FAS|Military|DOD 101|Systems|Land Warfare|203-mm||||
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M426 203mm Projectile

The M426 203mm 8-inch projectile starts as a hollow steel shell. GB or VX nerve gas agent is added and sealed inside by pressing the burster well into the body. The M83 composition B4 burster is then installed into the burster well. The charge support, the TNT supplementary charge, and the spaceer are installed and the fuze adapter / lifting plug is screwed into the body. The adapter is then staked in one or more places. The projectiles are stored unfuzed with 6 rounds per pallet and secured with metal banding.

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FAS|Military|DOD 101|Systems|Land Warfare|203-mm||||
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维护的Robert Sherman
Originally created by John Pike
Updated Saturday, September 12, 1998 6:35:55 AM