评估或来源选择过程。有意者请致电罗伯特J中校。Wood,(850)882-3003。承包商只能就之前已提请合同办公室注意且无法在该级别令人满意地解决的问题或问题与承包商联系。与该采购相关的常规沟通渠道应直接联系合同专家,约翰·霍克先生(850)882-4294分机3414,e-mailhawkj@eglin.af.mil或项目经理诺曼·科克先生(850)882-2220分机3209,电子邮件cokern@eglin.af.mil. 如果要求一对一的检查,请联系科克先生。您的电话将不被接受。乐动冠军
