


(有关Cole Uss事件的特别简报。还参加了军事人员计划与政策部主任Joseph G. Henry,N13。)

Bacon: Good afternoon.

The pictures of the coffins arriving at Ramstein remind us that this is a moment of sorrow and a moment of gratitude for the sacrifices that not only these sailors have made but that our military men and women make around the world every day, that they perform duty in our interest.

我想让您了解这一点的几个方面:首先是受伤或杀害的水手的处置;其次,船上的亚丁发生了什么,科尔号号航空母舰;第三,我们取得的进步 - 我们正在将人们带入亚登(Aden)进行调查,以进行调查,并在该地区提供增强的力量安全性。

然后,我将让人员乔·亨利(Joe Henry家庭并应对科尔号航空母舰上水手家族的需求。

首先,最新的数字是七人死亡,10人失踪和38人受伤。我们正在搬家 - 五名受伤的水手已经恢复了值班。他们的伤口是肤浅的,他们又重新上班了。



It is my expectation that there will be a memorial service for the sailors in Norfolk, probably on Wednesday. And we're currently working on the plans for that, and that -- we'll give you the final details as soon as we have those.


Bacon: I believe that -- yes, Secretary Cohen will be there. And I anticipate that the president will attend as well. But there will be a final announcement when we have the details worked out.


现在亚丁还有另外两艘海军船。霍斯号(USS Hawes),一名FFG [护卫舰],在Aden附近停泊。驱逐舰的唐纳德·库克(Donald Cook)也在该地区。这很重要,因为显然,剩下的船员疲倦和心烦意乱,因此新船的船员可以帮助完成一些使船漂浮并处理受损船体所需的工作。因此,重要的是要在那里有增援。

The -- so far, we have moved in a number of teams, and these numbers change, of course, but let me tell you what I believe has happened so far.

Navcent [海军部队中央司令部]医疗评估团队昨天到达。其中包括医生,一些医疗技术人员,一些护士,安全人员,通讯人员和一些海军刑事调查人员。此外,一支医疗创伤小组来自沙特阿拉伯,两名外科医生,两名护士和三名技术人员。海军陆战队快队已经到达;约有50名海军陆战队。我相信,快速代表舰队反恐怖主义支持团队。安全团队。车队反恐怖主义安全团队。

Q: Fifty, five-zero?





Bacon: Five-oh. There are other FBI teams on the way -- over 100 additional people in two groups coming with equipment -- and they will arrive in the next day or two, maybe a little later, depending on what arrangements are made for them when they get there.

我们得到了两个盟友的非常非常坚实的支持:法国和英国人。法国人在帮助美国从亚丁的医院运送受伤的水手到吉布提的医院发挥了作用。英国人带着一艘船到达;HMS Marlborough在船上有一名医生,他们也非常有帮助。法国人有一架飞机,一架带有八名医务人员的C-160飞机,他们不仅提供了立即的医疗援助,而且正如我所说的那样,运输到吉布提。

We have also, of course, received a wonderful outpouring of support from Americans all across the country, a list way too long to mention, but I will say that the VFW has provided phone cards, or is in the process of providing phone cards to the families and also to the sailors. Unfortunately, they can't use the phone cards on the ship right now because of the reduced communications capabilities, but those in Ramstein can use them and this will help the families communicate later with their family members who are part of the crew.


Bacon: Ken, just a clarification on the first team, the federal one, are they -- do they look like, are they like cops or are they like security guards? Do they have the same firepower as Marines?


Q: The physical security is with the Marines, then?




Bacon: I think the FEST teams were around before the embassy bombing, but we have -- both the State Department and the Defense Department have done a lot to improve, one, the on-site security over the last few years, and then also our emergency response capabilities in a situation like this.

Q: What's "FEST" stand for again?

Bacon: I believe it stands for "Federal Emergency Support Team."


问:你可以 - 吗

Bacon: Foreign. Foreign Emergency Support Team. Foreign.


培根:是的,我们非常重要的合作tion right now from the government of Yemen, in several respects. First, they have helped us with the medical care. And second, they have -- they are providing a lot of security around the port in the city of Aden. And third, they have vowed to be cooperative in the investigation. And to the best of my knowledge, they are being cooperative at this stage, although probably the questions about the investigation are better directed to the always forthcoming FBI.

Q: Ken, on this subject, there have been reports alleging that the government of Yemen had been infiltrated by agents of Osama bin Laden or others, and once they got the advance notice of 10 or 12 days, they were able to move forward and put their own men on the boats. Any indication that there was any of that that happened?



Q: Ken, as it was explained yesterday, the U.S. Navy informs the embassy they're coming into a port where they don't have their standing military presence, and the embassy arranges for any kind of contracted assistance they may need. Do you know if the embassy vets these firms or if they go one step further and vets the individual employees of these firms? Conducts any kind of background security check?


问:您是否期望对也门那里的安全安排进行海军或国防部调查?例如,在Khobar Towers之后,爆炸后建立了许多新的安全步骤。您是否期望海军船只周围的安全性紧缩?

培根:嗯,我认为这还为时过早。我的意思是,每一次 - 像这样的每一次悲剧都会引起一段时间的反思,在此之后肯定会进行审查和反思,我们将研究我们的安全程序 - 我们的安全程序。



Q: Has the Navy decided whether or not it's going to send ships back for refueling in Aden? Has it been suspended or cancelled?

Bacon: I don't think they've reached that decision yet. I'm not aware that that decision has been made.



培根:他的意思是,在麦克风中,用他的声音脱颖而出,是 - 这些决定是由中央司令部总司令,现为弗兰克斯将军和他的员工做出的。我认为弗兰克斯将军不会在整个剧院的每一个加油要求上签字。但是,这些是由海军中央指挥机构Navcent制造的。显然,他们将研究亚丁和其他地方做出这些决定的条件。


培根:嗯,很明显,他们必须做两件事。他们必须修补它,并且必须得到它 - 足够的电源恢复了,以便她可以移动。我 - 我不知道您是否可以拖曳一艘大小的船。可以拖曳船。而且我认为这不会立即解决,但是我希望在下周左右,因此他们将能够知道他们要解决的问题,甚至可以完成维修的工作将其移至更实质性的设施中。





培根:嗯,船员一直经历了悲剧。这是 - 我认为 - (暂停) - 这说明说它们肯定很疲劳。我认为亨利海军上将现在接管,他可以告诉您他与船长或船长进行的对话,这将为这一点带来一些启示。我的意思是,显然他们经历了悲剧。


Let me turn this over to Admiral Henry, and then I'll come back and --

Q: (Off mike.)

Bacon: Sure.

Q: Ken, you've said that the individual decisions to refuel are made at the CINC level. What is the degree of OSD involvement in the monitoring and assessment of the engagement policy with Yemen prior to this incident? And is there now a review at the OSD level of the policy of having troops or ships, you know, in Yemeni territory?

培根:中东是一个充满风险的地区,不仅在也门,而且在其他国家。这就是我们拥有如此庞大的军事存在的原因之一 - 帮助稳定过去不稳定的地区。我认为每个人都赞赏这一点,每个人都感谢在中东工作是平衡风险与需要做我们工作的过程。我们评估并试图平衡风险与在中东和其他地方输入的每个端口中完成工作的需求。显然,这种平衡在中东特别精致。我们将继续这样做。我不知道关于亚丁的任何正式决定,但显然这是我们将来要看的事情,也是不太遥不可及的未来。


Q: You said that we evaluate the risks and benefits in each port. Were you saying -- were you speaking for OSD then, or -- or who is it that does that process of evaluating the risks and benefits in the approach to each port?






Henry: Good afternoon. The commanding officer of the USS Cole did talk to Vice Admiral Ryan, the chief of naval personnel, approximately two hours ago. The commanding officer called to thank Admiral Ryan for the efforts of the people at the Bureau of Naval Personnel and also the efforts that are going on in Norfolk, and called them a Godsend, with the help that they were giving the families.


What I'd like to do is explain to you the process that's been ongoing to notify those families, and that process, on a whole, has been going very well. It started at approximately 0730 yesterday when the Bureau of Naval Personnel at headquarters here in Washington was first notified of the incident. Immediately, Vice Admiral Ryan stood up the Emergency Crisis Center down in Millington, Tennessee. Within a half hour, a 1-800 number was made available for the families to call. Within an hour, the center was fully stood up, with 32 phones manned. During the day, in the first 20 hours, we received over 6300 phone calls. Today, we've received approximately 1600 phone calls.


我们有五十个名字,这是一个广泛的过程。实际上,昨天我们必须通知24个州的90多人,这是一个非常广泛的过程。第一批受伤人员 - 受伤人员的家庭在1400年或下午2:00通知。昨天。昨天下午1530年或3:30发出了第一份死亡通知,因此在我们列入清单之后很快。整个晚上一直持续。


Q: Admiral, you said your men, or people, worked through the night last night -- what kind of naval officer/enlisted person makes up the notification team? It'd seem, if you come knocking on somebody's door in the middle of the night, that's pretty shocking.

亨利:海军每个地区都已经接受过培训 - 实际上,当我们发现必须通知某人时,该地区指挥官会收到通知。然后,他接受了培训的人员,向家庭发出了这一通知,牧师和在该地区接受过培训的人,然后亲自去家人。现在,这不是一个简单的过程,因为家庭可能会在度假中不在休假而没有告诉任何人,所以我们可能需要一段时间才能找出他们在哪里。我们必须开车超过几百英里的通知。因此,这不是很快发生的过程。即使我们确实有一个名称和一个地址,可以找到下一个亲属的位置,但该过程很耗时。

Q: But there would be a chaplain along in every case?

亨利:我不知道答案。I think there is a chaplain in every case.


亨利:是的,有。答案是“尽快”,因为我们知道人们只是在等待这一点。因此,我们想立即做到这一点,但这不能这么快。尽可能快 - 我认为我们很快就站起来了控制中心,拿出了800个数字,并提取了紧急数据。一旦我们拥有,我们立即试图通知人员。所以我说“尽快。”





问:海军上将,您提到的电话要去船,而家人则是 - 他们实际上是否可以 -

亨利:电话从船上到家人 -


亨利: - 从船到家庭成员。



Staff: Because they're on limited -- very limited communications now, the communications part is okay, but the power is disrupted, so they use stand-alone communications.

问:船员现在会一直留在船上,直到被带到某个地方,或者 - 现在 - 我想这名船员 - 显然他们正在部署六个月。通常,我想他们会在12月左右回到某个地方。

Henry: The crew will absolutely remain with their ship -- all that aren't injured. And I think we'd have to drag them away. They just saved the ship, so they want to stay there.

问:他们会吗?他们会有机会回家,因为他们通常会回来的时间,还是 - 是 -


问:(迈克(Mike)) - 其他船上的电力?


员工:她有力量。她有 - (迈克)。


员工:她有力量。She's got -- (off mike) -- in the ship.

Q: Is it believed that all the bodies or the missing, shall we say, are on the ship itself? Is there any suspicion that they were washed away in the --

Henry: We don't have that suspicion, but until we find every single body, I can't definitively answer that question.

Q: Can you give us a little bit of detail on where on the ship the injuries took place?

Henry: I can't. I'm sorry. I just know that it was very near the explosion, that's where the majority of the injuries were, and I don't have further details than that.


Q: Do you have any unidentified bodies?

Henry: No. We do not have any unidentified bodies.

问:CO说了他认为发生的事情吗?他是否解释了他对什么的看法 -

亨利:我认为 - 我认为有人解释说,有一艘船最初处理了科尔的一条线条,然后那艘延长的船随后到了,而在旁边,爆炸发生了。


Henry: No, he didn't. That's a very normal occurrence, when you pull into port, for a tending ship to come up and take the lines and take it over to the dolphin, so --

Q: Did he personally witness those events as have been described?



问:(迈克(Mike)) - 通信是 - (听不清) - 这可能会听起来很愚蠢,但是对于生活在所有手机的年龄的人来说,没有某种方法可以得到一个一堆手机向船上的人拿出来,以便他们可以与家人接触?

Henry: It's in process, as far as I know. It's in process. And from talking to the to CO, they are getting in touch with their families and that has been a big boost to the morale of the crew on board, and certainly to the families that were contacted.

问:但是,我的意思是,我的意思是,要完成 -


问:海军上将,昨天五角大楼要求新闻站不要放下 - 使用也门电视录像显示受伤的水手。


问:是及时完成的​​努力,还是您从家人那里得到反馈,说:“耶稣,我在CNN上看到我的儿子”或其中一个车站 -

Henry: We have not gotten personal feedback, although we know there was a number of pictures on the TV where you could identify a sailor from. We certainly prefer to get to the family first so they don't see it on TV before we've seen it. That's why we have preferred not to have those pictures shown.







Q: How many --

问:(迈克(Mike)) - 有些人受到威胁生命的伤害吗?

Henry: "Seriously injured" is the word I have, so I can't --

问:(听不清的词) - 但很认真。


亨利:认真 -


Q: Yeah, lacerations --




Q: Thank you very much.

问:肯,我可以回到一些主题 -

Bacon: I was hoping that the Admiral answered all your questions. (Subdued laughter.)


似乎人们在暗示这艘船上的水手也许是因为五角大楼的政策,也许不是由五角大楼与也门交往的政策 - 因此,也许是为了促进 - 也许是为了进步外交政策的目标是更好的关系,船上的水手陷入了可能更危险或不可接受的威胁水平。你能解决这个问题吗?因为那似乎是基本的批评。

培根:是的,我拒绝这种批评。我认为这些决定是由政府以公司方式做出的 - 几个政府机构。他们并不完全基于政府中一家机构的任何一条信息或任何一项政策计划。因此,政府在政府范围内决定使用亚丁并以多种方式与也门国家互动,其中一项涉及港口访问亚丁。

我相信,现在,在过去的一年左右的时间里,亚丁一次有一个自由呼吁,在亚丁有很多加油。还有其他类型的参与。也门正在进行一项拆除计划 - 美国赞助的脱机计划。因此,一个机构间决定是在机构间级别做出的,并在机构间层面进行了审查。

问:肯,回到昨天,CNO告诉我们,当科尔驶入港口时,威胁水平已提高到威胁级别的勇气,他们将武装人员武装在甲板上。如果真是这样,这些 - 像驱逐舰一样的船只携带可以处理自己的线条的小船,在世界各地,他们这样做。允许该船将船放在侧面并处理自己的线路,而不是让外国国民靠近那么接近,这可能不是更谨慎吗?

培根:嗯,这与较早的问题有关签约以及如何签订合同有关。这个问题是我无法回答的问题,因为它借鉴了我的海军程序 - 我不是专家,但也涉及该特定决定的一些细节,这就是什么随着时间的流逝将进行审查。


Bacon: I cannot. No.

问:海军早些时候说,潜水员或爆炸性的军械处置专家是正确的任期 - 看了船上的爆炸区。您是否知道它们是出现在任何物理证据或小船遗体或其乘员遗体的迹象之内吗?

Bacon: I do not know that question. That would be in the area of the investigation, but the -- being supervised by the FBI.


Bacon: That, again, is exactly the type of question the FBI will be working on.


Bacon: Oh, I think "apparent terrorism" characterizes it. As the chief of Naval Operations said yesterday, there's no -- there are many reasons to believe it was terrorism and few reasons to believe that it wasn't. But we have not made a final decision on that, and that will require some inputs from the FBI.


Q: Could you talk a little bit about the strategic importance of the port in Aden to the Navy? Is this the only fueling point it has between the Red Sea and Oman or Qatar? What benefits come from using this, or is there something someplace else that they can go to?

培根:嗯,有多种加油。一个 - 显然,指挥官喜欢选择的一件事,因此他们并没有被迫定期去同一地点,尤其是在中东这样的地区。因此,我们一直在努力开发一种在整个中东使用许多港口的方法,这些港口最能支持我们的业务,并最能支持我们在该地区的外交。因此,并非每艘在中东进行重新制定的船都在亚丁进行了重新制定。还有其他地方。

问:肯,有报道称,去年亚丁的一个反对ReportsReports派组织 - 在也门 - 已公开警告美国亚丁船只的使用。我想知道您是否知道该警告,以及它是否会发现使用该特定端口的任何形式的担忧。

培根:我当然知道已发表的报告。那里 - 在世界范围内,我们经常收到警告,情报人员所做的一件事情是评估警告的严重性,他们使用许多标准来决定如何认真对待警告以及是否更改我们的程序在警告上。他们认为的方面之一是信息的特异性和信息的来源,以及所描述的事件可能发生的可能性。

Without casting any information on this particular published report or any sort of credibility, without shrouding it in any credibility, I'd just like to say that we are constantly evaluating information. Some is rumor and some is more significant, determined to be more significant by our intelligence agencies. So this is something that goes on all the time.



Q: Going back just for a moment to the eyewitness yesterday, the Army major with the State Department, with the embassy over there, can you clarify what he says he saw? As we understand it, two men stood up in the boat shortly before the explosion. Did they stand at attention, did they put their hands in the air, do we know if two men did stand up and if so what they did? And were they the only two men aboard the boat?

培根:昨天我没有任何东西可以添加到报告中。ReportsReports显然,联邦调查局将要做的一件事是与所有人交谈,以了解发生了什么并试图汇总最佳报告。有一个 - 我没有在专业上施放任何杂物,但是必须检查很多数据点,并且必须将信息关联到我们才能完整的图片之前关联。




Q: Do you have even a ballpark knowledge?

Bacon: I do not.

Q: Can you take the question?

培根:不,我不认为,我不认为这s appropriate for me to answer that question now, and I won't take it. I think that this is the type of issue that will be sorted out in due time. But I don't think it benefits anybody right now to answer that question. I don't know the answer, and I'm not sure that --

问:这是 - (听不清) - 事实,肯。这不是 -

Bacon: Not necessarily. You know, there are a lot of ways to evaluate this, and I don't have the information now.


Bacon: Well, the two Yemens mated, I guess is the way to say it, joined together in 1990, as I understand it, and we had been working with the country over a period of time. So I don't believe that there had been port calls prior to the 15 to 18 months previous to this.

问:什么 -

问:肯 -

Bacon: But I will double-check on that.

Q: Ken.

问:什么时候 -



Q: Two sort of foreign policy-related questions: There is a published report that the Navy or the Defense Department was proposing to go further and to establish a dedicated naval replenishment-and-refueling facility, that there had been discussions and planning about that. Is that correct?


问:你可以 - 吗could you --


Q: Could you walk us through what the continuing justification is for these maritime interception patrols, which the Cole was going to join? I mean, there you were -- their initial purpose was to stop the smuggling of Iraqi oil, but now, under U.N. Security Council resolution, Iraq is able to export as much oil as it wants and indeed, under U.N. Security Council resolution, it is being allowed to expend hundred of millions of dollars every month to improve its oil export capabilities. Why now are we continuing to try to stop oil smuggling?

Bacon: Well, that is a very pertinent question. And there are two ways that Iraq can export oil. If it exports oil under the oil-for-food program, the revenues from the oil sales are monitored by the U.N., and they are directed into humanitarian -- meeting humanitarian needs in Iraq, and that could be food, it could be medical care, et cetera. But they're strictly monitored by the U.N.

萨达姆·侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)拒绝参加石油食品计划的原因之一是,他不希望联合国监视器或会计师进行绿色汇款,以绿色地看他的货币流量。他经常沿着伊朗海岸走私的石油没有受到联合国的监视,而这笔钱可以重建他的军队,建造宫殿,偿还他的朋友,他的家人。它不必为了满足伊拉克人民的人道主义需求。

So these are two fundamentally different sources of revenue for the country of Iraq. The U.N. revenue meets humanitarian -- the U.N.-monitored revenue, under the oil-for-food program, meets humanitarian needs. The other revenue meets Saddam Hussein's own needs.



问:海军上将克拉克昨日指出了这一点way this event unfolded, there wasn't anything that could be -- could have been done on the Cole to stop it. Is there any concern in this building that what's happened now has highlighted a vulnerability that the Navy has around the world? I mean, anybody who's been to Norfolk or San Diego knows that there's dozens of small craft buzzing around those harbors, that often come within fairly close proximity of Navy ships. Is there any concern that we've now seen a precursor to threats that we faced around the world, including here in the United States?



因此,我们一直在一个世界上打交道,恐怖主义在一段时间内是一个不断壮大的挑战。中央情报局局长乔治·瑟特(George Tenet)最近对国会说,这不是我们是否会受到恐怖主义袭击的问题,这是一个何时的问题。而且我认为这座建筑物中的每个人都对此进行了操作 - 担心,恐怖主义是一个威胁,可能会在某个时候困扰我们。

We have to balance all the time, again, how we do our jobs with the security concerns. And clearly we will do our best to learn from this tragedy, but it doesn't mean we can stop deploying our ships to areas around the world where we're trying to bring stability. And it would be an absolute victory for terrorists, if they're behind this attack, if we pulled back and stopped doing our job in the Middle East or elsewhere in the world. And we are not going to give them that victory. We are going to continue to do our work, but we will try to do it better and more safely. That is what we've been working on in force protection. It's a constant battle to make it better and we will continue that battle.


Q: Ken, related to that, you say you haven't made a decision yet on whether to continue using Aden as a refueling stop. But in light of this incident, has any fleet-wide direction gone out regarding either not refueling at the present time independently, or to do new procedures for refueling?

Bacon: Not that I'm aware of. I mean, this is the type of thing that we'll have to look at. But ships have to refuel. And as the CNO made clear yesterday, we don't have enough oilers, nor have we ever had enough oilers, to dispatch an oiler with every destroyer or frigate that travels alone.


问:两艘寄往那里的船只,霍斯还是 - 另一艘船是什么?


问:库克 - 唐纳德·库克(Donald Cook),他们到达亚丁港(Aden Harbour)时是否得到了小型手工艺品的任何形式的援助 -


Staff: Only one is -- Hawes is anchored in the harbor. No assistance required when you anchor. It's not the same as mooring to a number of buoys. And Cook is standing off the harbor underway.


问:现在科尔周围有安全周边 - 100或200码;目前没有人能接近船吗?



培根:我说我不会谈论这些细节,但是海军陆战队在那里 -




问:是的,与之相关。我知道昨天秘书科恩(Cohen)说,这些船只是 - 部署的其他船只本来应该驶向海上。这种预防措施仍然有效吗?是海里的船;他们远离港口吗?

Bacon: That is still in effect.

Q: Which ships are those? Just in the Gulf region, or --






培根:我 - 我无法回答。



员工:我们知道她的战斗系统是什么 - 她具有战斗系统能力,但我的意思是,这是一种真正的武器和50口径机枪的威胁。


Staff: I -- I don't know any statistics on that one.

Bacon: Thank you.


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