
工程师公告November 1998


By Major Aniello L. Tortora and Major Thomas Quigley

This article presents preliminary observations regarding the possible replacement for the M113 Armored Personnel Carrier. The Engineer School is continuing to explore materiel and doctrinal concepts related to the Engineer Bradley Fighting Vehicle. Additional information will be published as it becomes available.



The characteristics of the Force XXI battlefield will demand even more from combat engineers. Like the maneuver forces we support, combat engineers need platforms with speed, versatility, and survivability. Force XXI technologies will allow greater dispersion, enable distributed operations, and increase the tempo of battle as never before. All these Force XXI enablers put demands on providing mobility to the force unlike any previous doctrinal change. Equipping combat engineers with the Engineer Bradley Fighting Vehicle is a step in the right direction. It is essential to the future of combat engineer forces and to the success of maneuver forces.

Concept Experimentation Plan

T他的文章讨论的初步结果going Bradley Concept Experimentation Plan conducted by the Engineer Brigade of the 4th Infantry Division and the U.S. Army Engineer School. The end state for the evaluation is twofold: to determine if the Bradley is suitable for combat engineers and to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the Bradley as a combat engineer platoon vehicle. Throughout the Bradley experimentation, the focus of the Engineer Brigade was to provide the engineer community with feedback in three areas:

In February 1998, A Company, 588th Engineer Battalion, made history when it fielded nine M2A0 Bradley Fighting Vehicles. The Engineer Brigade received the Bradleys on loan from the 49th Armored Division, Texas National Guard, at Fort Hood.


Two points are worth noting regarding the structure of the Bradley engineer company. First, the engineer Bradley is not called a squad vehicle. It is tentatively called an Engineer Bradley Fighting Vehicle. This name is in keeping with today's offensively oriented doctrine where the engineer platoon, not the squad, is employed as the basic breaching and reduction unit. This is also true of countermobility operations, which focus on emplacing scatterable mines. The engineer platoon sites and marks these obstacles. Second, reducing the engineer platoon from three to two squads was not precipitated by the transition to Bradleys: It is the result of a previously im-plemented MTOE change.


The evaluation began in March 1998 with new equipment training (NET) and culminated in August 1998 with A/588th's participation in National Training Center Rotation 98-10. The Bradley NET team from Fort Benning, Georgia, conducted the training in two phases.

No training was conducted on the tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided (TOW) missile system since it was determined this is not a weapon system engineers are expected to use to accomplish their mission. Use of the TOW launcher and the type of munitions engineers might employ in the future need further evaluation.

The NET was fairly easy for combat engineer soldiers and leaders, who quickly adapted to the new equipment and skills. In addition to the dedicated NET team, the company borrowed other resources to accomplish the training. A qualified Bradley master gunner was needed at both company and battalion levels to train gunnery skills and to plan, prepare, and help execute gunnery qualification. The company also required a dedicated UCOFT to prepare for gunnery training and maintain gunnery skills. For the test period, the unit acquired a master gunner from the Engineer School and a UCOFT from 2d Brigade, 4th Infantry Division.

Between phase I and phase II of the NET, A/588th conducted company/team lanes training with Task Force 1-67 Armor to prepare for the National Training Center. Repre-sentatives from the Maneuver Support Battle Lab and the Engineer School were on hand to examine the Bradley's performance. A/588th focused on validating load plans and on the TTPs for conducting missions in offensive and defensive operations. The company took this training a step further by conducting a one-week platoon lanes field training exercise (FTX) to further refine the TTPs needed to execute their mission at the National Training Center.

Preliminary CEP Results

Combat engineer soldiers embrace the Bradley because it provides them speed, mobility, protection, and firepower not possible in an M113. Engineer leaders champion this vehicle because of its versatility and potential. Maneuver forces are advocates of combat engineers in Bradleys because EBFVs can maintain the pace and tempo of maneuver forces and provide enhanced mobility and countermobility support.

Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures




第588个工程师营还用Pearson En-Ginering生产的V型表面矿山耕作。从伦纳德堡(Fort Leonard Wood)借了一个犁,三只是从加拿大陆军借来的。这些犁有潜力维持实力的途径。叶片可以从水平的,硬包装的表面清除瓦砾和脱脂式地雷。他们在柔软的土壤中很好地耕作,可以在刀片前保持足够的变质。如果刀片沿着水平轴漂浮,则可以沿着精确表面(例如战斗步道)使用。刀片目前在不平坦的表面或岩石区域的表现不佳。需要对其他刀片进行更多的实验,以充分开发此移动性资产。



The potential exists for adding other engineer systems to the EBFV. One possibility is to replace the TOW launcher with a weapon system that employs a high-explosive munition similar to the 165-millimeter high-explosive "bunker buster" round on the Combat Engineer Vehicle. An EBFV demolition gun could be used to reduce roadblocks and other obstacles. Another opportunity worth considering is to design and mount a small panel for Volcanos on the EBFV. Each Bradley engineer platoon would then have a rapid scatterable mine capability.


While not directly related to TTPs, but often having a tremendous impact on how we conduct a mission, sustainability is an area where EBFVs are winners. During a two-week company/team lanes FTX, one Bradley was deadlined. An M113 company had six M113s deadlined at various times during the same period. As we adopt the Force XXI centralized logistics support concept and move from supply-based to distribution-based maintenance, an economy of scale is created through the use of a common chassis. This makes the Bradley more sustainable in the heavy division than M113-type vehicles. Although Bradleys are more expensive to maintain than M113s, the increase in survivability, capability, and sustainability more than justifies the additional cost.

Load Plans

Soldiers from A/588th Engineer Battalion developed standard load plans for the EBFV that facilitate the successful execution of combat engineer missions. Every piece of platoon equipment was examined to determine what an engineer platoon needed in combat. TOW storage racks were removed from the M2A0 Bradley to increase interior space, and the exterior was adapted to carry wire, pickets, and tools. Although Bradleys do not have as much interior space as M113s, the EBFVs can carry the engineer equipment necessary for combat. The EBFV load plans were explored again during National Training Center Rotation 98-10.


These were simple and inexpensive modifications that could be completed within the battalion. M2 Bradleys can be similarly modified to increase space and function. M2 ODS Bradleys (those modified for use in Operation Desert Storm) already have more interior space than earlier M2 models as a result of similar modifications.


Another tremendous success story for the EBFV and combat engineers was gunnery. Confident and motivated engineers conducted Bradley gunnery only six weeks after the vehicle was introduced, and they produced astounding qualification scores. All crews qualified on their first attempt (Q1 rating), with one crew qualifying as "distinguished" and two crews qualifying as "superior." This record is rarely achieved in the division.

工程师根据FM 23-1的Bradley Gunnery进行了枪手。一名/第588名士兵使用表V,VI和VII练习射击,然后在表VIII上获得了资格。这些表不应为工程师修改,因为工程师在执行任务时会遇到相同类型的参与。

The 588th is also developing a platoon live-fire table for combat engineers. Bradley platoon gunnery for infantry soldiers consists of Table XI, Platoon Practice, and Table XII, Platoon Qualification. Qualification is based on the platoon's ability to execute collective tasks in a live-fire environment. Similarly, the engineer platoon Table XII focuses on offensive and breaching operations under live-fire conditions. A Bradley engineer Table XII serves as an excellent graduation exercise from platoon lane training and also prepares the engineer company to participate in the maneuver task force Combined Arms Live-Fire Exercise.

Enhancing the Combined Arms Team


对于现任工程师布拉德利战车信息和照片,请访问第四步兵部(机械化)的工程师旅,网站http://hone-ivygreen.army.mil/Engineer。Send comments and input to the brigade S3 e-mail address provided on the web site or directly totortoran@hood-emh3.army.mil.

托托拉少校是第四步兵师的工程师S3旅。先前的任务包括S3,第588工程师营;USACE奥马哈区项目工程师;公司指挥官,第16工程师营;第43工程师营的排长兼公司执行官。Maj Maj Tortora毕业于美国军事学院,并拥有德克萨斯大学的工程硕士学位。

大奎格利执行官,588工程师neer Battalion. Previous assignments include S3, 588th Engineer Battalion; division comptroller, 4ID; budget analyst, Army Budget Office, Pentagon; Engineer Assignment Officer, PERSCOM; company commander, 4th Engineer Battalion; platoon leader and company executive officer, 293rd Engineer Battalion. MAJ Quigley holds master's degrees in business administration from Troy State University and in national security and strategic studies from the Naval War College.