
THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary (New York, NY) ________________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release July 4, 2000 FACT SHEET NEW CLASS OF SHIP NAMED AFTER ADMIRAL ZUMWALT In remarks aboard the carrier USS John F. Kennedy, President Clinton announces today that the Navy将通过命名其21世纪的21世纪土地攻击驱逐舰班(DD21S)和该班级的领先船,以纪念已故的Elmo R. Zumwalt,Jr.。祖姆瓦尔特号(USS Zumwalt)在本十年末进入舰队,将迎来海军最新的驱逐舰,并根据冷战后的要求和21世纪的海军战争概念设计。DD -21课程将结合几种高级技术和新的设计功能:集成电源系统 -  Zumwalt将是第一艘美国海军船,由完全集成的电力系统(包括现代电动驱动器)提供动力和推动。该系统将允许在船上需要的任何地方引导能源,并降低维护和施工成本,同时提高生存能力。它还允许降低现代化成本,延长船舶的寿命并降低未来升级的成本。人类系统集成 - 巡洋舰大小的Zumwalt将由少于一百的船员管理,并将具有新的可居住性标准和船舶设施,包括整个船公司的客舱。通过新的培训方案和新技术的整合,每个水手将能够执行比过去更多的任务。此外,生活质量是该船设计过程的优先事项,将导致人员保留和招聘短缺的减少。武器系统 -  DD21将从海中传递前所未有的火力。 The DD-21 will include two 155mm guns each capable of firing 12 rounds a minute to a distance of one hundred miles. The DD-21 will also carry the Advanced Land Attack Missile designed to support our troops ashore by destroying armored, mobile, and hardened targets. The radars on the ship will be a three dimensional surveillance radar that would search, detect, and track aircraft, missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, and helicopters. The radar will provide targeting data fire control to the ship's weapons systems and will be networked to the radars and weapons of other ships. The result is an enlarged defensive umbrella in the air, on the surface, and beneath the surface of the water that will assure access within potentially hostile areas and project offensive power, if needed, more than 1,000 miles inland. The Zumwalt will also enhance survivability and lethality through application of advanced stealth technology. Each ship will have an expected service life of 35 years. The cost is approximately $750 million, about the same as the current destroyer class, but will cost only one-third as much to operate. Construction of the first DD-21 will begin in 2005 and it will join the Fleet in 2010. The DD-21 class is being named after Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr., the youngest officer ever to be promoted to the rank of rear admiral, and later, the youngest ever to serve as Chief of Naval Operations. In this post, Zumwalt presided over the Navy's revitalization, initiating wide-ranging reforms, making naval careers more attractive, and increasing the warfighting capabilities of the dwindling US fleet during the 1970s. Zumwalt, having seen the Navy through modernization and transformation during his years of service, was decorated with three Navy Distinguished Service Medals, two Legions of Merit, and the Bronze star with combat "V". In 1998, President Clinton awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his service in both war and peace. He authored two books about his life in the Navy, On Watch (1976), and My Father, My Son (1986). ###