
---------------------------------------------------------------- 美国海军在海军的万维网服务办公室的信息,华盛顿到comments@chinfo.navy.mil发送反馈/问题美国海军网站在互联网上找到:http://www.navy.mil ---------------------------------------------------------------- 海军驱逐舰命名。伯克利(DDG 84)最新的阿利伯克级导弹驱逐舰。伯克利(DDG 84),将于2000年6月24日星期六(当地时间)上午10点在密西西比州帕斯卡古拉的利顿英格尔斯造船厂(Litton's Ingalls Shipbuilding)接受洗礼。这艘船是为了纪念已故海军中将约翰·邓肯·巴尔克利(John Duncan Bulkeley, 1911-1996)而命名的。巴尔克利在第二次世界大战期间的英勇行为获得了荣誉勋章、海军十字勋章和其他许多勋章。在菲律宾防卫期间,他指挥机动鱼雷快艇(MTB) 3中队和7中队,疏散了陆军上将道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟(Douglas MacArthur)和菲律宾总统奎松(Quezon),并击毁了数架日本飞机、水面战斗机和商船。作为MTB 102中队的指挥官,他支持诺曼底和法国南部的入侵。战争结束后,他成为检查和调查委员会的主席,并在1974年1月1日被转移到退休名单后继续任职。前堪萨斯州参议员鲍勃·多尔将在典礼上发表主要讲话。巴尔克利的女儿,Regina J. Day, Joan I. Stade和Diana J. Lindsay;儿媳卡罗尔·a·巴尔克利(Carol A. Bulkeley); and U.S. Pacific Fleet Adm. Thomas B. Fargo's wife, Sarah, will serve as ship sponsors in the time-honored Navy tradition, when they each break a bottle of champagne across the bow to formally christen Bulkeley. Bulkeley is the 34th of 58 Arleigh Burke class destroyers currently authorized by Congress, and the 14th of this class to be built by Ingalls Shipbuilding. DDG 51 destroyers are the most capable surface warships ever built. Truly multi-mission combatants, these ships can conduct a variety of operations, from peacetime presence and crisis management to sea control and power projection, in support of the National Military Strategy. Equipped with the latest weapons, electronics, helicopter support facilities, and propulsion, auxiliary and survivability systems, DDG 51 destroyers will carry out the Navy's missions well into the century. State-of-the-art command, control, communications, computers and intelligence systems provide their ships' crew with complete situational awareness. DDG 84 is also equipped with the Navy's modern Aegis combat weapons system, the world's foremost naval weapon system. Space-age communications, radar and weapons technologies are combined in a single platform for unlimited mission flexibility. The systems include the AN/SPY-1D phased array radar; the MK 41 Vertical Launching System, which fires a combination of up to 96 Standard surface-to-air, and Tomahawk surface-to-surface missiles; and the AN/SQQ-89 Antisubmarine Warfare System, with a bow mounted AN/SQS-53C sonar. In addition, Bulkeley has six MK 46 torpedo tubes, as well as two MK 15 Phalanx Close-In Weapons Systems and a multi-mission 5"/62 caliber deck-mounted gun which can be used as an anti-ship weapon, close-in point defense or in support of forces ashore with naval gunfire. The ship's aircraft handling and support facilities include dual aircraft hangers (port and starboard), a dual Recovery Assist, Securing and Traversing System, and associated machinery systems providing significant enhanced helicopter launch and recovery, command and control and maintenance/repair capabilities. The ship also features the over-the-horizon LAMPS MK III Antisubmarine Warfare Control System, and will be assigned two SH-60B Seahawk Undersea Warfare helicopters. Navy Cmdr. Carlos Del Toro of New York, N.Y., is the prospective commanding officer of Bulkeley with a crew of approximately 383 officers, chiefs and enlisted personnel. Upon its commissioning in the year 2001, Bulkeley will be homeported in Norfolk, Va., as a member of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet. DDG 84 is 509.5 feet in length, and has a waterline beam of 59 feet. Four gas-turbine engines power the 9,200 ton ship to speeds in excess of 30 knots. -USN-