
立即发布日期:1995年12月12日星期四联系人:约翰·斯旺克电话:(202)366-5807平民海员,RRF船只支持北约在波斯尼亚的任务12月1日星期五晚上8点前,国防部运输司令部下令启动两艘准备储备部队(RRF)货船,以支持北约在波斯尼亚的部队。CAPE RACE号和CAPE RISE号停泊在弗吉尼亚州的朴茨茅斯,计划在收到通知的4天内启动,两艘船都比预定时间提前了很多。每艘船上的所有28名船员都是美国商船船员和平民海员,他们通常驾驶悬挂美国国旗的载有国内和国际贸易的货船。交通部长费德里科·佩纳(Federico Pena)说:“美国航运业和商船船员再次响应了号召。”“美国熟练的商船船员和整个航运业对我们的国防、维和和人道主义工作仍然至关重要。”这是今年第二次启动CAPE RACE以支持北约在波斯尼亚的努力。在两个月的时间里,它在德国、英国和克罗地亚之间运送货物,以支持英国第24空中机动旅。10月30日,培尼亚部长访问了CAPE RACE号,赞扬其船员在执行任务期间的“模范和专业表现”。运输部的海事管理局(MARAD)拥有并维护RRF的船只,以便在军事部队快速部署需要时提供迅速的海运支持。海事局长阿尔伯特·j·赫伯格赞扬了为MARAD管理CAPE RACE和CAPE RISE的海事公司,以及提供船员的航海工会。 "These activations demonstrate how government, private industry and labor can work together to serve the national interest," he said. OMI Ship Management, Inc. manages the two ships for MARAD. In deployed operations, they are crewed by skilled American civilian seafarers belonging to the American Maritime Officers Union and the Seafarers International Union. The RRF was established by MARAD and the Navy in 1976. The first large-scale activation of RRF ships came in support of operations in the Persian Gulf in 1990 and 1991. That breakout of 79 ships required 3,000 civilian seafarers to crew them. RRF ships also have operated in support of humanitarian operations in Somalia and in Haiti. # # #