




I.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY�����������������������..1
B.POC LIST�����������������������������.B-1


A Navy and Marine Corps Warfighter and Ship Designer Integrated Product Team, the follow-on to the LPD 17 CIC/Troops Ops Functional Review Workshop I, was conducted on 16 and 17 October 1997 in the LPD 17 War Room at EWTGLANT with attendees from the acquisition and ship design communities interfacing with experienced Navy and Marine operators and representatives from Navy laboratories. Hosted by the LPD 17 Program Office (PMS 317), the fundamental objectives of the workshop were threefold: The IPT opened with RADM (Ret) Picotte of TEAM 17 providing an overview and update of the LPD 17 Program, extending to the Design for Ownership (DFO) process. In addition, he presented background information on Workshop I and ended by defining the exit criteria for the two days. COL Quinlan from PEO CLA then briefed the Marine Corps perspective, reiterating the need to "think 21st Century. They were followed by Mr. Will Donnelly from PMS 317 and Mr. Bill Douglas from NAVSEA 03 who explained the how and why of the CIC and Troops Ops/TACLOG arrangements, gave AGF 11's solution to co-location issues and then stressed the need not to be limited by paradigm considerations in the IPT's examination of the spaces.

焦点小组identifyi车间继续ng functions common to CIC and to Troop Ops/TACLOG - only one, command and decision making, appeared to require physical co-location of commanders and then the function only required physical proximity occasionally. With this in mind, NAVSEA representatives Mr. Donnelly and Mr. Douglas) developed a revised strawman space layout. The focus groups reconvened to review the draft design and to identify pertinent issues. Reformed, the members completed the workshop by refining issues pertinent to the revised arrangement. The PMS 317 Team plans to return in January 1998 to review drawings of options relative to space arrangement and to review planned C4I systems to meet space requirements. The following IPT actions resulted:



LPD 17计划和设计的优势之一是舰队水手和海军陆战队的投入和支持。已经提交了好主意和建议,现在正在考虑将其纳入船舶设计中。这是一个持续的程序,在某些情况下,在详细设计开始之前,可以通过其他机队/海洋审查来增强过程的价值。基于兴趣和要求,该审查是适当且及时的一个领域,是在拟议的LPD 17战斗信息中心(CIC)和部队运营与物流中心(部队OPS)太空配置

LPD 17 CIC and Troop Ops designs have progressed to the study drawing stage so a fleet/Marine review was considered necessary to create functional definitions for both spaces and to determine if the proposed system/space arrangements satisfy those functions with a particular interest in the value of collocation for some operations. Embodied by the Navy and Marine Corps Warfighter and Ship Designer IPT Charter, signed by N85, COMPHIBGRU TWO, COMPHIBGRU THREE, Deputy MARFORLANT and Deputy CG I MEF, the IPT met on 16-17 October 1997 at the LPD 17 War Room (EWTGLANT, Little Creek). The charter directed the IPT to:

Participants were invited to determine how these spaces can best support external and internal situational awareness, realize the advantages of shared tactical picture, and avoid stove- piped C4I. Hosted by the LPD 17 Program Office (PMS 317), the fundamental objectives of the workshop were threefold: The IPT was able to achieve these objectives through the interactive Design for Ownership process as follows: The PMS 317 Team will then return in January 1998 with drawings of options relative space arrangement.

Key IPT members included representatives from Commander Amphibious Group Two, Commander Amphibious Group Three (COMPHIBRON SEVEN), I. MEF/15thCommunications Officer and G3, USS NASHVILLE, PCO USS OAK HILL, COMSURFWARDEVGRU, SWOSCOLCOM, MCCDC, COMNAVSURFLANT, PEO CLA, PMS 317, NSWC Dahlgren Division, and NAVSEA. The agenda and attendees are provided at Appendices A and B.



概述。RADM (Ret) Picotte, Team 17, welcomed theIPT and provided overview and updates of the LPD 17 Program, extending to the Design for Ownership (DFO) process. In addition, he presented background information on Workshop I, briefed on pending action items from that Workshop and presented unresolved LPD 17 Design For Ownership Data Base Issues relevant to the IPT. He concluded by reinforcing the IPT Charter credo that the "IPT will create concepts that will enable LPD 17 Combat Information Center (CIC) and Troops Operations and Logistics Center (Troop Ops) spaces to support aOne Team, One Fight执行海军探险战役的方法,并使指挥官能够维持直接,持续的对话。乐动冠军

Marine Corps Perspective.PEO CLA的Quinlan上校回应了欢迎,并就太空问题的海军陆战队观点以及战士和船舶设计师IPT提供了想法。乐动冠军除了传达其他背景信息并强调使LPD 17“战士友好”的必要性之外,他建议IPT“思考未来”,并记住“一支球队,一场战斗”。

Design Discussion. Mr. Donnelly and Mr. Douglas followed with key attributes of the background, design considerations and potential paradigms involved in CIC, Troop Operations, and TACLOG. An interesting comparison was drawn between 21st century's LPD 17 and H.M.S. Dreadnought of 1905. Both ships reflect innovative design, technology leaps, enhanced combat systems, and holistic approaches to design. Highlights of the remainder of the presentation are as follows:a. Background.Originally, CIC was meant to be deep inside the ship, but survivability studies indicated that there was less vulnerability within the superstructure so it was moved to the 02 level. The modification to remove CIWS enabled the spaces to be moved up to the 03 level, promoting access to the Pilot House. Troop Operations was originally intended to be only a Tactical Logistics space, TACLOG. However, it was recognized that there were advantages to improving interconnectivity and command and control for embarked Marines or other forces. The space then adopted the dual role of Troop Operations and Logistics Center. When the space was raised to the 03 Level, another space, formerly a CIWS related space, became available outboard of Troop Ops and separated from TOLC by a bulkhead. A bulkhead with door access separated CIC from Troop Ops. 03 Level Configuration shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.LPD 17 03 Level Top Down drawing view

Key attributes of the spaces are listed as follows: (See Figure 2)

CIC- Organized into sensor, weapons, C2, and mission area

- JMCIS and ACDS available at command table

- Utilizes 2 or 3-man command table plus CO behind

- Large screen displays for overall situational awareness

Troop Ops- "Scaled down" Landing Force Operations Center

- JMCIS capable

- 大屏幕显示

-- Same tactical picture as CIC

- Adjacent to CIC

- 船上广泛的区域网络访问以支持USMC要求

- IVCS and 23 TV provide voice connectivity and integrated video package to all operators, Navy and Marine.

Figure 2CIC/部队OPS当前安排的概述

b。关注。During Workshop I the need for a bulkhead or the removal of a bulkhead (Figure 3) between CIC and Troops Ops was discussed and several concerns were raised:

Figure 3.Current CIC/Troop Ops Space Arrangement with Bulkhead Removed

- 不应以常规的方式考虑空间配置。当今CIC和TACLOG之间的照明差异在将来不应该是一个问题,因为显示板和ASTAB代替了油脂铅笔。

- Audio interference is probably a greater environmental challenge to sharing CIC and Troops Ops, but a paradigm shift in how we do business may be required. Noise management is of concern in any new arrangement.

- TACLOG should be closer to CIC air control - for information and status sharing. This might require part of TACLOG to be reoriented to be adjacent to CIC vice on the other side of Troop Ops.

- 海军陆战队需要部队行动中的桌子空间。使用任务控制类型的布局 - 海军陆战队应朝着相同的方向面对,专注于面对面的交流。“一支球队 - 一场战斗”

- Personnel sitting at consoles become focused on their task and greatly reduce ambient space noise.

- Ship to shore movement should be tied to Troop Ops

- There needs to be a single location where a Marine or embarked force commander may go to obtain a snapshot of what is happening from air, sea and ground operations to self defense.

c.Paradigms.With respect to these and potential concerns, the workshop briefer's

discussion referred to several related paradigms:



Fact: CIC is not specified for low-level blue light - it is to be a low-level white light space and all displays must be clearly visible in that environment



Fact: Reduced manning and improved station-to-station communications should reduce ambient noise levels within CIC.

Limited Access Space






Level of Activity

Paradigm: There needs to be a single location where a Marine or embarked force commander may go to obtain a snapshot of what is happening from air, sea and ground operations to self defense at any time


Figure 4. Typical CIC and TOLC Activity Levels by Condition of Readiness

d. Workshop Process.After Workshop I, the signed IPT charter called for an initial meeting to prioritize space functions and a second meeting to develop concepts and pro and cons for various space design issues. In Workshop II these meeting were combined and objectives accomplished by the following process:


Based upon working group-identified functions, the IPT determined the following:


船上移动(串行载荷 - 什么,何时,何时)监视为

Operations, directs Landing Force Logistics, responds to Landing Force requests, and

coordinates with Primary Control Ship (PCS)

camera. Navy would like to have split screens for monitoring different spaces

simultaneous (multiple cameras at the same time). Also want independent control of

external communications.

be flexibility to combine the spaces for possible 21st century requirements. A smart

bulkhead such as is in place on USS CORONADO was recommended

expanding. Boxes/systems are becoming automating but still single functions.



First CIC and Troop Ops spaces were flip-flopped, CIC moving to the starboard side on the 03 Level. Tracker alley, the track and sensor management area of CIC was moved into the formerly unassigned CIWS space to starboard of CIC (once a possible location for TACLOG). This relocation would provide a secluded area for this function while still remaining accessible from CIC. It was also the best use of this space given the need to retain structural bulkheads.

Figure 5.建议的Revised CIC/Troop Ops Space Arrangement

部队操作和TACLOG将集成到TOLC的部队操作和物流中心。但是,“根据任务要求,两个空间之间将有一个智能的舱壁进行分离。tolc = taclog +部队操作.

At the same time a "smart bulkhead" would separate CIC from TOLC for flexibility in future mission accomplishment. This would also allow direct access between TACLOG and the Primary Control function area of CIC as needed.

A Blue/Green Mission Planning space would be designed on the 02 or 03 levels to provide for direct side-by-side interaction during the critical planning and even execution phases.

Wrap-up.研讨会在研讨会期间审查了未成年问题和新问题。乐动冠军车间我的所有动作项目都被认为是解决的。PMS 317的CDR Barbour感谢与会者的前瞻性思维和接受改变的意愿,从而结束了研讨会。他总结了研讨会的目标及其成就,如下所示:

CDR Barbour also reiterated the single action item from this workshop for PMS 317 to develop three variations of the Figure 5 arrangement and to brief the IPT when it reconvenes in January 1998.


The following issues were raised during the course of the workshop. Those resolved will be entered into the LPD 17 Design for Ownership Issues DataBase for historical documentation. Those requiring resolution or which will impact LPD 17 will also be entered into the LPD 17 Design for Ownership Issues DataBase for further action by the PMS 317 Ownership Team and/or the Configuration Change Board.

1. Debark Control and TACLOG should be co-located on LPD 17. Are windows required in



Windows were determined not to be required in Debark Control although television access is.

  1. 如果有同等的信息/情境意识可用,则指挥官(蓝色/绿色/紫色)在CIC/TACLOG/TROOP OPS中的共同定位是绝对必要的在关键任务计划阶段,为并排互动创建了任务计划空间。
  1. KSQ-1/PLRS Master Station position. A master station is required in TOLC
  1. Sensor Operators and Track Managers do not need to be located in CIC. This was addressed in the revised strawman design where the functions and spaced were moved to an area accessible to CIC, but outboard of it and separated by a bulkhead.
  1. LPD 17上需要自由使用远程摄像机,以进行船舶情况意识,例如通道,储藏室,飞行甲板,井甲板,弹药固定,船舶外部?
  1. TOLC and CIC require independent control of Large Screen Display (LSD) in their respective spaces (eliminate master/slave console, want independent control)
  1. 谁负责关节空间?(是蓝色还是绿色空间)。这是在研讨会中通过不让联合空间而解决的,而是一个具有灵活性的连接空间。
  1. Amphibious Operations Space/Warroom/Planning/Briefing Space location. Warroom needs to be located near major C2 spaces (CIC and TOLC) to provide a briefing space/meeting rooms with tactical displays. If the ship gets simultaneous multi-missions, it will provide an area for future planning as CIC and TOLC execute current operations. A smaller layout like the room/space layout on the LHDs (Flag Plot/Crisis Action enter/LFOC) was recommended and it should not be called "Warroom" due to confusion aboard ship.
  1. 扬声器仍然是必要的,不应全部被头戴式耳机所取代。
  1. 这是任务规划Cente推荐r include:
    1. 对情况的意识- internal/external ((JMCIS/GCCS-M/ACDS/MAGTF C4I)
    2. VTC
    3. CCTV/TV Briefing
    4. Display capability/Large Screen Display (LSD)
    5. Radio Communications
    6. Table and 12 chairs
11. TOLC - Troop Operation Logistic Center - needs antenna access for portable Marine radios

12. UAV connectivity and display is required for CIC, TOLC, JIC, and Mission Planning Center


14.建议研究LSD上的定位Debark控制的可行性。借助CIC的CO for IA,XO将需要位于桥上,这样他还是不会在Debark。它还将促进有关所有有关的信息的访问。

15. Need to accommodate AFATDS functionality, What is the MAGTF C4I footprint for the LPD 17? MAGTF C4I equipment tends to be single mission/single function today, so for a multi-mission task, numerous systems will be needed. MAGTF C4I footprint will grow over the next few years until functions get merged in the same workstation.

16. What is the Special Warfare (JSOC/NSW) footprint and architecture? JSOC forces will come with unique radios/antenna and communication equipment. JSOC Forces will be aboard LPD 17 when it is the advance force ship.

17. What are the requirements for UUV/Remote Mine hunter/counter measures connectivity.

18. CIC/TOLC need independent control of lights, speakers, HVAC, etc. for each space.

19.一个额外的问题在这个车间的广告dressed the need for antenna access for


20. LPD上的指挥和控制空间需要灵活性,以便能够身体合并以满足21世纪的任务要求。推荐“智能舱壁”,可移动,可折叠的舱壁,这些隔板既是声音和光线隔热,这些舱壁既可以使用,又是在Coronado US CORONADO联合指挥中心使用的,将Taclog与CIC和TROOP OPS分开,以及CIC和CIC和TOLC之间。

21. The IPT supported the concept of consolidating the Combat Systems Maintenance Cental with Damage Control Central to form a single area for monitoring status and repair direction.


Figure 6.Overview of Current Troop Ops Arrangement and Horseshoe Table

The status of previously identified LPD 17 Data Base Issues is recorded in Table 4.



PMS 317 will develop alternative approaches to the space arrangement discussed in Figure 5 along with corresponding C4我系统。这些将于1998年1月在第三次研讨会上介绍。


海军和海军陆战队战士和设计师 Integrated Product Team Agenda - WORKSHOP II

16 October 1997


Ownership update

Marine Corps Perspective COL Quinlan, PEO CLA

LPD 17 Design Process, CIC/TROOP OPS Mr. Douglas, NAVSEA 03K412

Space Design Overview Mr. Donnelly, PMS 317/PEO TAD


Functions Review IPT

Strawman Design Presentation Mr. Donnelly, PMS 317/PEO TAD

Strawman Design评论焦点小组

17 October 1997

Strawman Design Review继续Focus Groups



摘要和总结CDR Barbour,PMS 317

LPD 17主页http://lpd17.nswc.navy.mil

LPD 17/EWTGLANT Warroom: Phone 1-800-445-1916, Fax 757-464-8599


Rank/Name Command/Co. Phone/fax/email
1.伯爵伯爵克鲁斯 NAVSEA(PMS317) (703)418-2513
2.上尉蒂姆·布斯 NAVSEA(PMS317) (507)437-3388
3. LTCOL Larry Romaine Surflant CFMO/CCO (757)322-3150传真3260
4. CWO 3 Larry Palmer CPG-2 (757)464-8289 Fax 8641
5.约翰·韦斯克少校 I. MEF/15thComm O (760)725-8859 DSN 365-8859
6. CAPT Carl Weiscopf COMPHIBRON 7
Comphimgru 3 Rep
(619)556-5211 DSN 526
7.上校迈克·昆兰(Mike Quinlan) Navsea(OOM/PEO CLA(M)) (703)602-6292 Fax 7150
8. RADM Picotte USN(Ret) ASC (757)424-3711传真(757)420-6910
9.威廉·J·唐纳利 PEO(TAD) (504)437-3539
10. MAJ Dan McGuninness 1 MEF G3 DSN 365-6266
11.拉里·约翰逊 LOGICON/SYSCON(LPD-17) (703)553-7822/7837
12. Fred Elks LOGICON/SYSCON(LPD-17) (703)553-7850
13. Billy Douglas NAVSEA 03K412 (703)602-7345X418 FAX (703)602-3723
14. CDR Steve Joachim PCO USS Oak Hill
Rep for CPG-2
15. CAPT Craig P Lambert COMNAVSURFLANT N635M (757)322-3292
16. LT COL Tom Harleman comsurfwardevgru
17. CDR Ernest Bartley comsurfwardevgruN7 (757)363-4984
18. LT(USN) Lori Muscleman comsurfwardevgruN7 (757)363-4984
19.MAJ Tom Hartshorne MCCDC.Quantico DSN 278-6193
20. Ben Raterman NSWCDD (540)653-2886/2290
21.丹尼斯·沃恩(Dennis Warne) NSWCDD T05 (540)653-2291/2290
22.乔恩·斯威加特(Jon Sweigart) NSWCDD (540)653-3675
23.比尔·海德 compribgru两个 (757)464-8874/8711
24. OSC Byrd 纳什维尔号号航空母舰
25. LCDR Merv Dial SWOS, Newport, RI (401)841-4962/3
26.斯坦·布朗 TRW (703)685-6747/8913
27. LCDR Jim Henry compribgru两个 (757)464-8195/363-4986
27.肯德尔·金 ASC (757)424-3711传真(757)420-6910
28. Wink Campbell ASC (757)464-8604传真(757)464-8599
Detailed Discussion

CIC (Combat Information Center):Functions common with Troop Ops are bolded.

  1. 对情况的意识. Coherent Tactical Picture (CTP) -- needs to be shared between C2spaces and should include Air, Surface, Land, Subsurface, Position Location Information in a Data Fusion format. Information Management (Blue/Green)
  2. Sensor and Track Management - can be located elsewhere/different space than CIC
  3. 导航
  4. Boat Control (ship-to-shore)
  5. 空气管制(空气反应,空域管理)
  6. 信息管理(英特尔)
  7. 武器控制和运输自卫
  8. Command and Control(C2) from a mission perspective - two levels
船板级别 - 独立/内部

ARG/TF级 - 外部多平台

Communications External (SHF, EHF, UHF, HF, VTC, VHF, etc.)

Primary/Advisory Control (LCAC, AAAV, LCU, etc.), Landing Plan execution

(OTH Ops - LCACs are on their own, not directly controlled by Mother ship)

9。C2WCommand and Control Warfare for C4I

10. Tactical Maneuvering and coordination with other Ships/Units


12. Command (Decision Making)- flexible to support varying activity and able to surge


14. SAR - Search and Rescue

15. Mission Planning and Execution

16.内部协调控制(Debark Control,本地空气控制)与外部/ARG控制(PC,LCAC控制,违规部队指挥官,Advance Force Ship等)

TROOP OPS: Those functions that are common with CIC arebolded- those in common with TACLOG are inItalics

  1. 连贯的战术图片
  2. Intelligence Processing
  3. 计划未来
  4. Planning Near Term
  5. Monitoring
  6. Logistics
  7. 补给
  8. Command
  9. 武器协调 - 拆分arg/no sacc
  10. Fire Support Monitoring
  11. TRAP -Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel
  12. Air Movement Control
  13. Coordinate with Primary Control Ship(PCS)