

吉姆·加拉蒙美军新闻社华盛顿10月16日,2000 - 33水手在恐怖袭击中受伤的驱逐舰科尔在亚丁湾,也门,10月15日回到诺福克,弗吉尼亚州六个水手在袭击中受伤仍在德国和将返回条件改善时,海军官员说。10月14日,在袭击中遇难的五人的遗体被归还。海军官员说,仍有10名水兵失踪,估计已经死亡。他们说,他们希望在10月19日之前找到所有死者的遗体。海军宣布将于10月18日在这艘船的母港诺福克举行纪念仪式。克林顿总统和国防部长威廉·科恩(William S. Cohen)将出席会议。在亚丁,三艘美国海军船只抵达提供帮助。护卫舰“霍斯”号、“卡姆登”号和另一艘阿利·伯克级驱逐舰“唐纳德·库克”号现在都在港口。海军官员说,船上的船员正在提供值班救济、港口安全和食品服务。卡姆登号正在提供进一步的后勤支持。 Officials said the USS Tarawa Amphibious Ready Group is en route from Bahrain and should be in Aden in two days. In addition, two Marine Fleet Anti-terrorism Security Teams are on site. One group of 50 Marines arrived Oct. 13 from Qatar and the second group arrived Oct. 15 from the United States, Pentagon officials said. The Burke-class Cole lost power over the weekend. The power outage allowed another compartment to flood. "When we lost power, we lost the ability to operate pumps," said Navy spokesperson Lt. Jane Alexander, adding the power is again working and flooding is controlled. "The ship is not in danger of sinking." The investigation into the terrorist attack continues. The FBI is working with Navy investigators and State Department officials to collect evidence. No group has taken responsibility for the attack on the Cole, officials said.