
海军系列(NWS) - 1999年10月25日NWS25OCT-3。海军秘书由国防部长办公室(公共事务)华盛顿州(NWS)分配新船舶名称 - 海军罗德丹泽格秘书宣布他决定姓名第39艘船的第39艘船围场导弹驱逐舰的第39艘船,“厄普森。”Mustin(DDG 89)将尊重Mustin家族,该家族录得具有丰富而尊敬的海军服务传统。这一传统标志着官员,他是非常有创新者。在1989年至1989年的1989年至1989年,海军服务的遗产持续了近一世纪的海军历史。上尉亨利C. Mustin,美国海军(1874-1923),美国海军学院毕业,毕业于1899年在菲律宾捕获Vigan的杰出服务;飞行从船上弹起来的第一架飞机;在1914年Veracruz运营期间飞行了海军飞机的第一个运营任务;并是飞机上级的第一个指挥官,战舰队。His son, Vice Adm. Lloyd Mustin, (1911-1999), a 1932 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, took part in developing the Navy's first lead-computing anti-aircraft gun sight, which proved of major importance in the air-sea actions of World War II, and served on the cruiser USS Atlantic (CL 51) during the naval battle of Guadalcanal. His ship was lost during that action, and with other survivors he landed on Guadalcanal and served ashore with a naval unit attached to the First Marine Division. His post-war service included commands at sea and development and evaluation of weapon systems. He later served as director of operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The destroyer Mustin (DD 413) (1939-1946), named in Capt. Henry C. Mustin's honor, earned thirteen battle stars for World War II service that included the battles of Santa Crux and Guadalcanal and major amphibious operations in the Pacific. Vice Adm. Mustin's two sons, retired Navy Vice Adm. Henry C. Mustin, and Lt. Cmdr. Thomas M. Mustin have continued their family's legacy of service. Vice Adm. Mustin, a 1955 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, is a decorated Vietnam veteran who served in the 1980's as the Naval Inspector General; Commander, Second Fleet and Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Plans and Policy. Lt. Cmdr. Mustin, also a Naval Academy graduate (1962) earned a Bronze Star during the Vietnam conflict for river patrol combat action. Aegis destroyers are equipped to conduct a variety of missions, from peacetime presence and crisis management to sea control and power projection, in support of national military strategy. They operate with battle groups in high- threat environments and provide essential escort capabilities to Navy and Marine Corps amphibious forces, combat logistics ships and convoys. These multi-mission ships are equipped with the Navy's modern Aegis combat weapons system, which combines space-age communication, radar and weapons technologies in a single platform for unlimited flexibility while operating "Forward...From the Sea." These destroyers replace older, less capable ships that are being taken out of service as the Navy reduces spending while maintaining quality as part of its overall plan to recapitalize the fleet. The ship will carry Standard surface-to-air missiles and Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from forward and aft vertical launching systems; two fully automated, radar- controlled Phalanx close-in weapons systems; Harpoon anti- ship missiles; two torpedo launchers; one five-inch gun; and electronic warfare systems. -USN-