

Milestone I Coea指导

January 18, 1995 This document provides guidance for the Cost and Operational Effectiveness Analysis (COEA) required for the Milestone I review of the Surface Combatant for the 21st Century (SC-21). In accordance with DoDI 5000.2, COEAs serve to evaluate the costs and benefits associated with alternative ways to address recognized defense needs. Milestone I COEAs typically are developed to facilitate program definition and, therefore, assess a broad range of alternative concepts. The SC-21 Milestone I COEA has three main purposes: (1) to examine the costs and benefits of reasonable alternatives that provide relevant warfighting capabilities satisfying identified mission requirements, (2) to provide the analytic basis for deriving the key system parameters that will be developed and tested during the demonstration and validation phase, and (3) to aid decision making among alternatives.


分析范围COEA应提供足够的信息来了解MS 1 DAB的SC-21特征。该分析将量化所考虑的替代方案的优点和缺点,并指定驱动结果的场景因素,假设和系统特征。与JROC转发备忘录与任务需求声明(MNS)一致,分析应在两个单独的部分进行,并在每个部分完成后由常规系统委员会(CSC)进行审查。这项努力的第一部分应该是基线分析,以确定计划2012年(FYDP扩展)的能力,以完成海军地面的每个主要战斗任务。)反对已验证的威胁。该基线分析应用于识别和量化SC-21可以贡献的可行,整体任务缺陷的范围。然后,它应该估计21世纪将是哪些海军表面力需求,并估算整个表面力量中的力水平和表面战斗物的混合,以解决这些缺陷。该研究的第二部分应估算SC-21替代方案的潜在贡献,以通过适当的力量分析来克服这些战斗任务缺陷。必须评估每种替代方案中每种替代方案的相对有效性。例如,COEA应评估海军远征部队在联合沿海环境中提供TBMD和AAW区域防御所需的能力水平(第1部分),然后每个替代方案都满足这些要求的良好程度(第二部分)。该分析应得出SC-21的初步采购概况。 These dates and acquisition profiles should be based on engineering assessments for service life, planned retirement profiles, and warfighting capabilities of DD-963s, DDG-993, and FFGs as well as surface combatant force level requirements.分析计划海军将制定与该COEA指南一致的分析计划,该计划描述了拟议的分析方法,模型,有效性,威胁,场景,联合服务参与以及完成此COEA的时间表。该分析计划应在Milestone 0 DAB之后的四个月内提交COEA监督委员会进行审查。研究主管应在ASN(RDA)批准该计划后立即将COEA分析计划简要介绍。早期,连续的OSD和联合人员参与此初始阶段对于简化采集过程至关重要。SC-21替代方案COEA应考虑广泛的表面作战替代品。它应该避免在设计特征上的任意限制,并在适当的情况下纳入新兴技术。至少,分析应包括检查以下列出的替代方案。这些替代方案的混合或其他概念的发展可能会从分析中发展,以满足COEA第一部分中建立的任务缺陷。(1)现代化和服务寿命延长现有力量。整合和升级最有能力的现有船只的战斗系统,以提供能够满足特定部队任务缺陷的能力。应将这种替代方案与每个模式重复和新的船舶概念一起审查,以作为实现等效力量能力的一种可能的经济途径,或者作为扩展高级系统开发周期以利用新技术的一种手段。(2)mod repeat设计。


有了这些替代方案,可以探索延迟交付以实现SC-21中更高级功能的选择,并继续探索DDG-51飞行IIA作为间隙填充物。但是,必须将延迟介绍选项的风险,成本和长期力量结构含义与较早的操作能力进行比较。鼓励从国防范围的商业来源征集信息,以开发技术或使用COTS,并鼓励造船厂主要承包商进行设计和生产考虑。Scenarios在COEA中检查的SC-21任务将与国防计划指南(DPG)中的方案一致。场景的详细信息将与美元(P),联合人员,PA&E和DIA协调。效力研究必须分析提出替代我n the context of the approved MNS Requirement. Threats in the DIA approved projected joint "Littoral Warfare Threat Environment", the operational scenarios, and joint force employment must be consistent with the assumptions set forth in the DPG scenarios and ongoing JCS joint warfare mission area assessments. Effectiveness contributions should be analyzed in the context of both joint task force and independent operations. The measures of effectiveness (MOEs) will be defined to measure operational capabilities and suitability (eg. reliability, maintainability, availability) of the alternatives across the warfare areas identified in the Mission Need Statement. The COEA MOEs should be developed so that they adequately show how the alternatives compare in meeting the functional objectives from the MNS and the mission deficiencies identified in part 1 of the COEA. The MOEs should be chosen taking into consideration the need to derive measurable parameters, and criteria that can be evaluated consistently throughout program development and testing to ensure that what is provided will offer sufficient military benefit to be worth the cost. A vulnerability assessment should be conducted to determine the total number of ships required to meet a specified level of operational effectiveness. This assessment should be consistent with the projected operational threat environments and threats and should include as minimum:
