
NWS25oct-4。美国海军最新的驱逐舰奥凯恩号在珍珠港服役海军通讯社夏威夷珍珠港——美国海军最新的导弹驱逐舰奥凯恩号(USS O’kane, DDG 77)正式加入美国太平洋舰队,10月23日星期六在珍珠港海军基地的一个仪式上正式服役。阿利伯克级驱逐舰,海军技术最先进的船只之一,命名为海军少将理查德·h·O 'Kane(1911 - 1994),多佛,新罕布什尔州O 'Kane被授予荣誉勋章的大胆攻击两艘日本车队在命令的二战潜艇唐号航空母舰(SS 306)于1944年。在他的潜艇被击沉后,日本人俘虏了当时的奥凯恩中校,他在余下的战争中一直被囚禁着。退役海军上校爱德华·l·比奇(Edward L. Beach)是奥凯恩少将的私人朋友,他是仪式的主要发言人。比奇回忆起战后奥凯恩在关岛的一个休养营的经历。奥凯恩在日本监狱里待了六个月,现在正在休养。比奇描述了奥凯恩在讲述他最后一次巡逻和失去船和船员时的痛苦。他说,这艘新船“不仅仅是一台机器,它体现了奥凯恩上将的美德和理想。”“我们用这艘奇妙的船向理查德·奥凯恩致敬,”比奇说。但事实上,是上帝在向我们致敬。是我们,沐浴在他的记忆中,真正为能够这样做感到荣幸。” In time honored tradition, the ship's sponsor, Leslie Allen Berry, Rear Adm. O'Kane's granddaughter, gave the order to "man our ship and bring her to life!" Ernestine O'Kane, wife of Rear Adm. O'Kane, was the ship's Matron of Honor. Cmdr. David C. Hulse, from Mendham, N.J., commands O'Kane and its crew of 318 officers and enlisted Sailors. O'Kane is only the second ship in U.S. naval history to be commissioned in Hawaii. The Pearl Harbor-homeported guided missile cruiser USS Lake Erie (CG 70), was commissioned in Pearl Harbor in July 1993. Both commissioning ceremonies were sponsored and organized by members of Hawaii's community and the Honolulu Council Navy League. O'Kane's commissioning ceremony kicked off a series of events celebrating the centennial of the Navy's submarine force. O'Kane will get underway for several weeks of testing and qualifications of its new combat systems equipment. The ship will do much of this testing on the ocean range off the Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai. The Navy's newest ship was built at Bath Iron Works in Bath, Maine and is the 27th destroyer of her class and the 16th built by Bath Iron Works. The ship was built at a cost of $900 million. O'Kane's construction began with the keel laying on May 8, 1997. The ship was launched and christened in Bath, Maine, on March 28, 1998. O'Kane left Bath, Maine for her transit to Hawaii on Aug. 26, 1999 and arrived in Pearl Harbor on Oct. 15, 1999. This multi-mission ship is equipped with the Navy's modern Aegis combat weapons system, which combines space-age communication, radar and weapons technologies in a single platform for unlimited flexibility. These versatile ships are designed to operate independently or in support of aircraft carrier and amphibious operations. O'Kane joins 12 other ships and 15,000 other Sailors currently stationed in Hawaii. -USN-