

美国国务院每日新闻发布会2000年10月19日星期四下午12:50(除非另有说明,否则在记录中)问:今天有Zinni听证会谈到也门用于加油的清关,以及有很多关于允许为什么的棘手问题。我知道谁有一些来回谁承担了清除港口的最终责任,但由于国务部门在所有这一切都有作用,现在有一些重新思考,现在是港口在未来如何清除港口?然后我想问一下昨天出去的旅行咨询。先生。Boucher:我不知道任何广泛的重新思考。我认为参与这些情况的每个人都将尽可能多地学习它们。当然,在也门的情况下,军队在通常 - 与美国和专家磋商中,暂停进一步访问,这显然鉴于也门的情况显然显而易见。而且我相信,作为任何参与这一整个过程的人,是否是军事致力于磋商,建议或任何与他们一起参与磋商,建议或任何作用的军事,将尝试尽可能多地学习这一活动,并希望得出结论,以帮助我们将来的力量更安全,更安全。 Q: And then on the Travel Advisory that went out yesterday, we talked about it a lot with Phil. But as he pointed out, there was nothing specific in terms of when there might be specific terrorist action taken, where it might be taken. And, apparently, according to various different government officials, that type of broad-based warning went out before the USS Cole attack, but they kind of put it off to the side because they didn't have more details. Was the decision to put out this caution yesterday in part based on that, not wanting to repeat maybe what might have been seen as an error of not taking those kinds of broad-based threats more seriously and bringing them to the public's attention? MR. BOUCHER: Well, we had a public Worldwide Caution on October 12th. I think we have had them in the past before that. I'm not sure if that was a replacement or new one at that point, but the October 18th one that Phil discussed with you yesterday says, "Individuals may be planning terrorist actions against United States citizens and interests in the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Peninsula and Turkey." That is the best information that we can provide at this time. Clearly we have a policy that if we know of a specific threat at a specific location or time or flight, that we - if we cannot counter the threat adequately - we make that information public as well. But this is a broader thing based on the nature of the information that we have. Q: Can you say whether - when someone looks at that type of thing and it doesn't tell them not to go there, is it State Department advice not to go there at all? MR. BOUCHER: State Department advice is explicitly stated in the warning, and it is precise depending on what we know and what we feel we can advise people based on what we know. In this case, it says, "US citizens should exercise caution in considering travel to those areas at this time." (The briefing was concluded at 1:30 P.M.)