

Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, almost every evening on the news we see the U.S. military protecting American interests around the globe. More often than not these American military forces include naval forces.

一年前,正是总部位于海军航空公司的飞机一直对伊拉克的萨达姆·侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)承受压力。几个月后,这是一架美国航空公司派往索马里海岸,为美国和其他联合国维持和平部队提供保护。同一艘航空母舰也在前南斯拉夫海岸运营,随时准备提供军事肌肉,以支持外交努力,以实现饱受战争tor的波斯尼亚停火。

For more than 50 years, America's interests have been served by aircraft carrier battle groups deployed around the globe.



Mr. President, this article provides great insight not only into the military and diplomatic capabilities of an aircraft carrier, but also into the tremendous dedication and commitment of the men and women who serve aboard our Navy ships.





1993年8月10日 - 好事

小警官何塞·莫拉(Jose Mora)和他的妻子洛雷塔(Loretta)在麦当劳(McDonald's)结束了晚餐,并慢慢走到几个街区到达了他的洪水船停靠的码头。他拥抱她,感到她肿胀的腹部压在他身上。他们分开了,他开始走向高耸的船,向哨兵挥舞通行证,越过链条围栏的另一侧,将水手及其家人分开。他试图回头看着肩膀,但他的海袋遮住了他的视线,因此他继续前进。他的妻子 - 怀孕了八个月,双手靠在肚子上,手指互锁 - 然后看着,然后开始独自行走,回到车上。

第二天早上,美国航空公司USS美国航空公司从诺福克码头(Norfolk Pier)驶去,在一群小型工艺品的船上驶上汉普顿道路,这些小型船只出现了,看到它出发了,经过了切萨皮克湾桥梁,并穿过大西洋。该船载有4,700名水手的船员,其中包括20岁的小警官3级莫拉(Mora),后者为该船的14艘F-14A战士提供服务。在接下来的六个月中,美国的飞行员将在波斯尼亚上空纵横交错,其船员将穿过苏伊士运河,前往索马里,其飞机将在伊拉克南部执行联合国无飞行区。在这次3982英里巡游中的不同间隔中,美国还将举办美国新闻记者,摄影师和图形艺术家的主持人,在以下页面中,他们探讨了有史以来最强大的军舰之一,其机组人员及其不断变化的任务。

50年来,美国一直指望像美国这样的大型航空公司展示旗帜,以应对危机,直到最近才使苏联海军陷入困境。基于运营商的飞机轰炸了韩国,越南,黎巴嫩,利比亚和伊拉克。尼米兹号航空母舰发射的直升机试图营救伊朗的美国人质。萨拉托加(Saratoga)的战斗人员如今巡逻巴尔干的天空,帮助击倒了1985年劫持巡航船阿帕里斯·劳罗(Achilles Lauro)的恐怖分子。


对于对手来说,这是一架七层楼的航空母舰,从水面上方65英尺处突出,这是一个气势宏伟的近海城市,可以在一夜之间出现。它的70平面空气翼有能力以许多不同的方式杀死:一个A-6E入侵者,足够小,可以起飞并在船上着陆,可以携带9吨炸弹,是第二次世界大战的两倍B-17是飞行要塞,可以携带 - 并将其运送到500英里外的目标而无需加油。F-14 Tomcats可以飞600英里,然后用凤凰导弹击落60英里外的敌机。EA-6B Prowler上的空中夹人员可以对敌方指挥中心和通讯构成电子破坏,将电视屏幕转变为雪。

AEGIS指导式巡洋舰是一个运营商战斗集团的一部分,该集团还包括攻击潜艇,驱逐舰和供应船,具有精致的防空雷达,防空导弹和122个能够发射无人警救巡航导弹的管。美国14号工作组的指挥官Arthur Cebrowski Arthur Cebrowski说:“它在任何地方都具有最大的战争潜力。”“我们准备在抵达时战斗。”

[Page: S1854]


All this firepower does not come cheap: A new carrier costs taxpayers $4.4 billion; its operating costs are $440 million a year. And with the United States no longer facing a global rival, defense spending declining and the nation more concerned with foreign markets than with foreign militaries, the Navy is scrambling to find new roles for its carriers. In order to keep 12 of them in service, the Navy is cutting its force of surface ships by 65 through 1999, letting go about 100,000 sailors and changing the way it uses aircraft carriers. The blue-water Navy that once prepared to fight the Soviets on the high seas now sends its carriers along coastlines and into confined spaces such as the Persian Gulf and Adriatic Sea.




在占地4 1/2英亩的露天甲板的开放式阳光下方是一个小城市:大多数水手在船上的10套甲板之一上吃饭,工作和睡觉,周围是白色蒸汽管,水管,水管和空气管道沿着舱壁奔跑,挂在书桌和床上。只有两个通道运行了船的长度;250个舱壁,形成船骨架的墙壁,将美国分为狭窄,防水,防火隔间,这些隔间是其办公室,杂物甲板,浴室和泊位。即使是巨大的机库湾,也可以被钢制门分开,这些门是如此之大,当它们关闭时,它们都会在整个船上回荡。

The ship's sailors and aviators divide their lives into compartments, too, It is their way of passing the months at sea, far from home. Pilots must block out fear and land a plane with one engine. Fathers who miss their families and sailors whose wives move and leave no forwarding address must forget about home. A month before the cruise, says Capt. Bill Deaver, the America's air wing commander, he begins distancing himself from his family, immersing himself in flying and shipboard life. `You start building the wall, one brick a day,' he says.


Navy families back home also must
应付。牧师吉尔·吉布森(Gil Gibson)在八月开始启航前两天,他的妻子在她的乳房里发现了一个肿块。直到他在海上,肿块被宣布为良性之后,她才告诉他。

1993年9月13日 - 海上生活

五角大楼官员在缩水海军和海军陆战队时,请注意水手,海军陆战队和飞行员的士气和福祉。海军和海军陆战队随后与国防部长莱斯·阿斯平(Les Aspin。CMDR中尉说:“如果我们去八个月的巡游,我们将失去很多人。”布莱恩·斯科特(Brian Scott),美国的飞行员。

Slimming down

海军坚持认为,和平时期的部署将持续到六个月。北约的南部部队指挥官杰里米·波达(Jeremy Boorda)说:“如果您部署太多的部署,那么部署了太多的部队就不会准备好,”欧洲的南部部队指挥官杰里米·波达(Jeremy Boorda约伯,海军行动负责人。`六个月是一项艰巨的责任;如果您有一个家庭,那就离家很长一段时间了。阿斯平被说服了。


尽管他担任现役,但利基中尉通过海军预备役而不是海军学院或海军预备役军官培训军团获得了佣金。海军花了800,000美元才能教他驾驶他的2马赫战斗机,但现在它放开了现役军人。CMDR。里基中尉的中队指挥官史蒂芬·柯林斯(Steven Collins)策划了一项由工作队指挥官认可的信函撰写的运动,以保留其年轻官员。Leekey只能飞翔并希望。


对于飞行员来说,早上起床意味着要打破声音障碍。然而,对于美国的大多数船员来说,尤其是18岁的招募水手,这是划船烟斗的尖叫声,每天早上6点在苦苦挣扎的另一天,每天早上6点宣布Reveille。时间仍然存在于发动机室的120度热量中。海员瑞安·霍尔(Seaman Ryan Hall)每天坐在一个四小时的班级下,坐在一个桶式的水桶上,努力保持清醒状态,因为他在其中一个工程空间中监视发电机,在这里,油性锅炉在这里蒸汽蒸汽以转动其中一个的轴该船的四个69,000磅的螺旋桨。

The America needs constant attention. Commissioned in 1965, it is showing its age. A month before leaving Norfolk, a senior enlisted crew member complained to his congressman: The ship was operating on only two of its six electric generators, without radar and unable to pump fuel. This would be its third six-month cruise in three years, and without the standard 18 months at home for repairs, salt water and full steaming had taken their toll.

Seaman Hall, and the men who spend three months at a stretch cleaning clogged toilets or working mess duty, say the cruise is like the movie土拨鼠日。每天早晨,同一天再次开始。一名水手可以让一周的过去,而无需爬上陡峭的梯子到飞行甲板上并斜视阳光。有时菜单用作日历:晚餐的披萨意味着必须是星期五。

船员学会击败无聊。小官詹姆斯·埃尔维斯(James'Elvis)亚历山大(Alexander)并不总是等待雷维尔(Reveille)早上起床。在他的296人的泊位中有20个阵雨,有时他有时会升至5分。在船的喷气发动机商店工作了16个小时后,亚历山大对吉他进行了调整,并打开了歌手册。这位孟菲斯人距离格雷斯兰(Graceland)长大6英里,曾担任猫王模仿者 - 他甚至一直担任海军招聘人员长期散发出来 - 与小提琴和班卓琴一起领导了蓝草三人组。


在美国唤醒的尽头,在弗吉尼亚海滩,马里塔·切尼(Marita Cheney)也很寂寞。她在睡觉前向她的两个孩子展示了一个录像带,她是由丈夫埃里克(Eric)制成的,埃里克(Eric)是美国A-6E入侵者轰炸机中队,向迈克尔(Michael)阅读了几乎3岁的迈克尔(Michael),而凯尔(Kyle)和凯尔(Kyle她说:“他们喜欢看埃里克。”在过去的一年中,切尼中尉在家中总共花费了43天。他说:“男孩们正在成长。”“当我从这个六个月的人回来时,我只不过是一张照片。”


1993年10月18日 - 海洋

Eleven days ago, on October 7, Marine Col. Jan Huly was awakened by a telephone call at 4:30 a.m. in his stateroom aboard the helicopter carrier Guadalcanal. President Clinton had decided to reinforce U.S. forces in Somalia after the failed raid in Mogadishu that left 18 Army Rangers dead, and the Guadalcanal had been ordered to leave the America and speed south from the Adriatic through the Suez Canal to Mogadishu.

作为美国联合任务小组的一部分,海军陆战队已于八月越过大西洋 - 早期测试是为了重新包装美国军队的努力,混合和匹配了航母,海军陆战队,陆军直升机和游侠部队,甚至是总部位于美国的能力空军。美国将约235名海军陆战队和他们的四架CH-46海骑士直升机留下了三个飞机中队。

The marines ordinarily sail with five ships of their own, but this time they had left two ships and their equipment behind at Camp Lejeune, in North Carolina. In exchange, Huly had been promised that his marines would have air support from the America.

但是,事实证明,整合承运人和海军陆战队的任务很困难。很难将海军陆战队直升机训练适应运营商的繁忙飞行时间表:必须从运营商的着陆区发射海军陆战队的CH-46,并且崩溃可能会使海军飞行行动关闭珍贵的几分钟。由于美国没有配备正确的直升机组合,因此无法从运营商发射一些海洋任务,例如营救被击倒的飞行员。最后,Bravo Company 1st Sgt说。乔治·梅森(George Mason)是一家运营商,通常离海岸太远,所以海军陆战队和他们的直升机将不得不通过其他船只跳到岸上。

Now, arriving off the coast of Mogadishu without the America, Colonel Huly is having fresh doubts about the Joint Task Group concept. As he ponders the prospect of leading his men into war-torn Mogadishu, Colonel Huly misses the two ships he left behind. His battalion is without many of its wheeled and tracked vehicles, it is short of attack helicopters and half its artillery pieces are back in North Carolina.

[Page: S1855]

Sharks in the water



Adm. Paul David Miller, the architect of the Joint Force Packages at the U.S. Atlantic Command in Norfolk, says the America Joint Task Group is just a `steppingstone.' The real test, he says, will come later this year, when another Joint Task Group, this one headed by the carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower, will sail, Admiral Miller will propose that for the first time since World War II, the United States not keep a carrier in the Mediterranean. Instead, the carrier and a Marine Expeditionary Unit may sail separately.

The Eisenhower may precede the marines by as much as two months. After six months, when the carrier is ready to head home, the marines may remain. Admiral Miller proposes that the marines sail with an attack submarine, armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles, and an Aegis cruiser; with its sophisticated command and control systems, to provide them with added firepower after the Eisenhower departs.

1993年12月13日 - 自由

在海上47天后,来自美国的F-14响尾蛇飞行员,新鲜的飞行任务和寒冷的海军淋浴,不会去上岸并参观。传统上,在自由港口,中队建立了一个“管理员”,一个岸上的家园,传单可以在那里远离船只。性骚扰丑闻驯服了飞行员管理员。因此,当他们到达特拉维夫时,响尾蛇通过美国大使馆找到了一家酒店。大使馆工作人员将中队代表带到附近的一家小酒店。20个人每人铺设$ 50,所有者给了他们整个六居室的地板。

But the owner fails to tell the night manager about the new guests. Early one morning, after the last of the pilots roll in at 5 a.m., the night manager is appalled by what she finds in one room: clothes and bottles strewn everywhere, a half-dozen junior officers sprawled in chairs and beds. She protests to the embassy, but an official there sides with the fighter pilots. `You don't understand,' he tells the night manager. `These guys are just like a rock band.'


我认为这将是一个大的调整wives at home,' says Marita Cheney, who finds a letter in the mailbox from husband Eric, the A-6 navigator, every other day. `Their husbands are on the ship and they're at home thinking: `There are other women out there, what's going on, is my husband going to still want to be married to me when he gets home?' If I had any doubts about Eric, that would drive me out of my mind.'

卡尔特蕾西的丈夫不想让妻子petty officer first class, serving on a ship with 4,700 men. But that's where she is. Although the Navy says women will not begin sailing on carriers until later this year, the first eight women assigned to a carrier in a combat zone are members of the squadron that flies the America's on-board delivery aircraft, which bring mail and visitors. They are usually stationed in Italy, but when the

一个甲板下方的一个甲板下方的衣架湾,一个标语宣布:“女性泊位”。直到八人搬进来,房间都被用于医疗隔离。四人空间有淋浴和厕所,但没有储物柜可以存放自己的物品。卡尔·卡尔(Petty)军官谈到船员时说:“他们还没有为我们准备。”毛巾的男人在前往淋浴的路上走过妇女的泊位。“如果我们用毛巾走出通道,我们会被召唤去看船长,” Petty官员二级劳拉·利·约翰逊(Laura Leigh Johnson)说。他们仍然忍受一些男人的猫叫声。

But conditions have improved since the women came aboard. `There's still a lot of guys who haven't worked with women,' says Petty Officer Johnson. When an engine panel on the C-2 aircraft pops open, Johnson, an electrician, turns down offers of a ladder and pulls herself up through the hatch in the top of the plane. Then she crawls out onto the wing and fixes the panel. `Once you earn respect and trust, the attitude starts to change,' says Carr.

1993年12月24日 - 基督教前夕

小吉他的吉他装饰并准备好了埃尔维斯·亚历山大(Elvis'Alexander),为法国带来了一些纳什维尔。随着美国在港口度假的情况下,有80人聚集在马赛酒店大厅的一棵圣诞树周围,听听亚历山大的三重奏演奏三个小时的蓝草圣诞颂歌。在返回船上过夜的路上,亚历山大将地铁站的楼梯跳到火车平台上,找到了一部有效手机。他拨打回家,到达他的妻子芭芭拉(Barbara)和他们的新婴儿泰勒(Taylor),他们出生于9月 - 父亲航行后的一个月。


圣诞节在港口和感恩节的美食 - 土耳其,火腿,烤牛肉和固定装置 - 只提醒男人,他们离家很远。回到诺福克(Norfolk),F-14响尾蛇的家人在12月的第一周举行了孩子们的圣诞晚会,这使时间在假期前将视频邮寄给了海上的爸爸。

洛雷塔·莫拉(Loretta Mora)在晚上怀孕了八个月,她的丈夫何塞(Jose)在八月的高温下登上了这艘船,在那里微笑着,穿着圣诞老人和11周大的大法官安东尼奥·莫拉(Antonio Mora),穿着一件很小的圣诞老人。她的怀孕很困难。洛雷塔(Loretta)发展了毒血症,她的劳动持续了27小时,才在医生进行紧急剖腹产之前。但是她在等待见到圣诞老人的孩子们的喧嚣中很振奋。莫拉斯一起选择了正义这个名字。他希望他的孩子的名字以与自己的名字相同的字母开始,但认为世界上有足够的乔斯。

Loretta offers another reason. `We had a lot of problems when we first got together because he's Puerto Rican and I'm white,' she says. `Jose always wanted to serve his country.' The name Justice fit. On the America, tacked on the ceiling 1 foot above the pillow in Jose's rack, are his son's first booties. `I don't know the boy,' he says. `I want to see my wife. I want to meet my son.'



Even in peacetime, flying jets off carriers is hazardous duty: Every year there are 50 to 60 major accidents involving Navy aircraft. `We're out here just trying to keep guys focused so they don't fly into the back end of the ship and kill themselves,' says Commander Collins, the leader of the Diamondback F-14 squadron.


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Ready to fly, he snaps a quick salute and leans his head forward, bracing for the catapult shot; the shooter salutes back, bends his knees, touches two fingers of his left hand to the deck of the ship and gestures forward, like a hunting dog pointing to its prey. On the shooter's signal, a goggled crewman on the catwalk to the plane's left presses the button that fires the catapult, hurtling Powell's F-14 from a standstill to 150 mph in two seconds. `It's the one time you don't have control of your airplane,' Lieutenant Powell says.

Midflight, during a mapping mission over Bosnia, a light in Powell's cockpit signals a stall in his left engine, a routine annoyance in the F-14. He clears it, finishes his mission and heads back to the ship. It is late afternoon and the clouds are heavy, so the planes follow nightime, low-visibility landing procedures. Circling 8,000 feet above the Adriatic, 23 miles from the ship, Lieutenant Powell sees ice, like frost in a freezer, forming on the leading edge of his plane's wings.

Powell hates circling in this stack of planes, four at 8,000 feet, another four 1,000 feet above that, and on up, with no radio communications or radar. Earlier in the cruise, when he had barely 25 carrier landings under his belt, he would spend the 20 long minutes in the holding pattern thinking about landing his jet on the tossing deck of a ship at sea at night: `Why the hell did I ask to do this job? I want to be home with my wife,' he remembers thinking. `I kicked myself in the ass every night to go do it.' For the first two months, his knees shook after every night landing.





The landing isn't just safe; it looks good, too. Powell and his RIO step out of the jet, which is surrounded by flight-deck crew ready to tow it out of the landing area. `I flew a good pass,' he later recalls. `It was awesome, I was on deck.'

Good pilots crave the chance to beat the odds. `There's a satisfaction when something happens and you're the one who's going to have to bring it down safely,' says veteran pilot Andy `Slim' Whitson, the America air wing's landing signal officer and a former flight instructor whose green Jaguar, bought with his flight bonus, carries vanity tags that read BLWN BKS, for blown bucks.

`They've all got big egos and big watches,' Captain Copeland, an F-14 pilot himself, says of the pilots he commands. In the Diamondback's ready room, a tailhook bolt hangs by a string from the ceiling over one pilot's seat; he was the last to `bolter' that day, meaning he missed the wires while landing and had to make another pass. On one wall is the `greenie' board, where each pilot's every landing is graded. `They're so competitive, they like being graded,' says A-6 navigator Eric Cheney.

Lieutenant Leekey, the red-haired pilot, flew some 75 flights without boltering. When he finally missed, he was overheard on his radio: `Impossible,' he said in a mock spanish accent. Commander Collins, the Diamondback squadron commander who flies in the back seat, ribs his pilot if they bolter: `Hey, wasn't that our stop back there?' Television sets throughout the ship carry live pictures of flight operations. Pilots, waiting to fly, sit and razz other pilots for ugly landings.

But the challenge is making the extraordinary look routine, not making the routine look extraordinary, and veteran aviators calculate how much slack to give junior officers. `If you go to war thinking you might get shot down, you're going to be overly cautious,' says Capt. Vance Toalson, a former wrestler and the America's yellow-shirted Air Boss. `The confidence is necessary, but
also the professionalism. If you have some cavalier aviator out there, then he needs to find another job. We don't have Tom Cruise in naval aviation.'


谷轮船长和他的空中指挥官比尔·迪尔(Bill Deaver)上尉在晚上9点左右坐下来吃晚饭。当手机隐藏在谷轮宿舍餐桌下的餐桌下时。机库湾有一场大火:据报道,今晚晚些时候飞行的E-2C鹰眼航空监视飞机是吐出火花。谷轮和迪尔弗爬下三个梯子,发现大火扑灭了。它尚未达到E-2C。


After six months at sea, the time has come to start tearing down the walls between shipboard life and home, one brick at a time.

For some, it will be hard to let go. `When I'm out here,' says Chaplain Gil Gibson, `I miss home. When I'm home, I miss here.' Home cannot supply the camaraderie or the challenges of life at sea.


For Lieutenant Leekey, the red-haired F-14 fighter pilot, the end of the America's cruise means he must give up the life he has always wanted. The Navy

作为美国航空母舰向诺福克,这些warriors must become fathers and husbands again. Navy counseling teams came aboard in Spain to remind the men that loved ones change, grow independent, in six months without husbands and fathers. `It's pretty tough to go steaming into the house and say, `You, get a haircut; you, clean up the back yard,' says Colonel Huly. `There has to be some sensitivity. I know that. Of course my family will say I don't, but I know that.' His wife, Patti, a veteran Marine spouse, takes a more philosophical approach: `If Robert Redford didn't get on the boat,' she advises young wives, `Robert Redford isn't getting off the boat.'


六个月可以是一生。父亲接受例行手术CMDR近三周。EA-6B电子 - 电子战斗飞机中队的执行官维克·塞恩(Vic Cerne)收到了他妻子辛迪(Cindy)的紧急红十字会消息:有并发症。他收拾了一个小袋子,从载体飞往诺福克,在俄克拉荷马州的医院给母亲打电话。他的父亲来了,这个沙哑的男人的声音听起来很虚弱。塞尔恩告诉父亲他爱他,并保证第二天会见他。塞尔恩回忆说:“我永远不会忘记他接下来的话。”``他说:``维克,快点。'第二天早上,塞尔恩斯(Cernes)从诺福克(Norfolk)赶出了第一艘飞行,但他的父亲在降落在俄克拉荷马州之前就去世了。塞尔恩说:“我从来没有离开过这种部署的想法,我再也看不到他了。”


Norfolk still seems very far away. Every other day during the 11-day Atlantic
crossing, at 7 p.m., the crew must set their watches back and relive 6 o'clock all over again. Even two days before the ship is due in Norfolk, Petty Officer 1st Class Grant Gorton, the F-14 flight-deck coordinator, cannot relax: He is responsible for preparing all 14 of his squadron's aircraft for the next day's fly-off, when the aviators will head home a day before the ship docks. `I won't be able to sleep tonight,' he says. `We have to get every one off.'

Gorton has learned all the ways 50 planes idling or taxiing can kill a person: He avoids walking near an F-14's air intakes or an E-2C's propellers. He leans his body into the hot jet exhaust that can blow one overboard. His hearing has worsened in his 12 years in the Navy, despite wearing the Mickey Mouse-ear headgear required on the flight deck; after a 14-hour day of flight operations, his ears are sore from the gear. Gorton is nervous: If any of his F-14's can't fly tomorrow, a crane will have to lift them off in Norfolk.

第二天,每架飞机按计划下车,随着最后一个A-6入侵者离开,飞行甲板的船员挥舞着好再见。在灿烂的阳光下,船员们在突然空荡荡的飞行甲板上徘徊,空气老板Vance的声音蓬勃脚走到弹射器,在那里他的靴子被绑在弹射器的班车上。在老板的订单上 - 换靴子' - 弹射器刚刚发射了60,000磅重的轰炸机,推动了比尔·钟的靴子,绑在一起,从承运人身上绑在一起并进入大西洋。美国几乎在家。

洛雷塔·莫拉(Loretta Mora)曾写过何塞(Jose),她会在返校的屋子上穿红色,以便在拥挤的码头上找到她。她确实:一件红色的冬季外套,一件短袖,量身定制的红色连衣裙和红色高跟鞋。站在热火的“妈妈帐篷”中,自丈夫在八月份驶过以来出生的85名妇女中,许多妇女中的洛雷塔(Loretta)在驾驶暴风雨中呆滞,这使5,000多人浸透了美国等待着美国的人。


一个小时过去。在码头上,洛雷塔(Loretta)脱下了她的红色外套,将其像婴儿车上的帐篷一样,然后穿着短袖红色连衣裙站在倾盆大雨中,然后终于撤退到庇护所。最终,新的父亲通过了四分之一甲板,向他们的船致敬,然后将码头的长度穿过人群,到达妈妈的帐篷,何塞·莫拉(Jose Mora)拥抱他的妻子并遇到儿子。

美国将其每一个水手和飞行员带回家,这是一项了不起的壮举:萨拉托加(Saratoga)承运人萨拉托加(Saratoga)的F/A-18将在美国到达诺福克(Norfolk)后一周的空中碰撞。美国两名水手将在诺福克码头停靠的那天在深夜汽车事故中死亡。该船计划于1995年8月再次航行,这是因为它在退出佣金之前可能是最后一次巡游。何塞·莫拉(Jose Mora)将在海上度过他儿子的第二个生日。

