




一。(U)这个任务需要声明(MNS)提供requirements for tactical aviation (TACAIR) sea-based platforms for the 21st century. It addresses the Department of Defense "Defense Planning Guidance, FY-1997-2001," dated 9 May 1995, requiring the United States to:

(U) "... require the best equipped, best trained and best prepared military forces..." (p.1)

(U) "The primary mission of United States military forces has always been, and will continue to be, to protect the nation from direct threats and to deter, and, if necessary, fight and win the nation's wars.... deter and, if required decisively defeat aggression by projecting and sustaining U.S. power in two nearly simultaneous major regional conflicts (MRC);... Some U.S. forces must be forward-deployed or stationed in key overseas regions in peacetime... This demands highly qualified and motivated people, modern, well maintained equipment, viable joint doctrine, realistic training, strategic mobility and sufficient support and sustainment capabilities." (p.4&5)


b。(U) This MNS should guide the 21st century TACAIR sea-based platform design, research, development and acquisition program decisions, service and joint doctrine, and cooperative efforts with U.S. allies.


A。(U)任务。The general missions of TACAIR sea-based platforms are to:


(2) (U) operate as the cornerstone of a joint and/or allied maritime expeditionary force in response to crises, and

(3) (U) carry the war to the enemy through joint multi-mission offensive operations by;

(a) (U) being able to operate and support aircraft in attacks on enemy forces ashore, afloat, or submergedindependent offorward-base land facilities,

(b)(u)通过建立和维护战争空间的统治independent of forward-based land facilities, 和

(c) (U) engaging in sustained operations in support of the United States and its Alliesindependent of forward-based land facilities.

b。(U) Capabilities.21世纪塔卡尔海平台的主要功能是庇护,运输,启动,恢复和维护多个战术飞机和适合海上运营的战术空中系统。该平台执行上述任务所需的核心功能包括:

(1) (U) strategic mobility- it must have the ability to independently deploy/respond quickly and operate with sufficient tactical flexibility, whenever and wherever required, to enable joint maritime expeditionary force operations.

(2) (U) sustainability- 它必须具有维持自己,飞机和护送长期的能力without access to shore facilities.

(3)(u)生存能力- 它必须能够在敌对的环境中操作飞机,保护自己免受威胁武器的攻击,如果击中,则可以优雅地降级并生存。

(4)(u)能够交付精确的高量火力的能力- it must be able to operate sufficient numbers of tactical aircraft, and carry sufficient ordnance and fuel to conduct simultaneous power projection, battle space dominance and surveillance operationsfor extended periods。它必须为联合部队指挥官提供战术空中支援。

(5) (U) joint command and control- it must be interoperable and its communications suite must be fully compatible with other naval, expeditionary, interagency, joint, and allied forces. In addition, it must be able to operate as a Command and Control center, integrate information to develop a coherent tactical picture to support Joint Force, Battle Force, Battle Group and Air Wing planning, coordinate actions with other forces, and communicate the force's actions to appropriate commanders. The platform must have the capability to fully support a Joint Force Commander (JFC) and under limited circumstances be able to host an embarked JFC. Connectivity must include seamless integration of both organic and off-ship sensor inputs for power projection actions.

(6)(U)灵活性和增长潜力- it must have the versatility to support current and future sea-based aircraft. It must have the ability to perform simultaneous multi-mission taskings and readily adapt to changing operational needs. In addition, it must have the flexibility to adapt to changes in future threats, missions and technologies.

C。(U) Threat.


d. (U) Shortfalls of Existing Systems




(3) (U) take advantage of new technologies and design concepts that offer opportunities to develop sea-based platforms that are as capable, but moreaffordablethan current platforms.


(u)学说,运营概念,策略,组织和培训的变化不足以解决维护的问题affordableand capable sea-based aviation capability.

A。(U)美国或盟友学说:Doctrine changes required without a 21st century TACAIR sea-based platform would include: Acceptance of a decrease ability to deter/contain regional crises; inability to project expeditionary force strike power from the sea; severely degraded ability to project precise strike power against land targets; and, inability to maintain meaningful, visible forward presence for coalition building which is "independent" of host nation support and operational approval.

b。(U) Operational concepts:A 21st century TACAIR sea-based platform optimized to leverage technology to perform multiple roles in both open ocean and littoral/enabling warfare environments, will be needed to execute the operational concepts contained in the Joint Maritime Strategy.

C。(U)策略:Tactics calling for the application of sea-based forces into the littorals, enabling follow-on forces as well as influencing nearby events, will place all naval forces at higher risk as technological development and proliferation of adversaries' offensive systems grow. The TACAIR sea-based platform will aid measurably in the protection of those naval forces, but will need the enhanced self-protection systems to balance that growing threat. Simple changes in tactics would not provide the commensurate degree of protection that would be the result of building a new platform with greater self-protection areas of hull and bottom defense.

d. (U) Organization:组织变化,例如提高前提基础和/或双重乘员的携带,而不是采购是不可行的。接受这些替代方案可能会为一两个几乎同时的MRC意外事件提供足够的资产来应对危机应对或共同战斗。

e。(U)培训:Training alternatives offering the potential to maintain force capability in a smaller force manned with fewer personnel rely heavily on holistic, embedded training. This training capability must be an integral part of the total ship architecture called out as a mission need in the 21st century carrier. Future aircraft carriers must be ready to fight simultaneous multi-warfare engagements in littoral warfare that will proceed so rapidly that crew response times will be critical. Although improvements in embedded training and changes in training concepts will mitigate to a degree the increased threat, they will be insufficient in themselves without the benefit of survivability and defensive systems improvements.


A。(U) Alternative design concepts include:

(1) (U) new ship designs, which may include nuclear or non-nuclear propulsion or advanced/unconventional hull forms


(3) (U) Mobile Offshore Basing (MOB) Concepts





(1)(u)体系结构。船设计必须采用全船,飞机and weapons system architecture/engineering approach that optimizes life cycle cost and performance; permits rapid upgrade and change in response to evolving operational requirements; allows computational and communications resources to keep technological pace with commercial capabilities and allows for full realization of the command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I) for the warrior (C4IFTW) concept; and provides the capability to survive and fight hurt. More specifically this implies physical element modularity; functional sharing of hardware (across all services); open systems information architecture; ship wide resource management; automation of Command, Control, Communications, and Computers (C4I), combat, aircraft support, ordnance handling, management; automation and minimization of maintenance and administrative functions; integrated systems security; and embedded training. The approach should also promote commonality with other ship designs.

(2) (U) Design.应考虑在平台基础架构中最大程度地使用模块化施工设计。在发展阶段必须考虑新兴技术。任何新武器系统都必须内置现代灵活的信息处理。由于通信和数据系统具有最大的增长潜力,因此具有过时的可能性,因此必须尽可能地模块化其安装,以允许将来升级。通信和数据系统的固有漏洞要求将信息系统安全设计到设计中。在板载系统中使用标准的人对机器界面。人对机器的接口应与现有的用户友好系统一致。该功能必须符合适用的信息技术标准,其中包含信息管理技术架构框架(TAFIM),第7卷,采用了信息技术标准(AITS)。

(3)(u)人员。该平台应在很大程度上自动化,以实现工程,损害控制,战斗系统,船舶支撑和状况III观察要求的大量人力减少。应审查其他海军使用的人工概念的减少,以利用先进的技术和未来的先进技术概念,以最大程度地减少船上的人工要求。必须通过在设备设计中纳入自我分析特征,并选择最小化腐蚀的材料和防腐剂来减少预防性维护人力要求。人力,人员和培训(MPT)分析将根据OPNAVINST 5311.7(HARDMAN)进行。该分析将建议选择使用技术来减少MPT要求的选项。在设计和开发过程中,减少MPT要求的权衡将受到青睐。最终的MPT确定将根据OPNAVINST 1500.8在海军培训计划中进行记录和验证。

(4)(u)背叛。Major functional elements of a 21st century TACAIR sea-based platform must be applicable to other forward fit ship construction programs. Consideration must also be given to the ability to retrofit into existing carrier classes; however, this must not be done at the expense of achieving performance in new construction.


(1) (U) The 21st century TACAIR sea-based platform must remain fully functional and operational in all environments regardless of time of day, whether conducting independent of force operations, in heavy weather or in the presence of electromagnetic, nuclear, biological and chemical contamination and/or shock effects from nuclear and conventional weapon attack.

(2) (U) Any 21st century TACAIR sea-based platform must meet the survivability requirements of Level III as defined in OPNAVINST 9070.1. Topside systems components shall be decontaminated through use of a countermeasure wash down system and portable Decontamination (DECON) methods.

(3) (U) The 21st century TACAIR sea-based platform must provide landing and hangar facilities, and ammunition storage for operational support of required aviation assets.

(4) (U) The platform must be able to operate in U.S., foreign, and international waters in full compliance with existing U.S. and international pollution control laws and regulations.


(6) (U) The platform must be able to embark Special Operations Forces (SOF) and Joint Forces when required for selected missions.


(u)JPD总体是TBD。Service assessments are as follows:



C。(U) USMC. No comment.

Last updated on November 19, 1996.