



快速,准确,高效。That�s how weapons must be delivered in today�s combat environment.
现役飞机有这样的精确打击能力,得益于先进的低空导航和瞄准红外夜视系统。空军后备司令部通过获取新的LITENING II精确攻击瞄准系统提供的F-16战隼车队类似的能力。
�Bosnia in 1994 and 1995 punctuated the need for such a system,� said Maj. Peter Gretsch of the Operational Requirements Branch at AFRC headquarters, Robins Air Force Base, Ga. Gretsch served on a team responsible for acquiring the system. �The nature of the Bosnia operation mandated minimum collateral damage and maximum effectiveness per sortie. Although Reserve forces were ready and willing to support the mission, their lack of a precision-delivery capability significantly inhibited their participation.�
�The LITENING II system being purchased is similar to LANTIRN in size and system interface,� said Lt. Col. Stephen Thomas, AFRC program manager.
�However, it provides improved reliability and maintainability, along with state-of-the-art additional capability. The additional capability will include laser spot tracking, laser marking, ranging, and dual sensor input from both a forward-looking infrared camera and a state-of-the-art daytime video camera for greater flexibility under varying environmental conditions.�
�The need for such a system was first expressed there,� Hovden said. �About three years ago we initiated an engineering and feasibility study to identify our options. The next step was to approach the F-16 system program office, which proceeded with the acquisition effort and actually evaluated and compared available systems. This took more than a year and a half.�
�It presents an image like a magnified telescope � viewed on video displays in the aircraft,� he said.
�If you see a target, you put the cross-hairs on it. Then you put laser energy on it to help guide the bomb to the target. Another advantage is you can do all this higher up and further out, so there�s less danger to our pilots.�
�I�d use the pod to help find the target, then use the forward-looking infrared sensor or daytime video camera on the pod to direct the airplane�s fire-control computer to give me my bombing solution,� Brill said. �Once the bomb is off, the laser in the pod guides the munition to the impact point.
�Currently, we have no real effective way to strike hard-to-kill reinforced targets. The only precision-targeted weapon capacity we have is the Maverick missile, which has a small warhead. We can carry laser-guided bombs, but someone else has to guide them to the intended target.�
诺斯罗普·格鲁门公司和拉斐尔,以色列武器发展管理局,球队已获得供应传感器盒子到两个卫队和储备的合同。圣拉斐尔供给正向(传感器)部,与Northrop Grumman提供吊舱的后部(电子元件)部分。
�It�s a $53 million program that includes support equipment, training, initial maintenance support and so on,� Thomas said.
该LITENING II系统曾在5月的第一个美国飞行试验在埃格林空军基地,佛罗里达州。
�The pilot enthusiastically touted it as a marked improvement over the LANTIRN system,� Thomas said.
该保护区有四个不同的单位71架F-16战斗机:在第419战斗机联队在希尔空军基地;在卢克AFB,亚利桑那州的第九百四十四FW .;第301 ​​FW在卡斯威尔ARS,德州;和第482 FW在宅基ARS,佛罗里达州。每个机翼将达到8个吊舱。
�Ideally, we would want at least one pod per aircraft,� Thomas said. �However, eight pods per wing is the appropriate number based on fiscal constraints, employment concepts and anticipated taskings.�
Thomas said LITENING II is a non-developmental item, which means it�s ready for production as opposed to being under development.
�The item and technology exist today,� he said. �The Israelis are using it successfully on their F-16 fleet. And other nations throughout the world are in the process of purchasing the system.�
�This system is for the pilots, but two of the driving factors behind the purchase decision were maintainability and reliability,� said Thomas. �We had to be able to logistically supply and maintain the pod in every environment. This pod meets or exceeds those expectations.
�The training program will fit in with existing squadron training programs. Also, units won�t have to do any major work on it. It�s the latest technology in modern logistical support concepts.�
�It�s gratifying and exciting to know that our Reserve F-16s will enter the dawn of the new millennium with a significant leap in capability,� Thomas said.