

美国军队新闻社华盛顿,2000年10月17日——美国海军潜水员发现了10月12日在也门亚丁发生的科尔号驱逐舰恐怖袭击中丧生的六名水手的遗体。目前仍有六名水手失踪。官员们正在努力确认船员的身份,并通知他们的家人。五角大楼发言人奎格利少将(Rear Adm. Craig Quigley)说,潜水员继续在船内进行危险的搜索。另有四名在爆炸中受伤的水手已在弗吉尼亚州朴茨茅斯海军医院与家人和朋友团聚。这使得两名水手仍留在德国。奎格利说:“他们的身体状况不允许运送他们,尽管我们的目的是尽快转移他们。”官员们说,科尔号保持稳定,并继续提供自己的电力。其他美国船只正在亚丁向这艘遇难船只提供帮助,并协助调查这次袭击事件。“霍斯”号护卫舰和“唐纳德·库克”号驱逐舰是第一批抵达现场的美国军舰,并继续提供后勤和安全支持。 In addition, the Tarawa Amphibious Ready Group arrived in Aden Oct. 17. The group, composed of the assault ship USS Tarawa, amphibious transport USS Duluth and dock landing ship USS Anchorage, will provide food, lodging and medical aid to the U.S. teams in Aden to recover the Cole and investigate the attack. The ships' helicopters will also provide transportation for the Americans in Yemen. Quigley said FBI agents and others living in hotels now would move to one of the ships "to reduce our footprint in Aden." Quigley said the FBI is working with Naval Criminal Investigation Service agents, State Department officials and local law enforcement personnel to identify the perpetrators. He said he would not release the findings of the investigators, saying he did not want to give terrorists any view on the U.S. effort. The Navy has let a contract with a Norwegian firm that owns the Blue Marlin, a heavy lift ship that will haul the Cole aboard and carry it piggyback to its home port of Norfolk. The transport is six days away in the United Arab Emirate of Dubai. Loading the Cole will take eight days, and the voyage home will take another 25. The Cole crew will fly home once their ship is aboard the Blue Marlin. The Navy created a USS Cole Web site with the Blue Marlin story and extensive links at www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/news/news_stories/cole.html.