

This pamphlet identifies the current and near term aircraft survivability equipment (ASE) electronic countermeasures and avionics systems managed by the Project Manager's Office (PMO) for Aviation Electronic Combat (AEC). The growing importance of electronic countermeasures, communications, navigation, command and control, and aircraft design has become paramount in the minds of the Army Aviation Community. The lethality of threat weapons systems found on the battlefield dictates that survivability be an essential characteristic of all combat materiel.


ASE PMO于1971年6月在密苏里州圣路易斯的美国陆军航空系统司令部(AVSCOM)成立。ASE项目经理(PM)直接向指挥将军AVSCOM报告。1987年,ASE PM被分配给并直接向Aviation计划执行官(PEO,AVReportsReports)报告。

The Aviation Electronics Management Office (AEMO) was established in October 1987 to fulfill the need for a centralized office to manage the Army's avionics equipment. The AEMO was formed in St. Louis as part of AVSCOM. In November 1991, the Avionics PMO was established to provide a higher level of management for Army avionics.

AEC PMO成立于1992年3月,合并了ASE PMO和Avionics PMO。AEC PMO于1997年8月与PEO,AV和美国陆军航空和导弹司令部(AMCOM)移居Redstone Arsenal。


The PEO, AV provides the Army and other customers with technologically superior, affordable aviation, and combat support systems that are capable, safe, survivable and sustainable. The PEO, AV primarily supports the Continental United States based force, special operations, contingency and forward presence missions.

PM,AEC Vision声明

AEC PM负责ASE和航空电子航空的开发,获取和生命周期管理。AEC PM的使命是不断推进AEC最先进的方法。在技​​术上使美国陆军领先于世界其他地区;提供保护并提高战斗效力;并为现场和开发陆军旋转飞机和固定机翼飞机提供最新的航空电子技术。其他AEC计划将旨在响应新兴的航空威胁以及改变设备要求。

The AEC PM seeks opportunities to expand partner associations with other services within the Department of Defense (DoD), allied nations and commercial entities whenever a cooperative involvement attests that the interests of Army aviation are better served by such joint efforts.

Encouraging the practical participation of partners inside and outside DoD for mutual developments and procurements will not only reduce programmatic risks, but may also augment the funding base for high cost ventures. The AEC PM is the Army's principal member on the Joint Technical Coordinating Group for Aircraft Survivability and Avionics, and is responsible for ensuring that the tri-service ASE and avionics technology base is considered in the execution of Army programs.

In accordance with a directive from the Chief of Staff of the Army, PM AEC has developed and finalized specific funding requirements for nine core AEC programs. These programs are:

1. The Doppler Embedded Global Positioning System (GPS) (AN/ASN-128B and AN/ASN-128C)

2. High Frequency Nap-of-the-Earth Communications (AN/ARC-220)


4. Improved Data Modem (IDM)

5. Army Aviation Command and Control System (A2C2S)

6. Aviation Mission Planning System (AMPS)

7.套件集成射频Countermeasures (AN/ALQ-211)

8. Aircraft Survivability Equipment Trainer (ASET IV)

9. Laser Detecting Set (AN/AVR-2A)


The survival of an aircraft operating in a hostile environment depends upon many diverse factors such as: The design of the aircraft; skill and experience of the crew; armament carried; on-board countermeasures and communications equipment; off-board supporting systems; and tactics employed. The cost of modern aircraft weapon systems, coupled with the requirement that the system be effective, makes it imperative to consider the aircraft's survivability throughout the life cycle of the system.

Survivability is a state of mind which musters together every ounce of cunning and resourcefulness possible. These attributes have been used throughout history with varying degrees of effectiveness. There was a time when the weapons' threat had a large degree of human error involved in its accuracy, and it could, therefore, be defeated with primitive countermeasures. However, the aviator today operates in a highly lethal environment of extremely mobile combined air and ground threats. The aviator must be provided with the latest countermeasures, communications and survival techniques available, not only to survive, but to stay and fight. The cunning and resourcefulness have not gone by the wayside, but have simply taken on new dimensions which involve greater man/machine interfaces.

PM AEC专注于提供飞行员和军队“提高战斗效力”的持久力。AEC不仅会减少损耗,而且还将帮助机组人员完成其主要任务。每个任务经常涉及各种飞机



陆军航空是数字化的领导者。作为各种数字ASE和航空设备的物资开发人员,PM AEC在未来航空平台的数字化中起着重要作用。通过为多个航空计划提供通用的数字通信,处理和展示技术,PM AEC支持航空室内术中的性能以及通用技术体系结构和改进的物流支持。最终,这将大大提高了战场能力,并提高了机组人员的生存能力。



ASE and avionics equipment give us the definite edge on the battlefield over the threat systems. However, the effectiveness of this edge is due, in large measure, to the classified nature of the equipment. Specific information relating to ASE and avionics techniques and technologies employed by these systems is strictly limited. ASE and avionics equipment must be safeguarded to a degree sufficient to preclude any reasonable chance of theft, compromise, sabotage, tampering or access by unauthorized personnel. Foreign nationals will not have access to ASE or avionics equipment.

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