


LtCol George C. Thorpe,纯物流(1917)


Fleet Admiral E. J. King to a staff officer (1942)

The Navy's Military Sealift Command (MSC) provides ocean transportation for DoD cargo and U.S. forces around the world. More than 70 strategic sealift ships transport military equipment, supplies and petroleum to support U.S. forces overseas. This number is expandable and includes both government and privately-owned vessels � mainly tankers and dry cargo ships. In peacetime, more than 95 percent of DoD cargo is transported on US flag ships. MSC is able to provide rapid, sustained response in a changing world with three operational strategies � prepositioning, surge and sustainment sealift.使用SealIft有几个优点。单位单位,船只的运输能力高于飞机。船还可以携带重型或大型设备。船可以在预计威胁区附近的海上预处理。他们不需要过高的权利,距土地超过12英里的水是免费的。一个缺点是大多数Sealift机队缺乏速度。一些车队还需要良好的港口设施将其货物转移到岸上。Sealift船几乎没有防御能力。他们还严重依靠平民运输线和劳动力。

看着一个名义4000海里的场景comparing equal-cost ($20 million) lift forces [C-17s and the new large medium-speed roll-on/roll-off (RO/RO) ships] and assuming no prepositioned ships in the theater, airlift could deliver 72,000 tons of cargo in 36 days. Sealift, on the other hand, could deliver 3,960,000 tons in the same 36 days.

Military Sealift Command ships' noncombatant status makes them less costly to operate than combatant Navy ships. Traditional Navy ships are combatant vessels, meaning they have weapons aboard and are potential targets of enemy fire. As such, they must carry large crews to operate the weapons systems aboard and to protect the ships should they be damaged in battle. MSC ships are noncombatant vessels, operating behind the battle line, and are not considered likely targets of enemy fire. Their noncombatant status enables MSC ships such as the Lummus to maintain an average crew size of less than 40 while Navy ships of similar size generally have crews in the hundreds. MSC ships' merchant mariner crewmembers can also be hired as necessary, while the Navy, even in peacetime, must employ a large number of Navy combatant personnel in case of war. The skill levels of MSC's merchant mariners also enable MSC ships to operate with smaller crews.

一段时间以来,国际和海上贸易的增长是世界经济速度的两倍。大型商船是洲际和沿海运输的最灵活,最具成本效益的模式。越来越多的新市场和新资源在海外发现。随着世界从脱节的国家和地区经济的集合发展为一个全球链接的经济,高海上的商业过境自由以及海峡和其他导航障碍点变得越来越重要。同时,在危机时,军队在国外做出回应的能力需要海豹和后勤支持,只有美国商人舰队才能提供。美国必须确保一个可行的海上工业基础,以满足其商业和军事要求。这是在National Security Directive28:

"The U.S. national sealift objective is to ensure that sufficient military and civil maritime resources will be available to meet defense deployment and essential economic requirements in support of our national security strategy. The Department of Defense will determine the requirements for sealift of deploying forces, follow-on supply and sustainment, shipbuilding and ship repair. In coordination with the Department of Defense, the Department of Transportation will determine the capacity of our merchant marine industries to meet these requirements and to provide the sealift required to support the essential industrial activity during wartime."

National Security Directive28反映了海上武装部队,美国船长商船,乘员的商人海员与港口,造船厂和船舶维修设施的商业海事工业基地之间的联系。从殖民时代开始扮演至关重要的国家安全角色,美国商人海军陆战队通常被称为美国国防的另一部门。

1992年的移动性需求研究,1995年的自下而上的审查和1997年的四年制国防审查重申了“国防部署”的要求。为了将美军在海外部署并补给它们,美国商人海军陆战队向政府拥有的支援船提供了美国 - 旗的公民拖船商业船只和平民船员。这些密封资产约占在和平时期和危机时期支持军事要求的所有吨位的95%。超过4,800名平民水手队船员拥有200艘具有军事特征的商业船只,这些船只包括在漂流介词部队,快速的密封船,现成的储备金船,海上安全舰队和海军机队辅助部队中。这些密封船中的一半以上被积极部署或在全球范围内从事商业服务。

最终国家设想了支持一场重大剧院战争(MTW)的战略空运和Sealift资产,这是基于移动性需求研究的结果研究自下而上的审查更新(MRS Buru)。在设想的未来威胁环境的最远达到最远的位置,这套单一的MTW提升资产集是中等风险运输解决方案所需的最低要求。Sealift能力主要是通过用新的大型[容量],中速滚动/滚动船代替较小的老化船只来增长。LMSR为陆军的临时介词计划提供了平台,并为激增舰队增加了大量的平方英尺。此外,海军陆战队正在向其海上介绍船计划增加3艘RO/RO船,使总数达到16。DOD迅速闭合到所需的浪涌容量(1000万平方英尺)的550K平方英尺以内,以移动部队一场大型剧院战争(MTW)所需的。

Strategic Sealift Force



The Military Sealift Command (MSC) Prepositioning Program provides operationally ready ships to the military services and the Defense Logistics Agency. At the end of 1999, MSC�s Afloat Prepositioning Force consisted of 37 ships, with 35 operating at prepositioning sites in the Mediterranean Sea, Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean and Guam in the western Pacific. The Afloat Prepositioning Force is divided into three parts:
  1. 为美国海军陆战队运营的海事介词船;
  2. Combat Prepositioning Ships operated for the U.S. Army;
  3. 物流介绍船舶为美国海军,空军和国防物流局运营。

1 - Maritime Prepositioning Ships (MPS)

Thirteen MSC prepositioning ships are specially configured to transport supplies for the US Marine Corps. Known as the Maritime Prepositioning Force, the 13 ships were built or modified in the mid-1980s and are on location in the western Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The 13 Maritime Prepositioning Ships, or MPS, contain nearly everything the Marines need for initial military operations -- from tanks and ammunition to food and fuel to spare parts and engine oil.

在接下来的几年中,每个中队还将增加一个海上介绍力容器。与目前的船只不同的是长期宪章的船只 - 海上介绍部队(增强)船只或MPF(E)将是承包商雇用的水手队船员的美国政府拥有的船只。

国会议员分为三个中队,每个中队由海军队长指挥。国会议员中队通常位于大西洋或地中海,有五艘船。国会议员中队2,通常位于迭戈·加西亚(Diego Garcia),有五艘船。通常在关岛/塞班岛地区的三名国会议员中队有五艘船。


海军 - USMC海事介词计划始于1970年代后期,这是由于DOD战略流动性增强计划,以改善SWA意外事件的响应时间。直到1980年代中期达到了全面的海上介词(MPF)能力(特别建造或转换的船舶)之前,在1980年创建了一种称为近期介绍船(NTP)的临时措施,以提供初始响应能力。NTPS船到1980年7月之前就在迭戈·加西亚(Diego Garcia)的车站,其中包含了USMC旅的设备和30天的物资。到1985年初,专门为海军建造或转换的第一艘组合RO/RO和Breakbulk船已被委托,并装有介绍的车辆,设备和用品。到1987年,已经任命了三个中队的13艘船,并被平民船员组成,装载和部署。这些船只不仅仅是漂浮的仓库。这三艘船中的每艘船都载有海军远征旅(MEB)的设备,以及至少30天的供应维持。中队与特定的MEB相关联,以确保有效的计划和培训。MPS-1与第六MEB相关,并驻扎在北卡罗来纳州Lejeune营地,被部署在西大西洋。MPS-2与加利福尼亚的第7 MEB相关,锚定在迭戈·加西亚(Diego Garcia); and MPS-3, associated with the Hawaii-based 1st MEB, was home ported at Guam and Saipan. Together, each squadron and its associated MEB become an MPF.

The MPF concept performed largely as expected during the Persian Gulf War, due to an aggressive training, exercise, and maintenance program carried out during the 1980s. Exercises had established planning goals of about 250 strategic airlift sorties to deploy a MEB; this figure was confirmed by the 7th MEB, which deployed to Saudi Arabia using 259 sorties. (The additional nine sorties reflected the addition of an infantry battalion and more helicopter antitank assets to the MEB.) The expected time of 10 days to unload ships and marry equipment with arriving units was met by all three MPFs. In fact, 7th MEB combat elements occupied defensive positions near Al-Jubayl in August within four days of their arrival. The only problem encountered during initial deployment of the 7th MEB centered on refueling support to Marine fixed-wing aircraft flying from CONUS, which competed for scarce assets with other Service aircraft. Elements of 1st MEB and ll MEF, although deployed using MPF concepts, did not do so as complete units. Instead, their air, ground, and logistics elements were deployed and integrated into I MEF as they arrived, drawing their equipment from their associated MPS ships.

1999年,国会议员中队一号船只在地中海临时介绍,参加了锻炼的北极光和鲨鱼。北极光在北大西洋的危机 - 响应行动中行使了北约海上军队的跨国公司。鲨鱼在一个非常具有挑战性的地中海声学环境中验证了美国单位的熟练程度。

1999年10月和11月,国会议员中队两艘船MV Hauge参加了运动明亮的明星。该练习旨在改善联合行动期间联盟力量之间的互操作性。Hauge的参与包括在这11个国家练习期间使用船只的部分下载。

国会议员中队在1999年分配给关岛和塞班岛的三艘船参加了一系列舰队支持和训练行动。该船还部署到澳大利亚的格拉德斯通,进行了crococodile 99,展示了国会议员的多功能性并确认了各种Pierside,Pierside,Pierside,Pierside,Pierside,Pierside,Pierside,corkodield在锚固和液体货物下,这些船的能力。这些船还参加了Tafakula 99练习,促进了美国与汤加海军之间的关系。


陆军介绍载流(APA) /战斗介绍力[CPF]战斗介词[Prepo] Faploat由军事密封司令部(MSC)的船舶前置前的船只(APF)组成。APF固有的灵活性使该力是联合操作计划中的关键要素;APF能够支持整个军事行动的计划。APF运输上的预位货物包括提供人道主义援助,以食品口粮,医疗用品,可居住性套装(即帐篷),饮用水机械,工程师支持设备和运动运输方式提供人道主义援助。为了使战斗剧院早期发挥作战,诸如坦克和炮兵之类的其他设备已预先放置。APF的要素可能会暂时移动到接近潜在的就业领域的位置,要么在不断发展的危机期间发出国家决心,要么在决定部署决定性力量的决定后及时提供供应和设备。


所有陆军战争储备(心田)和预装的停下来cks are managed by the Army Materiel Command (AMC), Alexandria, Virginia, with the Army Industrial Operations Command (IOC), Rock Island, Illinois, serving as AMC's management agent. Placing all five geographic sets of AWR under central management in October 1994, implemented one of the lessons learned from Operation Desert Storm. Previously, war reserve materiel was managed by theater commanders in chief. That allowed little flexibility in transferring stocks from one theater to another. In the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO's) central region "pre-positioning of materiel configured to unit sets," or POMCUS, made it easy for units from the United States to deploy to Europe and then draw their equipment. POMCUS was a key feature of the Reforger (return of forces to Germany) exercises. What was formerly war reserves and POMCUS stocks are now combined into AWR stocks. As U.S. forces in Europe drew down, the Army reduced its stockage to four brigade sets of materiel, and reduced the number of storage locations for AWR materiel to four sites in the Netherlands -- Brunssum, Coevorden, Eygelshoven, and Vriezenveen -- and two others at Bettenbourg, Luxembourg, and Zutendaal, Belgium.

AWR的五个地理集被位于和管理如下 -


The ASMP Action Plan, published on 2 March 1993, resulted in the Army's developing the capability to provide a crisis response force of up to corps size with the following mobility standards:


的一个关键方面ASMP是airli的继续支持ft and sealift acquisition programs. For airlift, this means support for building the Air Force's C-17 fleet to 120 aircraft as validated by the Mobility Requirements Study (MRS). For sealift, this means support for the acquisition of the nineteen large, medium-speed roll-on/roll-off (LMSR) ships and expansion of the Ready Reserve Force (RRF) roll-on/roll-off [ RORO] fleet to 36 ships as recommended by the MRS. Twenty-nine ROROs are in RRF status. Two more have been purchased and will be modified to RRF standards wuth FY96 funding. The last 5 ROROs were unfunded as of August 1995. The last 5 ROROs are unfunded.


AWR-3 ships carry a US Army Brigade Afloat along with Combat Service Support and Humanitarian Assistance cargo. As of late 1996 there were 12 Army PREPO ships deployed to USCINCPAC AOR as part of the Afloat Prepositioning Force (APF). These ships carry Army War Reserve Stocks No. 3 (AWR-3) cargo and consisted of seven RO/ROs carrying Army unit equipment. One Auxiliary Crane Ship (ACS), three LASH ships carrying ammunition, rations, and other non-ammunition cargo, and one Flo-Flo/Semisubmersible ship which carries Army port support equipment. In early 1997 this force was augmented byStrong Virginian, a lift-on/lift-off, multipurpose vessel that has a large 600-ton capacity cargo boom that allows it to lift extraordinarily heavy cargos. The ship carries small vessels such as utility landing craft and mechanized landing craft.

最终,构建或转换为大型中速RO/ROS(LMSR)将取代支持APA程序的RRF船。在1999财政年度,1998年12月1日,两名Watson-Class LMSR交付给了USNS SISLER,1999年7月13日将USNS DAHL运送到了USNS DAHL。班上第一艘船的Usns Bob Hope于1998年11月18日交付。鲍勃·霍普(Bob Hope)。西斯勒(Sisler)在安特卫普(Antwerp),比利时(Antwerp)收到了主要负担,并部署了他们的主要负担。达尔(Dahl)于2000年初在查尔斯顿(Charleston)和安特卫普(Antwerp)加载。


3 - Logistics Prepositioning Ships

LPS计划在全球范围内为美国海军,国防物流局和美国空军运营八艘预设船。军事密封司令部拥有驻扎在迭戈·加西亚(Diego Garcia)和关岛/塞班岛(Guam/Saipan)的MARAD CHARGERES船和Marad Ready Reserve Force(RRF)的运营控制,以支持美国陆军,空军和海军要求。

US Air Force (USAF) Sponsored PREPO Logistics Prepositioning Ships两艘预船,一个睫毛和一个断裂的船,携带美国空军弹药。组合滚动/滚动/集装箱船MV Buffalo士兵和MV Maj Bernard F. Fisher位于迭戈·加西亚(Diego Garcia)的MPS中队两人的运营控制下。第三艘空军船MV上尉史蒂文·贝内特(Steven L. Bennett)在98财年第一季度开始了她的介词服务[取代AK 1005 AUSTRAL RAINBOW]并在国会议员中队的运营控制下在地中海运营。

US Navy (USN) Sponsored PREPO Logistics Prepositioning ShipsThe Navy uses the chartered breakbulk ship MV Green Ridge to rotate fleet prepositioned hospitals. The ship also is loaded with a 500-bed combat tactical zone US Navy fleet hospital, which supports a U.S. Marine Corps requirement for medical treatment ashore. This cargo is stored in ISO units within controlled temperature/humidity limits. For Navy prepositioning, MSC operates the Navy's first modular cargo delivery system (MCDS) vessel, SS CAPE JACOB, at Diego Garcia. The vessel, an activated Ready Reserve Force break bulk ship, carries Navy Ordnance and also has the capability to operate as a shuttle replenishment ship for naval battle groups.

国防燃油供应中心(DFSC)物流预定船有三个携带石油(POL)产品的预货油产品作为DFSC的介绍战争储备计划的一部分。这些油轮中有两个配备了近海石油排放系统(OPD),并能够在pol的河流排放中。RRF船SS Chesapeake在2000年激活并取代了SSPotomac。第三艘Prepo Tanker是USNS Henry J. Kaiser(T-AO 187),并且能够通过额外的Manning和Rig Activation进行控制台操作。


�Surge� includes ships from the US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM)-controlled fleet; for example, the Fast Sealift Ships (FSS), the Ready Reserve Force (RRF), Large, Medium Speed Roll-On/Roll-Off (RO/RO) (LMSR) vessels, and the commercial market (when contracted by USTRANSCOM for support of US forces). Surge shipping delivers the heavy combat power and accompanying supplies in order to facilitate the deployment of predominantly continental US (CONUS) based forces to anywhere in the world.


在其最新的需求研究中 - 1995年的移动性需求研究自下而上的评论更新 - DOD验证了该研究的建议,并加强了工作人员联合负责人购买19艘LMSR船并建立了1000万平方英尺的要求电涌容量和400万平方英尺的介词能力,总容量为1400万平方英尺。

The Army is currently transferring equipment aboard seven roll-on/roll-off ships to five larger temporary ships and then ultimately to eight new Large Medium-Speed Roll-On/Roll-Off ships by 2000. These prepositioning ships have been designed to provide a better controlled-humidity environment below deck, which should help reduce the deterioration of equipment while stored aboard the ships. These eight LMSR ships will provide about 2 million square feet of cargo capacity to preposition Army equipment for heavy forces and support units, nearly 50 percent of DOD afloat prepositioning requirements. The remaining 11 LMSR ships will move equipment quickly from the United States to areas of conflict.

Merchant Marine




国防储备队(NRDF)在马拉德(Marad)的拘留下,是基本商人设计类型船只的不活动储备,可以在20-120天内激活,以满足国家紧急情况期间美国的运输要求。大约100艘船组成的机队主要由第二次世界大战的商船组成,可用于军事和非军事紧急情况,例如商业运输危机。NDRF的船只位于三个舰队站点 - 弗吉尼亚州詹姆斯河(东海岸),德克萨斯州博蒙特(墨西哥湾海岸)和加利福尼亚州苏珊湾(西海岸)。马拉德(Marad)在海军上保留了海军辅助机构在舰队中维持海军辅助机构。


In World War II, civilian-crewed U.S. cargo ships controlled by the War Shipping Administration carried about 75 percent of shipments from the United States. Total cargo lifted between December 7, 1941, and the capitulation of Japan was approximately 300.5 million short tons. The U.S.-flag merchant fleet also carried the great majority of military personnel and civilians moving overseas and returning to the United States during and after the war.

Approximately 31.5 million measurement tons of supplies were shipped from the United States to the Far East during the Korean War. About 95 percent of these supplies were shipped by sea, with 80 percent carried by privately owned U.S.-flag merchant ships, and 15 percent by Military Sea Transportation Service ships -- all crewed by civilian American citizen seafarers.

Privately owned U.S.-flag merchant ships delivered 65 percent of the dry cargo shipments to support American forces in Vietnam, and Government-owned ships carried the balance. The Maritime Administration activated 172 World War II era Victory ships from its National Defense Reserve Fleet. Some 15,000 U.S. citizen merchant mariners crewed the vessels. Cargoes totaled more than 85 million measurement tons.
NATIONAL DEFENSE RESERVE FLEET--September 30, 1995 ======================================================================= NDRF NDRF Non- Reimbursable HOME PORT Retention{1} Retention{2} Custody{3} Totals ======================================================================= James River Reserve Fleet Ft. Eustis, VA 37 33 37 107 Beaumont Reserve Fleet Beaumont, TX 39 8 4 51 Suisun Bay Reserve Fleet Benicia, CA 24 22 35 81 Other Locations {4} 55 2 0 57 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals: 155 65 76 296 ======================================================================== 1 Vessel being maintained for emergency activations, for historic display, or for spare equipment. Number shown includes RRF ships. 2 Vessels pending disposal. 3 Vessels not in the NDRF program and owned by other government agencies or by the Title XI program. 4 Various outport locations within the continental United States. Three vessels are outported in Japan.

Ready Reserve Force (RRF)

The Ready Reserve Force (RRF) -- a government-owned, inactive fleet of former commercial ships of various types -- was created on 14 February 1977 specifically to enhance the readiness of sealift to respond rapidly in any contingency. The RRF (a quick response subset of the NDRF) is a select group of ships within the NDRF, which are relatively modern, highly militarily useful ships, rigorously maintained to meet Coast Guard and American Bureau of Shipping standards. The Ready Reserve Forceis the government's largest source of strategic sealift capability. RRF ships are berthed at Reserve Fleet sites located in James River, Virginia; Beaumont, Texas; Suisun Bay, California; and other locations in the United States and overseas. RRF ships are maintained in a readiness status such that they can be activated for service within 4, 5, 10, or 20 days after DOD requests them. The Department of Transportation, through the Maritime Administration (MarAd), manages and maintains the RRF ships, and DOD directs and controls operations once the ships have been activated. DOD's Transportation Command is responsible for DOD's RRF oversight and operational control.
Auxiliary Crane Ships T-ACS Break Bulk/LASH Ships T-AK Heavy lift / Roll-on/Roll-off Ships T-AKR Product Tankers T-AOT Troop Ships T-AP


In 1992, the Department of Defense (DOD) recommended spending almost $4 billion over 7 years to purchase more ships for the RRF and improve their readiness. The Mobility Requirements Study recommended that by 1999 the RRF consist of 142 ships, 63 of which would be kept in a high-priority readiness status. Of these 63 ships, 36 would need to be able to activate in 4 days and 27 would have to be ready in 5 days. However, the pool of U.S. merchant mariners available to crew RRF ships has been steadily declining for several decades. The decline in the number of available mariners should not immediately affect MarAd's ability to crew RRF ships. However, if the decline continues, MarAd's future ability to adequately crew these ships is questionable.




Maritime Security Fleet

The Maritime Security Program maintains a U.S.-flag merchant fleet crewed by U.S. mariners to serve both the commercial and national security needs of the United States. In accordance with the Maritime Security Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-239), the Department of Transportation's Maritime Administration (MARAD) entered into agreements with 10 shipping companies to participate in a program that would provide the Department of Defense (DOD) access to U.S.-registered commercial ships, their crews, and other related transportation assets in a time of national emergency. Maritime Security Program payments are paid to vessels operating in U.S. foreign commerce. Vessels include containerships, lighter-aboard ships (LASH) and Roll-on/Roll-off vessels (RO/RO). As of January 23, 1997, 47 ships were enrolled in the program. The MSF program replaces the Operating Differential Subsidy (ODS) program, which reimbursed American shipowners for cost differentials associated with operating under U.S. versus foreign registry, including higher crew, insurance, maintenance, and repair costs. The MSF program, in contrast, provides a reduced fixed rate to compensate U.S.-flag operators principally for the higher cost of employing U.S. citizens aboard U.S.-flag ships.

Voluntary Intermodal Shipping - VISA




Maintained byRobert Sherman
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更新2000年10月19日,星期四6:13:29 AM