BDU - Battle Dress Uniforms


如今,士兵面临着一代前未知的战场威胁。例如,高级传感器使得不仅在夜间在夜间进行士兵位置,并在低光线近红外传感设备的帮助下进行跟踪,而且可以通过热量的设备进行测量体热。有效地应对这种复杂的威胁,并被定位以应对日益数字化的未来战场,灵活性,适应性和与士兵整体的融合所带来的威胁,这将是产品开发的关键。SSCOM的Natick Research,Development and Engineering Center(NRDEC)的生存局正在设计符合所有这些标准的服装和设备。

The mission of NRDEC�s Multifunctional Materials Group (MMG) is to develop a multifunctional combat system that provides a balanced level of protection against known battlefield threats. Group members work to create a system that is durable, comfortable and readily accepted by the soldier for use in a myriad of environmental conditions.

团体负责人汤姆·佩斯(Tom Pease)说:“我们希望摆脱过去的工作。”他说:``当新威胁出现时,我们一直在做出有效的回应。''他说:``但这始终是一个非常垂直的过程。现在,我们正在寻找整个士兵系统的更多水平整合。

In its efforts to develop countermeasures against emerging threats, Mr. Pease said, the Army �never really looked at the cumulative effect of the various countermeasures on soldier�s performance. The weight and load that the soldier carries has been increased. We want to develop countermeasures now that don�t add another layer of bulk to the soldier�s clothing and equipment. We�re trying to do more with less.�

One of the MMG�s largest projects is the development and improvement of camouflage, which comes into play in every facet of a soldier�s combat clothing and equipment. The purpose of camouflage is to blend an object into its background and break up the pattern of the object as much as possible. Toward that end, battle dress uniforms (BDUs) have near-infrared capabilities built into them and are painstakingly patterned with the help of the MMG�s Camouflage Evaluation Facility (CEF).

根据团队负责人戴维·奥德(David Audet)的说法,该CEF具有四个现实世界环境,可以在其中设计和评估伪装西装,为陆军提供了保护士兵免受现场新兴威胁的宝贵工具。代表的四个环境环境是林地,它具有活植物。沙漠,有与中东的沙子相似的沙子和质地。北极,模拟雪;和Urban,其中包括各种建筑材料,包括混凝土和灰泥。

使用真实材料对于忠实地表示通过近红外夜视镜可以看到的东西很重要。CEF的特殊照明还可以调整为不同级别的月光或黑暗天空。Audet先生说,该设施是Quick and Dirty内部测试的基础。``目标是在现场测试之前提出最佳的伪装。'该方法可以节省与现场测试相关的时间和费用,并且它提供了不含户外测试站点可变天气条件的受控测试环境。它使陆军不仅可以评估其自己的伪装系统,还可以评估外国的系统。



研究成果不仅将很快允许site-specific camouflage but just-in-time camouflage, where new patterns can be created to respond to newly developing threats in a matter of weeks. Within the next several years, Mr. Pease anticipates, his group will be able to demonstrate the viability and effectiveness of a just-in-time system.

The group�s mission of multifunctionality is being carried out in other ways as well. For instance, it is working to find cost-effective ways to impart flame-retardant properties to battle garments. In keeping with the group�s synergistic, integrated approach to its business, the soldier�s comfort will be a primary concern. As a result, Mr. Pease said, tradeoffs will be made to achieve a balance of all the important qualities: Performance, cost effectiveness, comfort and durability.



Pease先生谈到21世纪的陆军士兵制度时说:“我们将Land Warrior视为我们的最终客户,因为重点是真正多功能的系统。”``我们的重点将是在部队XXI Land Warrior计划中展示高级技术,该计划负责向陆战战士系统提供技术升级。