

五角大楼发言人肯·贝肯10月19日说,国防部的一个小组将调查发生在也门亚丁的科尔号驱逐舰遭受恐怖袭击的事件,看看指挥官们能做些什么来防止此类袭击。国防部长威廉·s·科恩(William S. Cohen)任命退役陆军上将威廉·克劳奇(William Crouch)和海军上将哈罗德·格曼(Harold Gehman)担任该小组的联合主席。科尔委员会将编写一份经验教训报告。培根说,这项工作将需要几个月的时间,“但我们希望它尽快出来,这样我们就可以开始使用这些信息。”克劳奇曾担任美国陆军、欧洲司令部司令和北约驻波斯尼亚执行部队司令。培根说,他在波斯尼亚保护军队方面的经验应该有助于他的小组工作。格曼将于11月1日从海军退役,他曾担任美国联合部队司令部司令。他有丰富的水面作战经验,曾在驱逐舰上服役和指挥。科尔小组是在海军的法官辩护一般手册调查之外。JAG手册调查检查了攻击前船上的操作,以确保遵守了所有海军程序。 The Cole Commission is much broader than the Navy JAG Manual investigation, Bacon said. Panelists are to look at Navy guidance, U.S. Central Command rules, intelligence reports and other factors before compiling their report. The panel will not look for culpability, but rather solely at force protection and ways the United States can improve force protection. FBI Director Louis Freeh was in Aden meeting with Yemeni and U.S. officials. He said he was pleased with the cooperation the FBI team has received from the Yemenis. He said they had located several locations that may be relevant to the case. "They found those locations on their own with very, very good police work," Freeh said during a press conference. "They've shared the results of that with us." He said recovery of evidence on the Cole proceeds, but it's too early to say with any certainty who sponsored or launched the attack. "We have some theories, as you almost have to have when you begin an investigation of this kind, but the determination with respect to participation, sponsorship, if any, will be strictly delegated by the facts, by the forensics, witnesses that are developed, linkages to other places or persons," Freeh said. "But we are very, very far from doing that and are really looking at this with a very open mind at this point. Bacon said U.S. commitment to the Central Command region will remain strong. "We had the embassy bombings in Africa, we didn't close our embassies," Bacon said. "We had threats in Saudi Arabia, we didn't stop our commitments there. "But, right now, we're concerned with recovering the remains, stabilizing the ship and moving forward with FBI investigations." Related Site of Interest: