
Fort Monroe, Virginia 23651-5000

1 December 1996
TRADOC Pamphlet 525-73


Summary.这是对1996年9月1日的Tradoc PAM 525-73的更改。联合人员法律备忘录(MOL)确定了化学武器公约(CWC)对武器或化学试剂类型的影响美军,在什么情况下。CWC涵盖了所有致命和非致死性有毒化学物质,MOL将“有毒化学物质”定义为任何化学物质”,这些化学物质会引起临时丧失能力...” CWC明确禁止使用所有有毒化学物质,但没有禁止使用“目的“和“防暴代理人”作为战争方法。由于该条约,呕吐剂(引起恶心/呕吐的化学物质)已从附录B中确定的潜在非致命技术的列表中受到损害。

建议的改进。这个概念的拥护者是战斗发展的副参谋长。Send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) to Commander, TRADOC, ATTN: ATCD-BP, Fort Monroe, VA 23651-5000. Suggested improvements may also be submitted using DA Form 1045 (Army Ideas for Excellence Program (AIEP) Proposal).

1. 1996年9月1日,更改Tradoc PAM 525-73,如下:

Pages 7 and 8.删除旧页面并插入新页面。(人事效应物项目呕吐剂及其描述已从附录B中删除。)

2. Post these changes per DA Pam 310-13.

3. File this change in front of the publication.


OFFICIAL: James J. Cravens,Jr。

Colonel, GS



C1, TRADOC Pamphlet 525-73

F。The Army needs to determine vulnerabilities of developmental and fielded soldier systems to nonlethal attack and develop appropriate countermeasures.


Appendix A



Joint Pub 3-58

Blueprint of the Battlefield

Force XX1操作,这是为二十一世纪战略军队全面运营进化的概念

Tradoc Pamphlet 525-57(S)

TRADOC Reg 11-16
Development and Management of Operational Concepts

黑色,斯蒂芬。“非武器系统:新技术对低强度冲突的潜在影响”,Ridgeway观点,Matthew B. Ridgeway国际安全研究中心,第93-9号,1993年。

da。总部DA,SARD-TL/SC。D. Evans and W.E.“非致命的武器(禁用系统),系统描述和评估可能的陆军替代方案。”霍华德,三,2月93日。

达帕。“任务杀戮概念,要求和技术的评估”,系统规划公司,最终报告SPC 1361,9月90日。




Swett,Charles F.“非致命武器的战略评估”,OASD(SO/LIC)政策计划,93年11月9日。


C1, TRADOC Pamphlet 525-73

Appendix B


Personnel Effectors
Infra/Ultra Sound 声音发电机投射出声压波,使人员不适。
Noise 声发电机会产生足够的声音,使人迷失或丧失能力。
丧失能力的物质 导致暂时残疾的无机和有机物质家族。
恶臭物质 无机物质的家族带有刺激性气味,会给人员不适。
Irritants Substances that cause eye and respiratory irritation/discomfort (e.g., CS, CR, EA4923).
非渗透弹丸 Family of projectiles that stuns personnel without penetrating.
闪光灯 大,高强度的频闪灯,使人迷惑和困惑。
眩晕武器 制服或固定人员的武器家族。
Water Cannon System that produces a high-pressure stream of water to disable or disburse crowds.
Optical Munitions Family of explosive/electric flash devices to stun, dazzle, or temporarily blind.
超级粘合剂/绑定涂料 粘合剂家族阻止了人员的运动。
反牵引力 Family of substances that cause lack of traction for personnel.
可燃分散剂 遭受人员压力时点燃的物质家族。
纠缠器/遏制设备 蚊帐,网眼等等。
Enclosure Fillers 迅速填充封闭空间的物质或设备,使乘员活着但无法移动(例如安全气囊)。
水泡 泡沫家族会阻碍活动能力并造成障碍,尤其是在与刺激物混合时。
欺骗 技术旨在说服团体反对自己的利益。


TRADOC Pamphlet 525-73




“……陆军必须检查替代方案并探索新的想法,以确保战争以外的战争和成功的快速,决定性的结果 - 生命和国宝的成本最少。”(Tradoc PAM 525-5,Force XXI行动,1994年8月1日)


政治,外交和经济要求表明,在可能的情况下,未来的行动将美国的伤亡降至最低,同时限制了抵押品平民伤亡和对平民物体的附带损害。Tradoc PAM 525-5,强大的XXI行动,通过预测能够产生压倒性,决定性的力量的力量来认识到这一事实,从而以最小的力量促进快速,决定性的行动。压倒性的,决定性的力量不仅是传统的破坏性火力。例如,在战争(OOTW)以外的其他行动中,它可能是为了挨饿的平民而交付的食物,或者表现出共同的军事能力如此果断,以至于对手会改变其行动以实现友好的目标。在非致命能力的标题下,正在考虑和开发新的功能或旧功能重铸,以实现最低力量的友好目标。这个概念试图对这些新工具进行定义,并突出如何使用现有工具来产生非致命作用。这个概念旨在提供对所必需的非致命能力的愿景,军队必须获得以全力支持战士,以追求战争期间的决定性胜利以及在稳定和支持行动方面取得成功。

Fort Monroe, Virginia 23651-5000
TRADOC Pamphlet 525-73


Summary.该小册子描述了非致命能力的概念以及它们如何延迟,破坏或降低威胁力,战斗功能和设施,以追求运营和战术目标。这个概念概述了陆军将如何在战略,运营和战术水平的军事行动中使用非致命的能力。它概述了非致命能力如何支持整个军事行动中的所有类型的任务。它描述了对学说,培训,领导者发展,组织,物资和士兵支持的影响。这个概念描述了提高领导人和士兵有效使用非致命能力并防御对手使用的能力所需的能力。这个概念does not包括使用定向能量激光武器作为非致命能力。

适用性。该小册子适用于所有Tradoc Elements,包括总部(HQ)Tradoc员工,主要的下属命令,功能中心,学校和活动。

Suggested Improvements.这个概念的拥护者是战斗发展的副参谋长。向DA表格2028(建议更改出版物和空白表格)发送评论并提出改进,向Tradoc,ATTN:ATCDBP:ATCDBP,Monroe,Monroe,VA 2365乐动体育赛事1-5000。也可以使用DA表格1045(陆军卓越思想计划(AIEP)提案)提交建议的改进。


Chapter 1介绍目的........................................................................... 1-1参考.............................................................................................缩写和术语的说明.............................................. 1-3Chapter 2一般的为什么需要这个概念......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-4限制................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-6Chapter 3概念一般的。............................................3-1 Concept description.................................3-2 Required capabilities...............................3-3Chapter 4Doctrine,Training,Leader Development, Organizations,Materiel,Soldier Implications学说.................................................................................................... 4-1培训。...................................................................................................... 4-2领导者发展........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-6附录A.参考B.潜在的非致命技术C。International Agreements and DOD and Joint Staff Policy词汇表

Chapter 1

1-1. Purpose.该小册子为支持军事行动范围的军队任务提供了一个非致命能力的概念。该概念为开发非致命能力的基础建立了基础,以补充致命的能力,从而为指挥官提供新的选项和工具来完成分配的任务。该概念还描述了新的非致命技术或现有技术的新应用提供的功能的应用。


1-3。缩写和术语的解释. The glossary contains explanations of abbreviations and terms used in this pamphlet.

Chapter 2


A。The Army's highly lethal forces remain the cornerstone of the decisive element of land power in the U.S. deterrent arsenal. However, U.S. forces will have to respond to a myriad of situations across the range of military operations. At the same time, the military will face increased media attention, worldwide environmental concerns, and a low national tolerance for long, lethal and, costly campaigns even where vital interests of the nation are clearly defined. Nonlethal capabilities can expand options and tools available to the National Command Authority (NCA) and commanders.

b。Operation Desert Storm provided a glimpse of warfare that relies on precision guided munitions and "discriminating" technologies. These capabilities permit the user to attack targets with precision and accuracy while reducing collateral damage and loss of life. Nonlethal capabilities complement and extend the nation's diplomatic and military options beyond the use of more traditional lethal weapons.

C。非致命功能support the objectives of thwarting aggression and promoting stability. Recent experiences in Bosnia, Somalia, Rwanda, and Haiti highlight the complexity and danger of missions across the range of military operations. Soldiers are at risk in war as well as in other military operations, and it is essential that they be provided every means to employ overwhelming, decisive power to accomplish their missions.

d。非致命功能afford expanded crisis and contingency response options. They enhance the Army's ability to meet requirements of applying force proportional to the threat and discriminating in the application of force during military operations. Nonlethal capabilities can reduce the risks of perceived excessive military force, promote international political support, alleviate environmental concerns, and enhance post conflict transitions and termination.

e。Potential adversaries have or are acquiring nonlethal capabilities. This concept also addresses the need for protection against adversarial use of nonlethal capabilities.



(2) Identifies the increased role of nonlethal capabilities throughout the range of military operations.

(3) Provides emphasis and direction for development of nonlethal technologies, capabilities, and counter-nonlethal capabilities.

(4) Provides information to the Army and the other Services, national, industrial, and allied agencies.

(5) Helps the Army enunciate the necessary requirements for these capabilities.


A。Realignment of international relationships and alliances, coupled with social, economic, demographic, and political changes will continue to create a period of uncertainty for the nation and the Army. The proliferation of weapons (especially weapons of mass destruction) and technology with military applications, coupled with drugs, terrorism, and religious, ethnic, and cultural unrest, increase the danger for soldiers conducting operations. The diverse capabilities of states within regional nations and other groups seeking power, and the instability found in many nations pose serious threats to U.S. security and national interests and create challenges of unprecedented diversity, complexity, and scope for the Army.



2-4. Support to the umbrella concept.The Force XXI Army will be capable of defining the battlespace, regulating tempo, ensuring initiative, and promoting quick, decisive operations with the minimum force necessary. This concept supports the full range of possible operations envisioned by Force XXI.


A。Laws and international agreements. National and international policies and laws, and existing treaties or agreements, impact on the use of selected nonlethal capabilities. This concept proposes the development and employment of systems that enhance our obligations under International Law and promote the humanitarian concepts for which those laws were developed. Nonlethal capabilities will be used only when required by military necessity. They will be used in a way to avoid suffering and their employment will be proportional to the threat.


C。这个概念does not包括使用定向能量激光武器作为非致命功能。

2-6。背景。米ilitary forces have long used nonlethal force to influence behavior of people and nations, to defeat adversaries with minimum use of lethal capabilities, and to weaken adversaries in order to more quickly, easily, or economically defeat them with conventional arms. Examples of classic nonlethal means include: show of force; deliberately delivered information or propaganda meant to dissuade or persuade actions; physical obstacles; noise to create or enhance psychological effects; electromagnetic energy to disrupt communications; smoke and obscurants to mask operations or defeat homing and guidance mechanisms; and, light or fires used to harass soldiers. Classic nonlethal means will remain relevant in Force XXI operations. This concept will focus on new nonlethal capabilities as a result of advances in technology or new ways of applying existing capabilities.

Chapter 3

3-1。一般的。理解这个概念是recogni派拉蒙tion that nonlethal capabilities do not replace or diminish the role of lethal capabilities for the force. Nonlethal capabilities simply provide the commander additional options for applying military force consistent with the situation to accomplish stated or directed objectives. The military element of national power is fundamentally and unalterably based on lethal capabilities that allow the Army to achieve decisive results through the application of overwhelming force. However, recent experiences have highlighted requirements for new capabilities or new ways of applying existing capabilities in dangerous situations where restrictive rules of engagement (ROE) dictate application of lesser force (force protection, food distribution orderliness) to achieve mission success.






(4)冲突的干预。非致命功能could be employed preemptively before the onset of hostilities or covertly after initiation of open conflict between two countries. They could limit an adversary's capability to engage forces in the near term by neutralizing or limiting availability of equipment or supplies. Such measures could target the mobilization and sustainment capabilities of military forces to provide time for negotiations. Such interventions may be made more acceptable to the countries involved and to the American public if large numbers of U.S. military forces were not used in the intervention.




(8)的军事行动在城市地形(城市)。米ilitary operations in urban terrain offers many useful opportunities for employment of nonlethal capabilities. Access/escape routes can be blocked in buildings with polyurethane-based foam or other measures to prevent surprise approach of reinforcements, channel movement through established firing zones, or protect areas from entry. Urban environments also increase the possibility of commingled combatants and noncombatants. In these areas it would be better to avoid employment of high explosive ordnance and the resultant high level of collateral damage.

(9) Large-scale operations. While much of the focus is the lower end of the range of military operations, some nonlethal capabilities could have a significant effect on larger operations. Strategic interdiction of warmaking necessities such as electricity and petroleum, oil, and lubricant (POL) resources could hasten the end of conflict. High-powered generators can disrupt electronic systems, severely limiting use of combat systems and command and control capabilities. Inserting computer viruses in combat and communication systems is far more effective than engaging individual systems with conventional means. Deception/electromagnetic intrusion of communications and computer driven systems can introduce widespread confusion in military operations and soldier distrust in their systems. The employment of nonlethal capabilities within the context of information operations could produce windows of opportunity for U.S. forces and give adversary leaders an incorrect sense of the effectiveness of their forces, causing major errors in judgment.



3-3。所需的功能. Nonlethal capabilities will affect human abilities/senses and materiel in order to disrupt or prevent normal operations. Nonlethal capabilities intended for use against personnel will have relatively reversible effects. It is the Army's intent to develop nonlethal capabilities that do not maim, permanently disable, or kill personnel. Required nonlethal capabilities include:



(2) Crowd control or dispersal.



(5) Sensory impairment





(4) Cause computer driven systems failure or induce operating error malfunctions.

C。Providing security and surveillance.

(1) Enhance tactical area security.

(2) Isolate/segregate adversaries.

d。Attacking materiel support systems/infrastructure.

(1) Weaken or change fuels and metals.


(3) Defeat modern materials (composites, polymers, alloys).

Chapter 4
Organizations, Materiel and Soldiers Implications.

4-1. Doctrine.

A。Proponency for the integration of nonlethal capabilities in Army operations has been established. The U.S. Army Infantry Center (USAIC) is proponent for nonlethal tactical applications and the U.S. Army Military Police School (USAMPS) is proponent for nonlethal law enforcement applications.



d。非杀伤性terminolog教义要求标准y. Accepted nonlethal terms must be defined in Army doctrinal literature.





d。这个概念may impact training of units in local training areas, combat training centers, the Battle Command Training Program (BCTP), and the use of simulations. The use of nonlethal capabilities should be integrated into all appropriate battle simulations, command post exercises, and field training exercises throughout the Army.






A。这个概念suggests some nonlethal materiel requirements. Further cost and operational effectiveness analysis of nonlethal technologies is required. Operational suitability also must be a consideration in adoption of these technologies.






b。非致命功能and their countermeasures will not degrade soldiers' confidence and ability to perform their mission.

C。非致命功能需要人机审查(AR 602-2)。

d。非致命功能require Health and Human Assessment for the user and the target personnel.


F。The Army needs to determine vulnerabilities of developmental and fielded soldier systems to nonlethal attack and develop appropriate countermeasures.


Appendix A

Force XX1操作,这是为二十一世纪战略军队全面运营进化的概念

TRADOC Reg 11-16
Development and Management of Operational Concepts

Blueprint of the Battlefield

Tradoc Pamphlet 525-57(S)


Joint Pub 3-58

黑色,斯蒂芬。“非武器系统:新技术对低强度冲突的潜在影响”,Ridgeway观点,Matthew B. Ridgeway国际安全研究中心,第93-9号,1993年。

da。总部DA,SARD-TL/SC。D. Evans and W.E.“非致命的武器(禁用系统),系统描述和评估可能的陆军替代方案。”霍华德,三,2月93日。


达帕。“任务杀戮概念,要求和技术的评估”,系统规划公司,最终报告SPC 1361,9月90日。



Swett,Charles F.“非致命武器的战略评估”,OASD(SO/LIC)政策计划,93年11月9日。


Appendix B


Personnel Effectors Description
Infra/Ultra Sound 声音发电机投射出声压波,使人员不适。
Noise 声发电机会产生足够的声音,使人迷失或丧失能力。
丧失能力的物质 导致暂时残疾的无机和有机物质家族。
恶臭物质 无机物质的家族带有刺激性气味,会给人员不适。
Irritants Substances that cause eye and respiratory irritation/discomfort (e.g., CS, CR, EA4923).
Vomiting Agents Chemicals that cause nausea/vomiting (e.g., DM).
非渗透弹丸 Family of projectiles that stuns personnel without penetrating.
闪光灯 大,高强度的频闪灯,使人迷惑和困惑。
眩晕武器 制服或固定人员的武器家族。
Water Cannon System that produces a high-pressure stream of water to disable or disburse crowds.
Optical Munitions Family of explosive/electric flash devices to stun, dazzle, or temporarily blind.
超级粘合剂/绑定涂料 粘合剂家族阻止了人员的运动。
反牵引力 Family of substances that cause lack of traction for personnel.
可燃分散剂 遭受人员压力时点燃的物质家族。
纠缠器/遏制设备 蚊帐,网眼等等。
Enclosure Fillers 迅速填充封闭空间的物质或设备,使乘员活着但无法移动(例如安全气囊)。
水泡 泡沫家族会阻碍活动能力并造成障碍,尤其是在与刺激物混合时。
欺骗 技术旨在说服团体反对自己的利益。
Holograms 产生全息图作为诱饵或欺骗的发电机。
Voice Synthesis/Morphing 综合已知图形的语音或图像,欺骗,产生错误的订单或获得访问的设备。
标记 可用于秘密标记人员的物质家族以供以后识别。如果需要,标记可能是明显的。
晦涩的剂 Family of smoke-like agents to obscure observation and disorient.

米ateriel Effectors Description
Special Electromagnetic Interference 设备家族提供电子干扰效应。
Binding Coatings Family of adhesives that prevents movement of vehicles.
High-Voltage Shock 高压发生器破坏电子系统。
无核EMP 复制核武器电磁脉冲的影响,破坏电子设备的设备。
发动机杀手 禁用或破坏引擎的代理商家族。
Filter Cloggers 在发动机中摄入时堵塞空气过滤的空中代理人家族。
导电颗粒 插入时会缩短电子设备的颗粒家族。
导电丝带 丝带一家在电线上部署时会缩短电子设备。
燃料添加剂/-Viscosifiers Family of agents that cause fuel to solidify.
无线电频率 System that radiates a microwave burst, disabling electronics.
晦涩的剂 类似烟雾的药物家族,以模糊视觉或电子观察。
Optical Munitions 爆炸性/电动闪光灯设备可在昏迷,眼花或暂时盲目的光学传感器。
电脑痣/蠕虫 Family of programs that will burrow into enemy automation and report back various datum: status, location, etc.
Computer Viruses 程序家族将导致计算机故障。
米aterial Embrittlement 导致材料迅速分解的物质家族或分解分子键。
光学涂料 Family of materials that can be deposited on optical sensors or viewing ports to obscure vision.
纠缠 Family of nets, meshes, and the like to ensnare vehicles.
抗逆转 导致缺乏牵引力的物质家族。
土壤不稳定 导致土壤变得柔软或不稳定的物质家族,因此被车辆无法使用。
轮胎攻击 破坏车辆轮胎/车轮的方法家族。
超级腐败/超级屠杀 腐蚀金属等结构材料的物质家族。
生物降级 腐蚀结构材料或燃料的有机物质家族。
可燃分散剂 遭受车辆压力时点燃的物质家族。
Combustion Modifiers 注射燃烧引擎时会导致机械故障的代理家族。
Antifriction 物质家族可显着减少机械成分之间的表面摩擦。
粘合剂/磨料 粘附在机械运动部位表面的物质会损坏它们/防止正常功能。
Acoustic Waves 声波横向进入依靠声传感器的系统,以使系统启动。

Appendix C
International Agreements and DOD and Joint Staff Policy


A。Geneva Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare of 17 June 1925 ("Geneva Protocol"). The Geneva Protocol limits use (but not possession) of chemical or biological weapons. The U.S. understands this to limit first use only of lethal or incapacitating chemical weapons; In 1969 the U.S. unilaterally renounced all methods of bacteriological (biological) warfare. (This renunciation subsequently was codified in the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention, discussed infra). At the time of U.S. ratification of the Geneva Protocol, the U.S. renounced first use of riot control agents or herbicides in war except in defensive military modes to save lives; this policy remains in effect in Executive Order 11850 notwithstanding U.S. signature of the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention, discussed infra. Consistent with this policy, riot control agents have been authorized for use in recent operations such as Somalia and Haiti.

b。关于禁止细菌学(生物学)和毒素武器的开发,生产和库存的公约,以及1972年4月10日的破坏(“ BW公约”)。该公约“在任何情况下都不会在任何情况下开发,产生,储存或以其他方式获取或保留……微生物或其他生物剂,或毒素,无论其起源或生产方法,类型和量保护性或其他和平目的,[或]武器,设备或送达手段,旨在用于敌对目的或武装冲突。”关于用户的致命或非致命意图,没有任何区别。

C。1977年5月18日禁止军事或任何其他敌对使用环境修改技术的公约(“ Enmod公约”)。该公约调节使用环境修饰作为一种战争方法,仅在其具有效果作为破坏手段的情况下,这种使用“广泛,持久或严重”。(这些术语在有关公约的理解中定义。)

d。关于禁止开发,生产,储存和使用化学武器以及1993年1月13日销毁的公约(“ CWC”)。CWC禁止“在任何情况下”开发,生产或其他收购,储存或保留化学武器。虽然化学武器被定义为“专门旨在造成死亡或其他伤害的武器”,并且“通过其对生命过程作用的化学作用可能会导致死亡,暂时丧失能力或对人类和动物的永久伤害”,但目的是禁止用于抗生素或反物质目的的化学物质。CWC还禁止使用防暴剂(RCA)作为“战争方法”。尽管克林顿政府建议这将限制出存在战斗人员的RCA的使用,但行政命令11850仍然有效(允许在防御任务中使用RCA来挽救生命,例如战斗搜查和救​​援),等待参议院建议)并同意美国批准。

C-2。政策。National, Joint, and Army policy is the controlling factor in the Army capability to conduct nonlethal operations. Civil and military policy guidance is a continuous process which permits or restricts the amount and type of force available for use, if and how it can be used, the types of operations which may be conducted at any given time, as well as the tactics, techniques, procedures, and materiel which may be employed. Policy influences all RDA, DTLOMS, funding, fielding, and use of military nonlethal capabilities. Although organizations developing DTLOMS, and soldiers using capabilities are usually remote from policy decisions, awareness of policy considerations is necessary.

A。DoD and Joint Chiefs of Staff Policy.

(1) U.S. policy is that all new weapons or weapons systems are reviewed by The Judge Advocate General for compliance with the laws of war and other obligations IAW DoD Instruction 5500.16 and AR 27-53. The use of nonlethal capabilities is subject to the same legal constraints as lethal force, and nonlethal capabilities must undergo the same legal review whether those capabilities are to be used in international armed conflict or other military operations.

(2) Nonlethal capabilities must meet legal standards. They must show military necessity, must be able to be used proportionately, and must not result in unnecessary suffering.


(1)携带枪支并使用武力来执法和安全职责(AR 190-14)。关于“致命武力”的讨论包含了最广泛的非致命武力政策的待遇。

(2) Civil Disturbance (AR 350-7).

(3)军事装置的干扰(AR 190-52)。


Section I



IW - information warfare

IPB - intelligence preparation of the battlefield

米ANPRINT - manpower and personnel integration

米OUT - military operations in urban terrain




Collateral damage
没有引起死亡;不是故意致命的;a term used broadly to describe capabilities which affect targets, temporarily or permanently, without intentionally causing death to personnel or without unnecessary destruction or environmental damage.
Capabilities employed with the intent to compel or deter adversaries by acting on human capabilities or materiel while minimizing killing and destruction of equipment or facilities.
Nonlethal weapons are discriminate weapons that are explicitly designed and employed so as to incapacitate personnel or materiel, while minimizing fatalities and undesired damage to property and the environment. (DOD draft policy letter)

NOTE: The term "nonlethal capabilities" encompasses "nonlethal weapons" as defined above. While the DOD Policy Directive for Non-lethal Weapons and definition apply only to those systems designed specifically to be nonlethal, this concept addresses some existing capabilities that are not explicitly designed as nonlethal capabilities, but can be employed in specific situations to create "nonlethal" effects to achieve the commander's intent (e.g., use of electronic warfare jammers to negate command and control capabilities). This does not imply a discrepancy between the two documents. The concept is broader in scope because in addition to guiding development of new technologies or materiel, the concept serves as basis for developing doctrine, training, leader development and organizations that can provide commanders nonlethal options when lethal means may not be appropriate.

对于指挥官:官员:GS参谋长Joe N. Ballard Major,GARY E. BUSHOVE上校,GS信息管理分销副局长:H1;H2;S1;H3;R1;RC;提供的CD副本:J1;J3;S3指挥官,USAIC USAMPS