
Non-Lethal Force: The Slippery Slope to War?

F. M. Lorenz


In preparation for Operation United Shield, the US-led evacuation of UN forces from Somalia, Lieutenant General A. C. Zinni, USMC, asked his staff to pursue "less lethal" alternatives in dealing with unarmed hostile elements in Mogadishu. The intent was to use every practical and available means to deal with hostile crowds, with the goal of saving lives and reducing confrontation.

As a result of these efforts, the I Marine Expeditionary Force became a test bed for the employment of new technology designed to fill the gap between verbal warnings and deadly force. In January 1995 the deployment of Combined Task Force United Shield fueled the debate in the United States over the need for less-lethal weapons. Some feared that the Marines, our premier amphibious combat assault force, would be sending the message that they were too squeamish to hurt even their enemies.[1] Others were concerned that the proliferation of less-lethal technologies would inadvertently bridge the gap between peace and war, leading us down the "slippery slope" to deadly force (and war) with little forethought and no debate.[2] Did Operation United Shield give birth to a new element of national power, in addition to the traditional elements of political, diplomatic, and military? Should the United States continue to develop less-lethal weapons as an instrument of national policy? What lessons were learned from the deployment of less-lethal weapons in Operation United Shield? This article will attempt to answer these questions based upon the experience of the I Marine Expeditionary Force.


恢复希望的行动是恢复索马里命令的国际努力,并确保安全向饥饿的人口提供救济用品,并于1992年12月开始充满乐观。1993年5月,该行动的领导层移交给了联合国,联合国采取了更加雄心勃勃的国家建设和裁军计划,并具有较低的能力。[3]到1994年底,有130多名维和人员去世,试图执行联合国授权,国际社会花费了超过200亿美元。联合国向索马里的任务被认为是失败的,联合国下令在1995年3月底之前撤离剩下的维和人员。1994年后期,在摩加迪沙市进行了战斗,对离职的维持者造成了更大的危险,联合国称为为了我们的协助,为撤回提供安全保障。美国中央司令部指挥的I Restore Hope的指挥部要素的核心核心的I海军远征部队返回索马里,并指挥支持撤军的美军。

As preparations began for the operation, it became clear that unarmed hostile elements could pose a substantial threat to US forces. During the final days of the deployment, large bands of looters and thieves would be competing for the booty left behind by the UN. Although Marines regularly train in crowd control, this type of training is only one part of an intense training cycle that must occur before deployment. The I MEF took the lead in obtaining the best available equipment that could protect lives and reduce the possibility of confrontation with unarmed groups.



The final critical factor in selection of non-lethal systems was the need to be able to deliver the munitions using the organic weapon systems in the Marine rifle company's table of equipment. Learning new delivery systems would require additional training time and increase the combat load of the individual Marine. The decision was to require that new material could be fired from the M203, a combination of grenade launcher and rifle, and the standard 12-gauge shotgun. The M203 grenade launching system was compatible with the 37mm non-lethal munitions procured for Operation United Shield and was the preferred delivery system for these munitions. The M203 includes the M-16 and can provide lethality promptly when required. The infantry's familiarity with the M203 contributed to accuracy in non-lethal systems as well. The 12-gauge shotgun also provides versatility, and can easily be employed as a lethal weapon by quick selection of munitions.

The reason for the procurement of non-lethal technologies was to fill the gap between verbal warnings and deadly force when dealing with unarmed hostile elements. Historically, the accomplishment of military objectives has required killing the enemy. Military force has been developed over the centuries to meet and exceed the lethality of the force available to the adversary. The intensity of the force was never at issue, since any force was deadly and was judged only on the outcomes: death or relative levels of destruction required to achieve an objective. But the nature and complexity of military operations is changing. Soldiers and Marines today are much more likely to encounter unarmed hostile elements in peacekeeping missions and other armed interventions.



在该领域获得和使用I MEF的非致命系统可以在华盛顿获得详细的审查和正式批准之前,必须在华盛顿获得。所有系统都需要进行安全审查,海军陆战队系统司令部于1月14日发布了有限的安全释放以及采购授权。在使用系统之前,必须对每个系统遵守国际法进行审查。[6]审查是由海军法官倡导者对获得初步批准的系统的审查。法官倡导者总理确定,该系统的就业将与武装冲突定律一致,并且他们的使用不会违反美国条约义务。


As part of the preparation for Operation United Shield, the following non-lethal systems were acquired, approved, and deployed: 40mm systems with five types of rounds, 12-gauge systems with three types of rounds, pepper sprays, stinger grenades, "flash bangs," and two types of foam, sticky and aqueous.[8] These systems should be distinguished from Riot Control Agent (CS gas), which has been in the US inventory for years, and is used routinely during training. The systems deployed in United Shield were a small sample of a range of materiel sometimes classified as non-lethal.


参与规则(ROE) for Operation United Shield were approved and issued by the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 4 February 1995. Most provisions of the ROE were unclassified, including the part concerning unarmed crowds or unarmed hostile elements.[9] This provision was based on the principle of a graduated response, using the minimum force necessary to respond to the threat. The principles of necessity and proportionality apply, and further amplification should not be required.

The entire text of the ROE for United Shield had been delayed more than two weeks awaiting final approval of the special ROE for non-lethal force. When the final copy of the ROE was received, just before the landings, it contained arbitrary restrictions on the use of certain "crowd control" devices. The restrictions were based on the assumption that there is a clear-cut distinction between the use of deadly force and all other means of force. This approach is not consistent with the practice in the civilian law enforcement field, where the use of force is viewed as a continuum of action rather than as a set of distinct alternatives. The materiel developed and approved for use was based on just such a continuum, which was intended to provide a range of practical choices to troops on the ground in contact with potentially hostile "civilians" (see Figure 1). Despite the ROE restrictions, most of the non-lethal means could be properly employed in the sequence described in Figure 1, in the manner in which the Marines had been trained.



尽管该工作队确实提供了各种旨在挽救生命并减少对抗的暴力行为的项目,但媒体报告有时将重点放在新技术上,以排除其他能力。ReportsReports宣传并未提到这些系统仅用于控制无武装的人群,而当后者是合理的时候,它们永远不会被用作致命力量的替代。士兵和海军陆战队总是有权和责任捍卫自己和单位。这一点通常在专注于故事的轰动性方面的记者中丢失了。例如,在美国的一些晚间新闻播放了幽灵克星电影,显示了比尔·默里(Bill Murray)在他们的非致命措施的报告中被“史莱姆”固定在“史莱姆”中。ReportsReports这种覆盖范围倾向于在不解释其局限性的情况下引起人们对新技术的关注。



The main landings in United Shield occurred on 28 February 1995 when over 2000 US and Italian marines came ashore to establish a secure perimeter for the withdrawal of Pakistani and Bangladeshi soldiers. The morning of 2 March saw the most critical part of the operation: the passage of lines and the abandonment of most of the airport to looters and Somali militias. The final withdrawal was conducted by amphibious vehicles in the early morning hours of 3 March. The operation was a success; all troops and equipment were withdrawn without suffering a single Task Force casualty.

Because the operation was carefully planned and executed, with advance effort in the areas of diplomatic initiative and public awareness, there were no significant problems with crowd control or rioters during United Shield. The 40mm and shotgun-delivered non-lethal means of force were not employed, and there was limited use of sticky foam and "caltrops" to supplement key barrier systems at night during the final hours of the withdrawal. The non-lethal systems will have to await another conflict to undergo a full-scale test by the US military. Nevertheless, some important lessons came of the Somali experience that will aid in future deployments.



United Shield行动揭示了美国识别和部署非致命军事系统的能力的缺点。当确定对无武器敌对元素使用武力的需求时,计划必须尽早开始。每个非致命系统的选择应基于以下因素。首先,该系统是否可用,可以及时将其交付到该领域吗?其次,它是否与现有武器和培训相兼容,并且是否兼容?第三,是否有明确,明确的指导方针和ROE的工作?最后,可以有效地采用该系统来挽救生命并为任务成就做出贡献吗?


Force Continuum

美国当前使用武力的军事规则在致命武力和较少的手段之间做出了任意和不必要的区别。这种情况在为United Shield的ROE准备过程中引起了问题,当时某些非致命系统仅限于授权致命武力的情况。ROE对培训师和运营商的限制没有意义。如果士兵或海军陆战队必须等到致命的武力被授权(表明自己的生命处于危险之中),则在他可以用豆袋或橡胶警棍射击敌对之前,他或她为什么要诉诸于非致命的手段根本吗?

粘性泡沫w的就业限制ere also unreasonable. There was apparent concern in Washington that the foam would be used to suffocate a hostile subject. There was an erroneous assumption that the sticky foam would be used as an anti-personnel weapon, and visions of an agitator with his head covered with a blob of foam prevented a more careful analysis of the intended use of the foam. For Operation United Shield the substance would have proved most useful for area denial, and then only when used in conjunction with other barrier systems such as barricades or barbed wire. Spraying an individual demonstrator would be difficult--and unnecessary in light of the other non-lethal items, such as rubber baton rounds, that could be directed at individuals. By limiting sticky foam to "deadly force" situations, the ROE effectively precluded its use.








尽管在联合盾牌期间,非致命系统的使用最少,但仍愿意使用该系统。在手术之前完成的现实培训表明了一些缺陷。例如,用粘性泡沫进行测试和训练表明其作为一种系统不足,无法直接针对未武装的敌对元素。喷雾涂抹器系统昂贵,脆弱,容量有限。由于可用的涂抹器数量少,因此只能喷洒少数关键的搅拌器。一旦喷洒了搅拌器,试图逮捕他就会造成其他问题 - 泡沫可能会纠缠于接近的任何美国人员。United Shield的经验表明,如果使用的话,粘性泡沫应仅限于区域否定,然后与其他障碍有关。








United Shield行动中的经验为使用新技术来补充传统的军事力量概念提供了许多见解。正如某些人建议的那样,非致命武器并不能提供新的国家权力元素。它们只是军事力量的延伸,以填补警告和致命力量之间的空白。非致命武器永远不会替代致命武力。自卫权仍然至关重要,致命手段将始终可用。使用部队连续模型的使用比将士兵,海军陆战队或执法人员的选择降低到致命或无头武力的选择更可取。




当前的文章是作者文章的修订版,《联合盾牌行动中的“杀死''力量较少”,发表于1995年9月的发行Marine Corps Gazette,第68-76页,©1995海军陆战队协会。本文复制的原始文章的一部分已经许可转载。

1.马丁·斯坦顿(Martin L. Stanton),“什么价格粘合泡沫?”程序,1996年1月,第1页。58;转载在本期参数,第63-68页。


3.特殊功能:索马里和战争以外的行动,参数, Winter 1993-94.

4. If training doctrine, rules of engagement, and essential procedures are to be clear and precise, common terminology becomes essential. Consistency is perhaps more important than accuracy. The term "non-lethal" is technically inaccurate because virtually any item, even a baton or night stick, can be deadly if improperly employed. The term "less than lethal" implies that the system cannot be employed in a lethal manner. The term "limited effects technology" has also been used to describe the systems currently under development in the United States. The term "non-lethal" is currently used in the draft DOD instruction.

5. Report of the Council on Foreign Relations, p. 2.

6. See DOD INSTR: 5500.15 providing for the review of the legality of weapons. One system that failed to make the grade was a powerful sonic crowd control device that would have required a robot to maintain a safe distance between the sound source and friendly troops.


8.可以在“联合盾牌行动中杀死的力量较低”中找到可用物品以及培训的更详细的描述,Marine Corps Gazette,1995年9月,第68-76页。

9.“当美军遭到未武装的敌对因素,暴民和/或暴徒攻击时,美军应在情况下使用必要的最低力量,并与威胁成比例。”JTF United Shield,《参与规则》,未分类的Roe卡Ser#1,1995年1月11日。

10.当前的国防部政策“禁止使用专门设计的激光器,以引起无效视力的失明。”该禁令大概不会扩展到使用激光来攻击敌人的针对性,记录或目击装置。国防部新闻稿,“盲目激光的政策”,1995年9月1日,可在DoD Internet网站DefenSelink上找到。

USMC F. M. Lorenz上校是1992年12月至1993年5月在索马里的参谋长倡导者兼高级法律顾问。1996年,他在萨拉热窝任职北约和平实施部队指挥官莱顿·史密斯(Leighton Smith)的法律人员。洛伦兹上校持有A.B.和马奎特大学(Marquette University)的J.D.学位,1982年,他在乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)完成了法律硕士学位。
