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2S1 M-1974 Gvodzika(康乃馨)
122-mm Self-Propelled Howitzer

While the chassis of the 2S1 somewhat resembles that of the PT-76, it is essentially a new design, derived from the MT-LB chassis. The 2S1 has seven road wheels (versus six for either PT-76 or MT-LB) and no return rollers, with the drive sprocket at the front and the idler at the rear. As with the MT-LB, two different widths of track can be fitted, the wider tracks lowering the ground pressure and facilitating travel over soft terrain. The amphibious 2S1 is driven through the water by its tracks.

The boat-like hull contains the engine compartment at the right front and the driver's compartment at the left front, with the driver's hatch to the left of the gun tube. The fighting compartment in the rear of the hull is topped by a low-silhouette, rotating turret. Atop the all-welded turret are the commander's cupola (with single hatch cover) on the left and the loader's hatch on the right. The gunner, also located in the left side of the turret, has no hatch. The commander and driver have IR night sighting equipment, but there is no IR gunnery equipment. An interesting feature on the turret is the tear-drop shaped port cover on the left front near the gunner's position. The 2S1 has a direct fire sight besides its panoramic telescope. The vehicle is fitted with a collective NBC overpressure and filtration protective system.


The 2S1 can be quickly distinguished from the 152-mm self-propelled howitzer 2S3 by the smaller turret and less massive gun on the 2S1. The 2S1 also has a single unit shield for the recoil-recuperator mechanism above the tube, while the 2S3 has two separate cylinders above the tube. Also, the tube of the 2S1 does not extend beyond the front of the vehicle, while the 2S3 tube does.



The vehicle has a relatively light weight of less than 1 6 metric tons, with a ground pressure of approximately 0.5 kg/cm2. This enables it to operate in swamps and deep snow and also contributes to its amphibious capability. It is propelled by track drive in water as well as on land. The light weight and low profile also make air-lifting easier. The tightly sealed hull with its filtration system enables the 2S1 to operate in irradiated or contaminated zones as well as under heavy dust conditions. The turret is mounted with a ball-bearing race and has an electric drive for rapid traverse, although precise aiming is performed with a manual drive. A ramming mechanism speeds up the loading process, and fired cases are ejected automatically.




自从the 2S1 was seen in public for the first time in 1974, it also has been known under the provisional designation M1974. It also has been referred to as SP-74 and SAU-122. Although the 2S1 has been variously referred to as a gun, a gun-howitzer, or a howitzer, the Soviet press called it a howitzer. Its introduction coincided with the expansion of the Soviet motorized rifle regiment's artillery battery to a battalion and with the introduction of the ACRV M1974, which is associated with self-propelled artillery units. The self-propelled howitzer 2S1 provided the Soviet Army with highly mobile firepower that fit neatly into its doctrine of the offensive. It also was found in some non-Soviet Warsaw Pact armies.


Alternative Designations 122-mm 2S1 Gvozdika
介绍日期 1974
增殖 At least 12 countries
Crew 4 (section of 6 with 2 in ammo carrier)
平台(底盘) MT-LBu
Combat Weight (mt) 15.7
底盘长度(M) 7.26
Height Overall (m) 2.72
整体宽度(M) 2.85
Engine Type V-8, 300 hp, Diesel
Cruising Range (km) 500 km
Max Road 60
Max Off-Road 30
越野 在一个
Max Swim 4.5
Fording Depths (m) 水陆两用
Emplacement Time (min) 2
位移时间(最小) 1
Radio R-123M
装甲,炮塔(MM) 20
Armor Turret Top (mm) 10
装甲船体(mm) 15
Self-Entrenching Blade
NBC Protection System 是的
Smoke Equipment
Main Armament
口径,类型,名称 122-mm, canon, 2A31
Barrel Length (cal) 36
Rate of Fire (rpm)
爆裂 5
不rmal 4
持续 1-2
Fire from Ground 在一个
加载程序类型 Semi-automatic
臀部类型 水平滑动楔
Muzzle Brake Type Double baffle
Traverse (�)
Right 360
全部的 360
Elevation (�) (-/+) -3/+70�
Indirect Fire PG-2 Panoramic Telescope (PANTEL)
直接火 OP 5-37
准仪 K-1
Gun Display Unit 不ne
Fire Control Computer 不ne
122-mm Frag-HE, OF-81
Indirect Fire Range (m)
Minimum Range 1000
Maximum Range 15,300
完整的弹丸重量(kg) 21.76 (OF-56)
Muzzle Velocity 680 m/s
引信类型 RGM-2 PD
122-mm, HEAT-FS
直接火Range (m)
Minimum Range 0
Maximum Range 1000
Armor Penetration (mm) 460 (@ 0� obliquity any range)
完整的弹丸重量(kg) 21.58
Muzzle Velocity 740 m/s
引信类型 GPV-2 PIBD
Indirect Fire Range (m)
Minimum Range 在一个
Maximum Range 21,900
完整的弹丸重量(kg) 21.76 (3OF-56)
Muzzle Velocity 在一个
引信类型 PD
Other Ammunition Types Incendiary, Chemical, Flechette, Expendable Jammer, Semi-active laser-guided Kitolov-2M Frag-HE


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维护Robert Sherman
Originally created by John Pike