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m114 155mm howitzer

M114 155mm Howitzer由M198代替,是一个首先在1942年生产的拖曳武器作为中等炮兵。武器使用北约标准155毫米弹药,范围约为14,000米,并在韩国第二次世界大战期间使用,并在越南。直到最近他们与国民卫队为止。

它仍在与阿根廷,奥地利,波斯尼亚联合会(1997年交付116份),巴西(99),柬埔寨,加拿大,智利(包括海军陆战队),丹麦,萨尔瓦多,埃塞俄比亚,希腊,伊朗,伊拉克,以色列,意大利,约旦,韩国,老挝,黎巴嫩,利比亚,摩洛哥,荷兰,挪威,巴基斯坦,秘鲁,菲律宾,葡萄牙,沙特阿拉伯,塞内加尔,索马里(6),西班牙,苏丹(12),台湾(包括自我 -在M108 / M109机箱的推进模型),泰国,突尼斯,土耳其,乌拉圭,越南,也门和南斯拉夫(制作了类似武器,称为M65)。

根据FY96外交行动拨款法(P.L.1041107)第540(b)条,该国大会授权为波斯尼亚的盈亏100万美元的盈亏设备和服务。The U.S. equipment being provided to the Bosnian Federation under drawdown authority represents an important but not complete part of their overall military equipment needs, which were identified by the Department of Defense in a study completed in February, 1996. Field artillery was identified in the DoD study as one of the most critical requirements to give the Federation the ability to react if the Bosnian Serbs were to resume shelling their population centers. While searching for sources to provide field artillery, DOD discovered the availability of U.S. Army M114 howitzers which were being declared excess defense articles. Since they are NATO-standard and would be available only for the cost of refurbishment, the decision was made to obtain 261 of them. Using some of the remaining drawdown authority to provide for refurbishment and ammunition, the US was able to provide approximately 116 fully mission-capable howitzers. (The other 145 were used as sources for spare parts in the refurbishment process.) This fulfilled a critical need for the Federation and provides NATO-standard equipment at minimal cost.


口径 155毫米
桶长 (枪口后端的后端机构)3.778米
反冲系统 水油
臀位机制 阶梯线,中断螺丝
运输 拆分路径
重量 (旅行订单)5,800公斤
长度 (旅行)7.315米
宽度 (旅行)2.438米
高度 (旅行)1.803米
地面清关 0.229米
追踪 2.07米
海拔/抑郁症 + 63�/-2¼
火灾率 (前30秒)2轮
最大范围 14,600米
全体人员 11.


Fas.|军队|DOD 101.|系统|土地战争||||指数|搜索|加入Fas.
