
小鹰号航母升起了“别踩我”海军杰克海军通讯社Mike Morley, USS Kitty Hawk Public Affairs YOKOSUKA,日本(NWS)——“司令员,打破海军第一杰克号。”“小鹰号”(USS Kitty Hawk, CV 63)的指挥官杰克·j·萨马尔上尉下达了这一命令,在“小鹰号”的旗杆上升起了一面独特的旗帜,将“小鹰号”与美国海军的其他舰艇区分开来。11月20日,在日本横须贺举行的纪念仪式上,小鹰号接受了海军第一杰克号,这艘37岁的航空母舰被指定为舰队中最古老的船只。这一区别使她能够展示第一海军旗,而不是其他海军舰只上的英国国旗。第一海军杰克旗(First Navy Jack)由13条红白相间的横条纹组成,中间有一条响尾蛇,上面写着“不要踩在我身上”(Don't Tread On Me)的标语。1775年,大陆海军准将埃锡克·霍普金斯(Esek Hopkins)构想了这种旗帜,它最初是在舰船之间用作与敌人交战的信号。1977年,海军部长指示总现役时间最长的军舰展示第一海军杰克号,直到退役或转入非现役预备役。届时,该旗帜将以相应的荣誉传递给下一艘船。小鹰号从1998年9月30日在华盛顿州布莱默顿退役的美国独立号(CV 62)手中接过国旗。来自内布拉斯加州奥马哈的帕特里克·希金斯(Patrick Higgins)在独立号退役期间代表小鹰号接受了这面国旗,并把它带回了日本。“我希望它能帮助人们对他们的军舰和海军感到更自豪,”希金斯在仪式前说。 "The flag we raise today is a symbol," Samar told the crowd of Kitty Hawk crew, family members and Japanese guests. "Today, we honor the 223 years of naval tradition and pride American Sailors have shown. We honor the young men and women who've fought and died for America's freedom, and we honor the crew members who stand with us today." Sailors at the ceremony said the jack will bring a new sense of pride among the crew. "It makes me proud," said Aviation Boatswain�s Mate (Launching and Recovery Equipment) 3rd Class Jose Solis, of Uvalde, Texas. "It's kind of a cool thing being able to say you've served on the oldest ship." Another Kitty Hawk Sailor feels the flag represents a unique experience in his career. "When I came in the Navy, my first ship was brand new," said Seaman Disbursing Clerk Kason Brizele, of Monroe, La. "Now, here I am on the oldest one. It's a new experience, and I think Kitty Hawk is now ready to take part in some big events." -USN-