
Long-Term Mine Reconnaissance System (LMRS)

Statement of Performance and Results







2.0 Applicable Documents.


2.2 Other Documents.

3.0 Requirements.



3.1.2技术专业。质量保证 Integrated Logistic Support Producibility Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, & Testability (RAM-T) System Safety, Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) Control and Environmental Protection.生命周期成本分析.

3.1.3 Concept of Operations.





3.2.3 Critical Design Brief (CDB).

3.2.4 Critical Design Review


3.3 Prototyping.



3.5.1 Measurement Baseline Management.

3.5.2 Risk Assessment, Mitigation and Management.



This Statement of Performance and Results (SPR) defines the effort required to develop a detailed design for the Long-Term Mine Reconnaissance System (LMRS). The objective of this phase will be to validate the key design and performance features of the LMRS and subsystems, and to produce specifications and plans for the follow-on Development phase of the program. In parallel with the design activities, the contractor shall also develop a concept of operations that defines how the system will be operated and supported. This SPR includes systems engineering, prototype demonstration of LMRS subsystems, and program management tasks to achieve these objectives. The contractor's technical documentation, program plans, and any test results that demonstrate a balanced set of life cycle Reliability, Maintainability & Availability (RM&A), affordability, and technical performance requirements within a manufacturable system, will validate successful achievement of the detailed design phase objectives and will complete the efforts tasked in this SPR.

1.1 Background.


A。The LMRS will employ a UUV system that is capable of launch and recovery from SSN688/688I and NSSN class submarines. The LMRS will provide an early, rapid, and accurate clandestine mine reconnaissance capability. It will provide the means for surveying potential mine fields in support of proposed amphibious operations, other battle group operations, and for safe ship transit around mined waters.

b。The preliminary design of the LMRS included trade studies, requirements allocation, system engineering, and system and subsystem design efforts, which led to a fully integrated functional system design. The design efforts were documented in a System Engineering Design Data Package (SEDDP) as part of the Electronic Data Base utilized during the preliminary design phase.

C。The detailed design will build on the preliminary design and will include development and demonstration of prototyping necessary for risk mitigation of critical subsystems. In addition to the prototyping demonstrations, the status of the design will be provided at an interim Critical Design Brief (CDB) and will culminate in a final Critical Design Review (CDR) to determine the readiness and risks associated with proceeding with system development. After completion of the Detailed Design Phase, the Government intends to conduct a competition limited to the detailed design contractor(s) to select a single source for the fabrication, test and evaluation of the LMRS prototype.


2.0 Applicable Documents.







System "A" Performance Specification for the Long-Term Mine Reconnaissance System (LMRS)



Software Development and Documentation

5 Dec 94




2.2 Other Documents.

The following military handbooks, DOD and Navy regulations, and other documents cited in this SPR shall be used for guidance and information.

NAS 411

National Aerospace Standard 411 Hazardous Materials Management Program


ISO 9000 Series

International Organization for Standardization Series 9000 (ISO 9000) Quality Systems




29 April 97

SER 03/97-0171



3.0 Requirements.


作为电子信息系统(EIS)的一部分the contractor shall maintain current the Electronic Data Base utilized in the Preliminary Design Phase. The EIS shall document all unclassified aspects of the program, including the system design, the contractor's system engineering efforts, and the contractor's program management effort. Any classified information shall be submitted via mail in paper form. The contractor shall maintain this EIS in an accurate and timely fashion, updating it with all pertinent changes on a real-time basis. The EIS shall be accessible by the Government in near real-time. Monthly updates shall be provided to the government via CD ROM.



(CDRL B001: Electronic Information System / General Program Documentation)


承包商应实施系统工程设计过程,以开发满足LMRS系统“ A”性能规范要求的详细系统设计。承包商的系统工程过程应将LMRS性能“ A”规范中规定的要求以及从初步设计阶段(PDP)派生的要求中规定的要求转换为详细的设计。承包商应生成和维护要求的验证和决策矩阵,以提供LMRS系统性能“ A”规范的要求,以设计实施和验证。

(CDRL B001: Electronic Information System / Requirements Verification Matrix)

Software development shall be an integral part of the system engineering effort and the plan to accomplish this shall be developed and maintained by the contractor in the EIS during the detailed design phase. This plan shall identify how the contractor plans to tailor the approaches articulated in Mil-Std 498 (Software Development and Documentation) and meet the requirements of the LMRS Performance "A" Specification and the guidance of ASD (C3I) memo of 29 Apr 97 and Ser 03/97-0171 of 4 Jun 97. The programming language selection should be made in the context of the system and software engineering factors that influence overall life-cycle costs, risks, and potential for interoperability.

(CDRL B001:电子信息系统 /软件开发计划)


The contractor shall develop detailed designs that build upon the Allocated Baseline (ABL) established during the Preliminary Design Phase and result in the Product Baseline (PBL) of the LMRS. The contractor shall describe this design in product orientated design documents that allow for the manufacture and maintenance of the LMRS. These documents shall be placed on the EIS . The contractor shall identify any GFE items that are proposed as part of the design baselines. The contractor shall conduct this task utilizing the system engineering design process specified in paragraph 3.1.

(CDRL B001: Electronic Information System / Design Documents)


The contractor shall establish and implement a Product Integrity (PI) process to ensure the LMRS design is producible, safe, reliable, maintainable, supportable, and cost-effective.质量保证

The contractor shall establish a Quality Assurance (QA) process utilizing the guidance of ISO 9000 to assure the required QA elements for hardware and software are identified and developed into the design and development of the LMRS. Integrated Logistic Support


(CDRL B001: Electronic Information System / Logistic Support Analysis) Producibility

The contractor shall develop, update, and maintain in the EIS an approach to identify the planning and implementation necessary to ensure that the LMRS is producible.

(CDRL B001: Electronic Information System / Producibility) Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, & Testability (RAM-T)

承包商应在EIS中开发,更新和维护一种方法,一种确定必要的计划和实施的方法,以确保和验证LMRS绩效中指定的可靠性,可用性,可维护性和可检验性要求在结束前​​“ A”规范发展阶段。

(CDRL B001:电子信息系统 / RAM-T方法) System Safety, Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) Control and Environmental Protection.

By tailoring Mil-Std-882C and utilizing the guidance of NAS 411, the contractor shall ensure that safety and environmental protection considerations are integral parts of the system engineering and detailed design efforts. The safety program shall address personnel and equipment concerns relative to the design, subsystem prototyping, development, testing, use, maintenance, life cycle support and disposal of the LMRS. If the contractor recommends the use of hazardous materials, the contractor shall obtain Government approval for using the hazardous material. In addition, the contractor shall perform an Environmental Analysis that addresses the entire life cycle of the LMRS program, including any testing that may be performed during the detailed design phase, to identify any areas of potential environmental impact and how the impacts could be mitigated. This analysis should include alternatives considered, potential environmental effects, rationale for concept/design alternatives chosen, and mitigation measures. The level of detail in these analyses should be commensurate with the maturity of the particular subsystem design in question (i.e. a subsystem that is still in the design phase will be less formal than a subsystem that is ready for testing).

(CDRL B001:电子信息系统 /环境分析)

(CDRL B001: Electronic Information System /Safety Assessment Report)生命周期成本分析.


(CDRL B001 Electronic Information System / Life Cycle Cost Estimate)

3.1.3 Concept of Operations.


(CDRL B001: Electronic Information System (EIS) / Concept of Operations)




The contractor shall conduct four (4) design briefings/reviews, as described below. The contractor is encouraged to streamline these design reviews. In addition up to five (5) technical focus meetings (TFM) shall be conducted. Each briefing/review and/or TFM will replace the monthly program review (Par 3.5).



(CDRL B001:电子信息 /技术简报)


进行临时系统摘要(ISB)的目的是确认在满足系统级别的要求和系统成熟度方面的增量进度,包括是否确定的降低风险是取得了所需的进展。该摘要计划在承包商设施的一(1)个工作日进行,应在行使选择的第8个月之前进行。(CDRL B001:电子信息系统 /技术简报)

3.2.3 Critical Design Brief (CDB).

国开行的目的是提出一个初步的Product Baseline (PPBL) that demonstrates the following:









d。how obsolescence will be accommodated into the system design (both hardware and software), and how this impacts life cycle cost estimate;


f. the identification of any remaining risks and how these risks will be addressed during the remainder of the option and throughout the fabrication and test of the system.

最后,承包商应讨论其设计如何满足LMRS性能“ A”规范的所有性能要求。该摘要计划在承包商设施中最多两个(2)个工作日。并应在行使选项的15个月之前名义进行。

(CDRL B001:电子信息系统 /技术简报)

3.2.4 Critical Design Review




C。the design is balanced across cost, schedule, performance, and risk for the entire life cycle;

d。the system� physical architecture for people, products and processes satisfies requirements, including interoperability and interfaces;

e。planning is complete and processes, resources, and other requisite people products, and processes are available (or programmed to be available) to initiate the development phase;

f. LCC has been appropriately refined since PPBL at CDB; and

g. the system is ready for fabrication and coding;

This brief is planned for up to three (3) working days at the contractor�s facilities. and shall be conducted during the final month of the exercised option.

(CDRL B001:电子信息系统/技术简报)



(CDRL B001:电子信息系统/技术简报)

3.3 Prototyping.



While the contractor has the flexibility to define the types and level of prototyping to be developed to support his detailed design, he shall be required to prototype a full or scaled version of the recovery subsystem. It will be up to the contractor to define, based on his specific design, how and to what extent his recovery subsystem prototype will ensure the following criteria are satisfied:

A。Demonstration and validation of the retrieval phase with a wet SDE fixture with an UUV;


(CDRL B001:电子信息系统/原型报告)

(CDRL B001: Electronic Information System /Recovery Prototype Planning)


承包商应制定测试和评估计划,并在CDB之前在EIS上提供此类计划。该计划应记录承包商打算如何证明集成的LMRS开发阶段原型系统满足LMRS系统“ A”规范的功能要求以及相应的设计文档集中分配要求的能力。该计划应确定开发和演示海军接受LMR所需的所有测试和评估。

(CDRL B001: Electronic Information System / Test & Evaluation Plan)



3.5.1 Measurement Baseline Management.


(CDRL B001: Electronic Information System / Monthly Reports)

CSSR报告应在承包商的EIS中维护。报告应达到一个水平,以识别和理解承包商的计划绩效(通常是WBS级别3)。差异,包括时间表和成本,都应确定和报告。在第三级WBS上,报告差异的门槛为+/- 10%和25,000美元,仅在第三级WBS进行报告,而不是在汇总处进行。承包商应确定有关重大差异的原因和任何计划/执行的纠正措施。

(CDRL B001:电子信息系统 / CSSR)

3.5.2 Risk Assessment, Mitigation and Management.

The contractor shall develop, implement, and maintain in the EIS a risk management process and plan that identifies, evaluates, and mitigates LMRS program risks from a technical, cost, and schedule perspective. Risks shall be evaluated as to their impact on reliability, safety, supportability, readiness, affordability, and technical performance objectives.

(CDRL B001:电子信息系统 /风险管理过程和计划)

附录a to

Long-Term Mine Reconnaissance System (LMRS)

Statement of Performance and Results




Allocated Baseline.最初批准的文档描述了从系统或更高级别子系统分配的子系统功能,性能,互操作性和接口要求;与接口子系统的接口要求;设计约束;派生要求(功能和性能);以及证明这些要求和约束的实现的验证要求和方法。通常,每个子系统都有一个分配的基线。

Configuration Item (CI).[Not used in this standard but widely used in Government configuration management]. An aggregation of hardware, firmware, or computer software or any of their discrete portions, which satisfies an end use function and is for separate configuration management. Configuration items may vary widely in complexity, size, and type, from an aircraft, electronic, or ship system to a test meter or round of ammunition. Any item required for logistic support and designated for separate procurement is a configuration item.




Functional Baseline.最初批准的文档描述了系统或项目的功能,性能,互操作性和接口要求以及证明实现这些要求的实现所需的验证。

Interface Requirement.两个(或更多)功能或项目之间共同边界处的功能和物理要求和约束。界面是由功能,项目,项目产品之间的相互作用或操作项目的附带效应产生的。功能接口是特征动作(内部或外部)之间的关系。物理接口是解决方案的内部部分以及解决方案和外部元素之间的关系。

Technical Performance Measurement (TPM).继续验证的程度的丑角ipated and actual achievement for technical parameters. Confirms progress and identifies deficiencies that might jeopardize meeting a system requirement. Assessed values falling outside established tolerances indicate a need for evaluation and corrective action.


A。Any item available in the marketplace;

b。Any previously developed item in use by a Federal, State, or local agency of the United States or foreign government with which the United States has a mutual defense cooperation agreement;


d。Any item currently being produced that does not meet the requirements of subparagraph a., b., or c., above, solely because the item is not yet in use or is not yet available in the marketplace.

初步产品基线。The preliminary documentation, describing the necessary functional, performance, and physical requirements of the subsystem; the functional and physical requirements designated for review and comment prior to submission for production acceptance testing; and procedures and plans necessary for deployment, support, training, and disposal of the subsystem. There is a preliminary product baseline for each subsystem, component, and part.

Product Baseline.The initially approved documentation describing all of the necessary functional, performance, and physical requirements of the subsystem; the functional and physical requirements designated for production acceptance testing; and test necessary for deployment, support, training, and disposal of the subsystem. In addition to the documentation, the product baseline of a subsystem may consist of the actual equipment and software. There is a product baseline for each subsystem, component, and part.

Risk.A measure of the uncertainty of attaining a goal, objective, or requirement pertaining to technical performance, cost, and schedule. Risk level is categorized by the probability of occurrence and the consequences of occurrence. Risk is assessed for program, product, and process aspects of the system. This includes the adverse consequences of process variability. The sources of risk include technical (e.g., feasibility, operability, producibility, testability, and systems effectiveness); cost (e.g., estimates, goals); schedule (e.g., technology/material availability, technical achievements, milestones); and programmatic (e.g., resources, contractual).


System Life Cycle.从开发活动开始延长的时期,基于确定的需求或客观,通过退役和处置系统。

Systems Engineering.一种跨学科的方法,涵盖了整个技术努力,以发展和验证满足客户需求的系统人员,产品和过程解决方案的集成和生命周期平衡集。系统工程包括:



C。The translation of the system definition into work breakdown structures; and


Tailoring.The process by which individual task statements (sections, paragraph, or sentences) of specifications, standards, and related documents are evaluated to determine the extent to which they are most suitable for a specific system and equipment development and the modification of these requirements to ensure that each achieves an optimal balance between operational needs and cost.