
白宫新闻秘书办公室 ________________________________________________________________________ 立即发布2000年10月30日新闻发布会上通过西詹姆斯·s·布雷迪简报室美国东部时间下午1:42问杰克,今天他们说总统在国务院与也门的领袖,萨利赫。能跟我们说说那个电话吗?西沃特:是的。他在周六与他进行了交谈。如你所知,总统已经给也门领导人写了一封信,感谢他在调查第一阶段的合作,并请求他们在我们进入下一阶段调查时继续合作。我们在周六接到了回电,他们在周六聊了大约25分钟。他们保证在下一阶段的调查中全力合作;我们明确表示,作为调查的一部分,我们需要看到一些接触证人和主要材料的渠道。问:他们同意了吗?西沃特:他们已经承诺会全力合作,我不打算透露调查的方式,但他们保证会继续合作。 And we've received excellent cooperation from them in the first phase, and we expect that that will continue. Q So they agreed to give us access? MR. SIEWERT: They've said that they would cooperate fully in the next phase of the investigation. Q Have there been problems, though? Apparently with the certain people that the Yemense - Yemen authorities have detained, and they haven't allowed U.S. officials to question? MR. SIEWERT: I'd check with the Department of Justice and the other investigation agencies about how each phase of it's going. But generally in the first phase of the investigation we are very satisfied with the cooperation we've gotten. As you know, a lot of the investigators have returned now. We have a smaller group that's focusing on the next round. The President called President Salih to let him know that we need more cooperation in the second round, continued cooperation. They made clear that they would provide that cooperation, and we made clear in the call that we're going to need access to suspects and information that we'll need to continue that investigation. In terms of the day-to-day particulars of this, I think there are better places to get that information than here. Q Is it your understanding that this latest pledge of cooperation means that Yemen will give our FBI investigators access to the witnesses, suspects and evidence? MR. SIEWERT: You should check with the FBI on how that is actually playing out in practice, but we've made clear that that's something that we will need. Q Salih says that he's going to continue to cooperate. That is how the White House interprets it. The White House brings up specific concerns in his phone conversations -- MR. SIEWERT: That's what he said. That's all I'm saying. That's what he said; and we made clear, as part of that cooperation, we'll need access to information and to suspects. .... - Q Jake, back on Yemen, did the President write the letter at the urging of Janet Reno and Louis Freeh? MR. SIEWERT: Not that I'm aware of. I think it was meant just to -- I'll check on that, but it was meant to just thank him for the cooperation in the first phase, recognizing that we're moving into a new stage where we were lessening the footprint that the investigators had in Yemen, but that we needed to continue and do more over the next phase while there were fewer people on the ground; the next phase of the investigation is very important. END 2:08 P.M. EST