
�������华盛顿海军信息办公室(NWS)——海军部长Richard Danzig 3月7日宣布,潜艇预装单元(PCU) Jimmy Carter (SSN 23)将被分配到华盛顿州班戈海军潜艇基地的母港。一个海军小组最近完成了一项结构化、公正、客观和全面的评估,评估了潜在的母港。只有在对所有这些因素进行了详细的评估之后,部长才决定把船停泊在班戈。这项拟议的任务必须在完成所有所需的建造和测试后才能完成。潜艇预定在2004年交付,应该在2005年到达班戈。PCU Jimmy Carter是第三艘海狼级潜艇,目前由通用动力公司的电船分部建造,正在进行修改,将允许额外的体积和服务,以适应海军特种作战、战术监视和水雷作战的先进技术。这一修改和先进技术的细节虽然是保密的,但将支持国防科学委员会的建议,以改进有效载荷能力和与海底环境的灵活接口。这将在不牺牲当前海狼级多任务作战能力的情况下完成。修改将需要在压载控制、任务管理空间和各种服务方面对海狼号的基本设计进行修改。 A unique feature of this modification is the creation of a flexible ocean interface, referred to as the "wasp waist," that will enable the Navy to deploy and recover various payloads without having to rely on the use of the torpedo tubes. The modification will make the submarine longer than the first two Seawolf-class submarines. The modifications to Jimmy Carter reflect the inherent flexibility of the submarine force to respond to emerging threats with new technologies and tactics. With Jimmy Carter, this generations' submarine force will stride forward and meet emerging threats at sea, on land or of any nature. The Navy-Industry team is poised to build this remarkable and fully integrated submarine. For more information about attack submarines (SSNs): http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/factfile/ships, and click on "ships-ssn.html" -USN- -USN-