海军通讯社- 1999年1月25日1月23日,“罗斯福”号导弹驱逐舰(DDG 80)在密西西比州帕斯卡古拉的英戈尔斯造船厂举行的仪式上被命名。这艘驱逐舰是为了纪念美国第32任总统富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福(1882-1945)。第一夫人埃莉诺·罗斯福(1884-1962)。罗斯福在1932年当选为美国总统,在此之前,他担任了第12任海军助理部长长达7年之久。他带领国家走出了大萧条,度过了第二次世界大战。第一夫人被认为是一位不知疲倦的社会事业工作者,曾两次担任美国驻联合国代表。她担任联合国人权委员会主席,并全权负责起草《联合国人权宣言》。美国海军之前的一艘军舰,以总统命名——USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CV 42),服役于1945年至1977年,因参与越南冲突而获得一颗星。美国大西洋舰队总司令、海军上将保罗·雷思(J. Paul Reason)是仪式的主要发言人。南希·罗斯福·爱尔兰夫人,与这艘船同名的孙女,作为这艘船的赞助商,按照历史悠久的海军传统,在船首打开香槟,正式为这艘船命名。 Roosevelt is the 30th of 51 Arleigh Burke-class destroyers currently authorized by Congress. These multi- missioned ships are equipped with the Navy's modern Aegis combat weapons systems, which combines space-age communication, radar and weapons technologies in a single platform for unlimited flexibility while operating "Forward ... From the Sea." The destroyer carries Tomahawk Cruise missiles, as well as Standard missiles to intercept hostile aircraft and missiles at extended ranges. Both Tomahawk and Standard missiles are launched from forward and aft Vertical Launching Systems (VLS). Roosevelt is equipped with the Phalanx Close-In Weapons System (CIWS) and Harpoon anti-ship cruise missiles, which have a range in excess of 65 nautical miles and are fired from stand alone launchers. Following the ship's commissioning in the year 2000, it will be homeported in Mayport, Fla., with a crew of 340 officers, chiefs and enlisted personnel. -USN-