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AT-3 SAGGER Anti-Tank Guided Missile

电线引导的9m14mMalutka[Tiny or Little Baby] SAGGER, also known by the US designation AT-3, was first seen in 1961. The SAGGER is a wire-guided antitank guided missile with a shaped-charge HEAT warhead. It is more compact than the earlier AT-1 /SNAPPER and AT-2/SWATTER ATGMs, but carries an equally powerful warhead. Antiarmor missiles are used, above all, as helicopter weapons on Mi-2 and Mi-8 helicopters and thus are modifications of army missiles. Introduced in 1961, the SAGGER was smaller but just as effective as its predecessors the AT- 2 SWATTER and AT-1 SNAPPER. It has now been withdrawn from ordnance.

萨格(Sagger)可以用作车辆和旋转翼飞机的人填充导弹。AT-3按重量分类为便携式(21-40千克),而不是可控的(<21 kg)。发射器也是导弹随身携带的案件。

The 9M14M missile weighs 10.9 kg, is 860 mm long, has a body diameter of 125 mm and a wing span of 393 mm. Its maximum range is 3000 m and its minimum firing distance is 500 mm. With an average speed being 120 m/s, the missile is slow, taking 25 seconds to reach its maximum range of 3000 meters.

The SAGGER is capable of engaging targets at ranges of 500 to 3,000 meters and can penetrate over 400 mm of armor. As with the SWATTER, the SAGGER uses manual command to line of sight (MCLOS) guidance system in which the operator must observe both missile and target and guide the one towards the other. The improved SAGGER-C was fitted with semi-automatic command line of sight (SACLOS) guidance to serve as an interim until the AT-5 SPANDREL and AT-6 SPIRAL entered service. The guidance panel can be located up to 15 meters from the launcher, and can control up to four launchers. If a target is <1,000 meters from launcher, the operator can joystick the missile to target without using optics. The guidance elevation (�) is -5/ +10. Because the module is small and can be shifted, elevation and field of view are operationally unlimited. Improved versions can be used on older launchers, but in the MCLOS mode.

Sagger A或B Gunner必须同时在视觉上跟踪目标和导弹,这需要广泛的训练和持续的练习。尽管该导弹离开发射器武装并可以在很短的范围内引爆和杀死,但枪手只能在500至800米的范围内捕获它。但是,在战斗条件下,大多数枪手可能能够仅在1,000至3,000米之间成功接触目标。该导弹的飞行时间很长(12.5秒至1,500米; 25秒至3,000米),而反避行动对此有效,尤其是在长范围内。尽管发射嘶哑的发射散发出灰色的烟雾和大声的咆哮,但在战场上很难发现这种签名。电线制导的导弹对电子对策无力,并且有很小的出现故障。

The antitank platoon of a BTR-equipped motorized rifle battalion (MRB) has two ATGM squads with two manpack SAGGER firing teams (two missiles each). In each three-man team, the gunner carries a suitcase containing the control box, and two assistant gunners each carry one missile in a suitcase. One of the assistant gunners is also an RPG-7 gunner. One missile can be set up, checked out, and fired in five minutes (1 2 to 1 5 minutes for all four missiles). Using a tour-position selector switch on the control box, each gunner can fire up to four missiles consecutively. Both gunners can remotely fire missiles from positions up to 15 meters from the launchers. For targets at less than 1,000 meters, the missile can be guided by eye; for longer ranges, the 8x magnifying periscopic sight must be used. The RPG-7 gunner usually is deployed 1 50 to 200 meters in front of the SAGGER position to cover targets inside the minimum SAGGER range of 500 meters. The antitank platoon also has two SPG-9s which may be employed with the manpack SAGGERs.

BRDM / BRDM-2耐火粘土在反坦克棉絮ery of motorized rifle regiments, in the antitank battalion of motorized rifle and tank divisions, and in the antitank regiment of artillery divisions. The BRDM/BRDM-2 vehicles have a reaction time of one minute to fire from a completely buttoned-up mode. Six missiles can be fired without reloading, and eight additional missiles are carried inside the vehicle. Successive missiles can be fired and tracked within five seconds of the previous missile's impact. The gunner can operate either from within the vehicle or from a remote position up to 80 meters away. The two-man crew (commander/gunner and driver) also has assault rifles and an RPG-7 antitank grenade launcher.

在机载单元中也发现了下垂。MANPACK版本是在一家不配备BMD的降落伞公司的反坦克排,也可以在不配备了BMD的空气载营的反坦克电池中。BRDM/BRDM-2 Saggers在配备BMD的机载团的ATGM电池中发现。


一些指定AT-3C的Sagger系统经过半自动IR/导线引导系统进行了改装。只有车辆和直升机安装的导弹进行了改造,这显然是一项临时措施,直到全面部署长距离,第二代AT-5/Spandrel和AT-6/Spiral导弹。Manpack Saggers和Saggers一起被AT-4/Spigot取代。AT-3C/Sagger C变体采用半自动命令对线(SACLOS)指南。它主要安装在BRDM-2上,但也可以安装在臀部F和Hoplite直升机上。这些Hellebore系统为地面命令提供了更大的灵活性,但对发射平台的脆弱性成本更高。

副本包括朝鲜的Susong-po,台湾Kun Wu和中文副本,Red Arrow-73/HJ-73,并带有土著指导。中国第一代反坦克导弹在1980年代中期开发的“洪吉安(红色箭头)-73”,估计命中率为70%。Polk是一款斯洛文尼亚便携式防弹仪,其中包括一个新的发射器,带有双眼瞄准镜的指导面板和3个ATGM,类似于AT-3C的改进(鼻子探针和下烟雾签名)。通过鼻子探针和改进的推进剂,MCLOS引导的ATGM可以在25秒内达到最大范围,并穿透580 mm。俄罗斯AT-3C/改进(Saclos)具有类似的功能。

伊朗副本的俄罗斯AT-3 9m14m(Sagger或Ra.ad)反坦克导弹。RAAD-T导弹的RAAD导弹的改进版本结合了串联的弹头军备系统,由于新的机身,其可操作性大大提高。不管年度和生产地点如何,所有版本的RAAD导弹都可以升级到新版本。RAAD-T武器系统是一种便携式反坦克导弹,用于攻击任何装甲战车,包括那些具有爆炸性反应式装甲(ERA)的装甲。在现场操作中,只有通过一种地面指导设备,每30秒钟就可以射击发射器上最多四枚导弹。系统安全和武装装置(SAD)在运输和处理过程中提供了高水平的安全性。它以新包装运输,并使用新设备进行了测试。通过影响目标,即使在攻击的高角度,前锋的爆炸也将消除爆炸性的反应装甲(ERA),并且在延迟时间后,主荷将爆炸并不信任坦克。

斯洛文尼亚ISKRA TS-M热瞄准镜可用,检测为3,000米,并在1,800米处得到识别。任何AT-3都可以通过更换弹头和 /替换特定的弹头和运动组件的替换为Malyutka-2现代化。


Alternative Designations Malyutka Complex
启动平台 manpack
Mi-24 Hind
Date of Introduction 1963
Proliferation At least 45 countries, including: Former Soviet Republics, Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, Hungary, Iraq, India, North Korea, Libya, Mozambique, Poland, Romania, Syria, Uganda, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Zambia.
Crew 3
主坐骑 Ground mount on "suitcase" launcher
替代坐骑 在BMP-1,BMD-1,BRDM,BRDM-2等上进行栏杆。
总体重量,不包括导弹(kg) 30.5发射器 +指导
整体发射位置(M) 0.86,AT-3/A/B/C
Height Overall In Firing Position (m) INA
整体射击位置(M)的宽度 INA
Launcher Name 9P111 Case launcher
Launch Method 案例
Elevation (�) Fixed for launcher
发射率(导弹/分钟) 2
Reaction Time (sec) INA
Emplacement Time (min) 1.7波尔克套装
Displacement Time (min) INA
Ready/Stowed Missiles 4/0,3/0 polk套装
FCS名称 9S415/9S415M/9S415M1指导面板
Guidance MCLO(9S415/-M面板),Saclos
命令链接 Wire
Beacon Type Incandescent infrared bulb (SACLOS)
Tracker Type N/A用于MCLOS,Saclos的耀斑跟踪器
Susceptible To Countermeasures EO干扰者,烟,反火
反环境 抵消指导面板,激光滤波器
测距仪 INA
频率 INA
反环境 INA
Sights w/Magnification
视野(�) 22.5
Acquisition Range (m) 4000
夜晚 可用的
视野(�) N/A
Acquisition Range (m) N/A
Name AT -3,-3A,-3B/Sagger
Alternative Designations Malyutka,Malyutka-M
Missile Weight (kg) 10.9
弹头类型 形状电荷(热)
装甲穿透(MM) 400
最小/最大范围(M) 500/3,000
Probability of Hit (%) 70反对移动坦克
Average Velocity (m/s) 115
Time of Flight to Max Range (sec) 26
Name AT-3C/Sagger
Alternative Designations Malyutka-p
Missile Weight (kg) 11.4
弹头类型 形状电荷(热)
装甲穿透(MM) 520
最小/最大范围(M) 500/3,000
Probability of Hit (%) 90(saclos)
Average Velocity (m/s) 115
Time of Flight to Max Range (sec) 26
Name Malyutka-2
Alternative Designations Malyutka(现代化)
Missile Weight (kg) 12.5
弹头类型 串联电荷(热)
装甲穿透(MM) 800
最小/最大范围(M) 500/3,00
Probability of Hit (%) 90(saclos)
Average Velocity (m/s) 130
Time of Flight to Max Range (sec) 23
其他导弹 Malyutka(现代化)他,AT-3C Imp,Polk


fas|军队|DOD 101|Systems|土地|ROW|||

Maintained by罗伯特·谢尔曼(Robert Sherman)
最初由约翰·派克(John Pike)创建
更新2000年4月27日,星期四2:34:36 pm