

搜寻凶手将是无止境的,克林顿说通过温迪·罗斯华盛顿文件特约撰稿人从华盛顿报道,美国将找到凶手的10月12日美国“科尔”号在也门恐怖袭击,杀死了17岁的美国水手和许多人受伤,克林顿总统和美国高级军事官员说。克林顿10月18日在弗吉尼亚州诺福克海军基地举行的感人的纪念仪式上说:“我们要对那些袭击他们的人说,你们不会找到一个安全的避风港。我们会找到你的,正义终将胜利。美国不会停止保卫中东和世界的和平、自由和稳定。”国防部长比尔·科恩说:“那些组织和策划这个野蛮的行为,你注意到我们的搜索你会无情的,美国不会休息,直到我们发现你和正义的长臂伸出,然而长,然而到目前为止,犯罪,让你为此付出代价。”参谋长联席会议(Joint Chiefs of Staff)主席亨利·h·谢尔顿(Henry H. Shelton)将军警告那些“犯下这一恐怖行为”的人,“美国的记忆很长,我们的影响也更深远。”追悼会在海军基地的12号码头举行。附近有两艘“科尔”号的姊妹舰“罗斯”号和“麦克福尔”号驱逐舰,两侧分别是“企业号”和“艾森豪威尔号”航空母舰。数千人参加了这场仪式,其中包括7名坐着轮椅的受伤水手。克林顿和美国高级军事官员发表讲话时,数百名美国水兵在附近船只的甲板上立正站好。 "All these very different Americans, all with their different stories, their life lines and their love ties, answered the same call of service and found themselves on the USS Cole headed for the Persian Gulf where our forces are working to keep peace and stability in a region that could explode and disrupt the entire world," Clinton said. Reading aloud the name of each of the deceased sailors, Clinton said: "In the names and faces of those we lost and mourn, the world sees our nation's greatest strength -- people in uniform rooted in every race, creed and region on the face of the Earth, yet bound together by a common commitment to freedom, and a common pride in being Americans. That same spirit is living today as the crew of the USS Cole pulls together in a determined struggle to keep the determined warrior afloat. "The idea of common humanity and unity amidst diversity, so purely embodied by those we mourn today, must surely confound the minds of the hate-filled terrorists who killed them," Clinton said. "They envy our strength without understanding the values that give us strength, for, for them, it is their way or no way: their interpretation, twisted though it may be, of a beautiful religious tradition; their political views; their racial and ethnic views -- their way or no way. "Such people can take innocent life. They have caused your tears and anguish, but they can never heal or build harmony or bring people together. That is work only free, law-abiding people can do; people like the sailors of the USS Cole." Also attending the ceremony were First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Attorney General Janet Reno, and the Clinton's daughter Chelsea. Before and after the service, Clinton met privately with the injured sailors, and visited with family members of the dead and missing sailors, pausing to spend a few minutes with each family. (The Washington File is a product of the Office of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: http://usinfo.state.gov)