

= N E W S R E L E S E = =助理国防部长办公室=(公共事务)=华盛顿特区20301 = =请注意日期 ==================================================== 648 - 00(703) 695 - 0192(媒体)立即释放10月20日以下名单确认了在科尔号恐怖袭击中丧生的人员名单。星号表示死后被提升到指定级别的水手,因为他们有资格参加晋升考试。船体维修技术员二级* Kenneth Eugene Clodfelter, 21岁,来自弗吉尼亚州Mechanicsville。电子技术员上士* Richard Costelow, 35岁,来自宾夕法尼亚州Morrisville。信息系统技术员Timothy Lee Gauna, 21岁;德州赖斯;信号员Seaman* Cherone Louis Gunn, 22岁;水手詹姆斯·罗德里克·麦克丹尼尔斯,19岁,来自弗吉尼亚州诺福克;机械师马克·伊恩·涅托,24岁,来自威斯康星州丰度拉克;罗纳德·斯科特·欧文斯(Ronald Scott Owens), 24岁,来自佛罗里达州维罗海滩。消防员*帕特里克·霍华德·罗伊(Patrick Howard Roy), 19岁,来自纽约州哈德逊的康沃尔(Cornwall on Hudson)32岁的德克萨斯州二级作战专家蒂莫西·拉蒙特·桑德斯(Timothy Lamont Saunders)来自弗吉尼亚州Ringgold, 26岁的消防员加里·格雷厄姆·斯文森尼斯(Gary Graham Swenchonis Jr.)来自得克萨斯州Rockport, 31岁的海军少尉安德鲁·特里普莱特(Andrew Triplett)来自梅肯。八具科尔海军的遗体今天抵达多佛空军基地,最后四具遗体将在未来几天抵达。 Information on arrival time will be provided by Dover AFB. Following autopsy and identification, the remains will be turned over to the families. Today the Navy also clarified some details about initial reports of the terrorist attack against USS Cole. According to ship records, the explosion occurred at about 11:18 a.m. local time in Yemen, not 12:15 p.m. as previously reported. USS Cole had completed mooring operations at 9:30 a.m. local time. Refueling operations commenced at approximately 10:30 a.m. local time and were ongoing at the time of the terrorist attack. [Local time in Yemen is seven hours later than Eastern Daylight Time.] Earlier statements were based on the initial voice and relayed reports from the ship that were not confirmed. As previously reported, the explosion caused the Cole to lose power and disabled all onboard communications assets. As is often the case, these initial relayed reports contained some errors, and in some cases may have been misunderstood. -END-