
拉-66 Comanche

  1. 操作能力的一般描述
  2. 威胁
  3. 现有系统的缺点
  4. 需要功能
  5. 支持和维持
  6. 基础设施支持和互操作性
  7. 力结构
  8. 计划注意事项
  9. 附件
  10. 首字母缩写







e。任务需要声明(MNS)摘要。轻型直升机(LH)的概念,后来是RAH-66 Comanche计划,从1981 - 1982年进行的陆军航空任务区分析(AAMAA)演变。该要求包括在1982年的战场发展计划(BDP)中,并已每年进行验证。根据当今威胁的变化,对此要求进行了审查,并且仍然有效。1987年3月11日,总部,培训和教义司令部(Tradoc)批准了所需的运营能力(ROC)和运营和组织(O&O)计划。1990年12月24日,Tradoc批准了更新的ROC。为了预期里程碑II的决定,1987年3月和1991年3月进行了两次LH成本和运营有效性分析(COEA)。1990年国防部(DOD)主要飞机审查(MAR)的结果,并得到了DOD的批准国防部长联合要求监督委员会(JROC)证实了RAH-66 Comanche的要求,以取代陆军当前的轻型直升机舰队。


With the demise of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact the world no longer faces the bipolar confrontational struggle which preoccupied military planners throughout the Cold War. The clarity of position and cautious respect accorded during that era no longer exists, requiring us to contend with less world order and greater instability. This situation is intensified by availability of sophisticated state-of-the-art technology systems in the international arms market.

Currently, over 50% of the world's nations have the ability to use high-technology weapons to escalate conflicts to, at least, the mid-intensity level. With further proliferation, the military threat will witness more small nations with the ability to elevate conflict.


请参阅RAH-66 Comanche系统威胁评估报告(Star)。




A。系统性能。RAH-66 COMANCHE应是一种完全集成的,两杆的高级技术直升机系统,以提高可部署性,多功能性,致死性,生存能力和支持性,同时提高操作员和维护者效率,从而提高任务效率。它必须能够从任一机组人员中进行单个飞行员操作。需要使用内部燃料的适当策略,技术和程序来完成任务概况的足够耐力和范围(请参阅附件B,操作模式摘要/任务配置文件)。Comanche还必须具有扩展范围战斗任务的能力。系统的正常功能不会降低另一个系统的性能。船只的操作有限,并且需要在最短的时间内快速阻止转子闲置的能力(另外或减去2.5分钟)。

(1)。Deployability. Comanche must be deployable by sea and air vehicles. Also see paragraph 6.b.(1) Transportation.




(2)。多功能性。RAH-66 COMANCHE必须在3分钟内使所有系统都完全运行,不包括Longbow,Flir和Point化学探测器。Flir应在至少12分钟内的炎热的沙漠日(520°C浸泡的一天)全面运行,至少在退化的模式下至少8分钟。紧急1分钟的启动时间,其中最少数量的系统(例如,飞行,通信,导航和飞行传感器(例如,图像强化(I2))为安全的日夜运行。


1. Sensors. The Electro-Optical System (EOS) (e.g., FLIR, and day TV) must allow the crew to manually detect, classify and recognize tank-size targets with at least the probabilities and ranges listed in the table below.














Detect 删除数据
分类 删除数据
认出3 删除数据

行使1个偏移目标(热)X坦克目标跨越至少等于或大er thanX�偏移和一个X� C target to background contrast, andX%大气传播。

2个固定目标定义为冷浸泡的储罐大小的目标,不超过X� C target to background contrast,Xm xXm呈现的区域,X%大气传播。


EOS,至少在(至少)或减去的字段中X�水平(加上或减去X所需的),至少为 +X�(+X所需的),至少抑郁 -X�( -X所需的),必须能够自动搜索可选的部门X�水平(X�用longbow)X�垂直并开始自动跟踪内部的高优先级目标X秒。必须提供迅速显示的被破坏或虚假目标的能力。所有COMANCHE飞机必须能够结合高分辨率,射频传感器的低概率(例如Longbow),能够X� coverage. Data derived from these sensors must be automatically integrated with other Comanche sensor data to allow correlation of intelligence and targets on the same multi-function display. The sensor must provide timely updates to the Comanche fire control system for target engagement. Specific requirements are outlined in the Longbow Required Operational Capability (ROC) Document. This document shall prevail in case of discrepancies with the Longbow ROC. The pilotage sensors (e.g., FLIR and Imagery Intensification (I2)) must provide sufficient supplementary target acquisition capabilities to support simultaneous engagements. Warning receivers (e.g., Radio Frequency Interferometer (RFI), Laser Warning Receiver (LWR)/Radar Warning Receiver (RWR)) shall identify/direction find (DF) threat radio frequency (RF) and laser energy impinging the aircraft (passive ranging desired). The accuracy of the horizontal DF must be sufficient to allow the crew to acquire the emitter with the TAS in minimal time. A vertical bearing sufficient for minimal vertical search should be provided. This information must be rapidly integrated with onboard systems (e.g., flight control, fire control, map display, ASE, and other target acquisition sensors). A capability to accurately range and designate for precision guided munitions against stationary and moving targets must be provided.

2.运营。在整个飞机的操作信封中,机组人员必须具有在既定的传感器字段中获得移动和固定目标的能力。手动和自动轨道移动和固定目标(所需的可选自动轨道启动)和同时轨道X或在视野中的更多目标(X需要)。跟踪目标和LASE的绝对目标位置误差不得超过Xm。TA应能够支持并发的空气进行地面导弹(ATGM)X或更多目标。总搜索,优先级和显示以允许机组人员检测和分类目标必须等于或小于或小于X秒。The system must be programmable to automatically display the targets in an order of priority established by the crew. Automatic target reprioritization and display following crew intervention is required. The EOS must provide aided detection, with a minimum probability of equal to or greater thanX检测到的目标的百分比和分类(所需的识别),最小概率等于或大于X百分比至少针对固定翼,旋转翼,轨道,轮子和防防防防防防气端,等于或大于或大于X百分X公里(Xkm desired). At ranges equal to or greater thanXKM,EOS辅助目标检测/分类(ATD/C)系统应能够检测和分类到其最大范围,并且由于范围增加和/或环境条件,概率逐渐退化。Longbow所需的操作能力(ROC)文档中概述了特定的长轴收购要求。需要移动目标指示。必须提供存储和立即显示EOS图像的功能。这些图像必须具有足够的质量,才能使工作人员能够在范围内,与目标定义或混乱无关,并在夜间与实时手动搜索相当。必须强调图像,以提示机组人员的搜索到高概率威胁区域。需要机组人员可控记录和TAS视频播放的功能,符号和语音通信(至少两个小时)。需要安全的实时视频传输和接收。COMANCHE必须能够维护和存储与C3I和火灾控制系统接口的及时,准确的靶向数据,如适用,无论是在船上还是船上,以便快速将信息转移到联合武器团队的其他成员中。

(b)。Command and Control (C2). The RAH-66 Comanche requires a communications capability to transfer, fuse and coordinate battlefield information. This communications capability requires: securable and automated systems which operate in voice and data modes, a retransmission (in-band and cross-band) capability, simultaneous transmission of two voice and one data systems, concurrent receipt of information over all communication systems (to include guard monitoring), low probability of detection/intercept, non-line-of-sight (NLOS) communication (airborne and ground), non-interference systems, combat identification capability, an ability to digitally transfer mission data over extended ranges within the Corps area of operations, and transmission and reception of digitized video data. Communications must be effective in all flight regimes and maximize crew efficiencies while reducing task loads. This capability must be compatible and interoperable with the combined arms, joint, allied and coalition services.


1. Navigation. A global navigation system which provides locational accuracy for intelligence information, quick response to changes in mission, engagement of targets, and use of civil and military airway and approach structures is required. A equal to or less than 15m spherical error probable (SEP) is required to support strategic, inter- theater/ intra-theater self-deployment. A self-contained backup system with an error of equal to or less than 0.5% of distance traveled is necessary to support these operations. The primary and backup systems must provide automatic update, computation, and display of distance, bearing, and time-to-go from aircraft to destination and/or waypoints.

2.飞行员。飞行系统(主要和备份)必须在所有飞行模式下提供障碍和空间意识;白天,夜晚和不利天气功能;联合目标和导航显示;一个场景以空间相关的方式可检测到低对比度危害,近距离威胁以及其他情况数据和符号的场景;视野和一个视野,可以优化解决方案,并且可以接受空间意识;高置信故障检测系统;头部能力;集成了在具有等效FOV的不同光谱带中运行的多个传感器;并且需要两个船员的标准符号。 A pilotage field-of-vision of plus or minus 1200 horizontal by -52.50 to +47.50 vertical straight ahead, transitioning to -450 to +550 vertical at plus or minus 900 horizontal is required. A minimum pilotage field-of-view of 520 horizontal by 300 vertical (600 x 350 desired) is required. Aircraft and cockpit lighting shall be compatible with light intensification devices and systems.



(d)。Mission Management. Comanche aircraft and units require a mission planning and management system capable of pre-mission planning, data loading, mission preview with "fly through" capability over perspective view terrain, coordinating and reacting to mission change, directing the battle, and post mission update. Comanche must access near real-time intelligence and targeting systems, correlate and selectively filter tactical information and digitally relay pertinent data to other aircraft in the flight and ground forces. The aircraft and ground systems must be capable of transmitting and/or receiving updates to the data base in flight and on the ground. The capability to playback recorded TAS video, symbology and voice communications of the mission, either in the aircraft or independent of the aircraft, is required.

(3)。致死性。RAH-66 COMANCHE必须针对人员,地面和空气目标雇用。所有弹药系统都必须同时进行操作,并共同提供移动和固定地面和空气目标的短而远程参与。RAH-66 COMANCHE必须能够在整个操作飞行信封中限制所有弹药,仅受个人装备系统安全和绩效限制的限制。武器系统必须在任何一个试点站都可以操作,而不会降低弹药的能力。武器系统必须有弹药来击败和/或抑制威胁系统,以完成所描述的任务配置文件。

为了成功完成所有任务配置文件,RAH-66 Comanche必须至少具有六个积分多功能发射场,并具有四个其他多功能发射场的功能。这些发射场中的每一个都必须结合现有的,并提供火箭,空对地导弹和空对空导弹的增长功能。每个发射场必须能够发射,而不会降低弹药或其他Comanche系统的固有操作能力。

每个发射台必须具有替代地狱火家庭,Hydra-70火箭家族(每个发射场至少4个)或ATA Stingers(每个发射场至少2个)。

科曼奇requires an integral turreted gun system (TGS) for close-in, quick reaction, off-horizontal axis engagement of both aerial and ground targets. The TGS must have an ammunition capacity of at least 500 rounds and be able to engage aircraft, personnel, and vehicles. It must have an off-horizontal axis of at least 120� to each side of the aircraft nose. Up elevation must transition from 15-30� at -120�, to equal to or greater than 80� from -20� to +20� azimuth, and transition to 15�-30� at +120�. Depression of 45�-60� is required. The gun must suppress with a probability of hit (Ph) ofX悬停/向前飞行(0-80 kts)的百分比,离轴至90°(等于或小于或小于X轴心角度降解的%降解> 90.需要)XM等于或小于2x20圆的爆发与移动/静止X大小的目标行驶0-30mph。

From hover/maneuvering flight, Comanche must be capable of sequentially engaging threat helicopters off-axis by up to 300 with a Ph ofX% and a probability of an attrition kill (Pk) ofX%(每个目标每个目标等于或小于或小于5x20圆形爆发)。从事X威胁转子的表现,最高为2.5克加速度的转向Xm or engageX威胁转子在执行1.5克加速度的同时从相等或小于或小于Xm。


(4)。生存能力。必须最小化RAH-66 COMANCHE的检测。如果检测到,则必须最大程度地减少收购。如果获得,那一定很难击中。如果命中率,它必须维持最小的损害。如果损坏不允许继续飞行,则一定是撞车的。为了最大化RAH-66 Comanche的潜在自我保护能力,必须将导航,通信,目标获取和武器系统的协同作用与其他生存能力和易感性进行集成和优化。这些功能的集成必须对其他Comanche功能具有最小的影响。

(A)。susceptibility Reduction. All RAH-66 Comanche survivability characteristics shall be optimized, balanced, and integrated. It must employ the balance of passive signature reduction and active countermeasures necessary to close within sufficient range to successfully observe, acquire or engage targets in less time than required for them to successfully engage the Comanche. Susceptibility reduction (e.g., low glint canopy, infrared (IR) suppressing paint and materials, IR suppression of the exhaust gases, reduced visual and acoustic signature, reduced radar cross section) and passive countermeasures (CM) (e.g., radar, missile, laser warning and chemical detection) are required. Active CM (e.g., radar, IR jamming, flares, chaff) shall be applied as necessary to preserve the appropriate balance of passive and active systems necessary for susceptibility reduction. RAH-66 Comanche must meet susceptibility reduction requirements in Appendix F. Application of low observable features must not reduce maintainability and logistical standards.


Aircraft and cockpit lighting and markings shall be difficult to detect with light intensification devices and systems.

必须最小化地面或维护操作期间的RAH-66 COMANCHE的视觉检测。

(b)。机动性和敏捷性。如果被收购,RAH-66 Comanche必须具有阻止参与或击败进攻所必需的机动性和敏捷性。

1.必须在武装侦察任务配置(4枚ATGM导弹,2枚ATA导弹,320 RDS弹药和安装的任何战斗套件)中达到飞行性能。安装了长轴火控制雷达(FCR)。


A Vertical rate of climb (VROC) must be at least 500 feet per minute (fpm) (750 fpm desired) at equal to or less than maximum rated power (MRP) (intermediate rated power (IRP) desired). All vertical climbing requirements will be effected from a stabilized hover out-of-ground-effect (OGE), 0 wind condition.

在IRP上至少需要170 kTA。

Maintaining an automatic stabilized hover in winds up to 25 kts with gust spreads up to 15 kts and be capable of automatic heading, altitude, and airspeed control.


Masking in equal to or less than 2 seconds and laterally displacing equal to or greater than 100 meters (m) in equal to or less than 12 seconds.

迅速横向加速到20 ktas,转弯,将机身与飞行路径对准,继续加速并保持最佳操纵空气速度(VBM)。


在Cruise Air速度下,垂直避免在6秒内避免300英尺(500英尺)的障碍物,而不会超过15英尺的过冲和25%(期望为10%)的空气速度降低。

(C)。system Hardening.

If engaged and impacted by a single Armor Piercing Incendiary (API)Xmm round fromX仪表范围(X米每秒的速度)科曼奇族必须有system hardening and crew protection with the redundancy required to continue controlled flight. Damage effects from High Explosive Incendiary (HEI) must be minimized. Survivability features of vulnerability reduction, (i.e. ballistic, NBC, and hardening to laser and high power microwave (HPM) directed energy weapons (DEW)) must be integrated into Comanche. Crew low and high energy laser protection is required.

A protected anti-torque system, wheeled gear, wire strike protection (WSP) (detection desired), and fire detection, prevention and suppression/extinguishing are required.


The Comanche crew must be warned when chemical agents are present externally and/or within the cockpit. A point chemical detection system is required. An ability to receive data indicating when preselected total radiation doses and dose rates have been reached, both with appropriate warning, is required. The ability to perform radiological survey and monitoring using onboard processing are required.


拉-66 Comanche, with one engine inoperative (OEI) must be capable of: from nap-of-the-earth (NOE) airspeeds (equal to or greater than 40 kts), flying out to an air speed which maintains 100 fpm rate of climb; and in a self-deployment configuration, landing safely from any point in the mission profile (MP), returning to takeoff point, or continuing to destination. Jettison of fuel stores is permitted.

科曼奇must have safe autorotational capabilities.



A systems approach to air crew safety and crashworthiness is required. If unable to continue flight, Comanche must meet the crashworthiness requirements described in Aeronautical Design Standard (ADS) 36 except:



3. Landing gear energy absorption shall provide protection >20 feet per second. TGS contact and damage repairable IAW paragraph para 4.b.(2).(c), battle damage assessment and repair (BDAR), at unit level are acceptable between 15 and 20 feet per second.





(A)。RAH-66 COMANCHE必须能够进行地面操作,例如:连续任务设备包装(MEP)操作,任务预览,嵌入式培训,扩展的维护操作和发动机使用积分电源或外部功率开始(商业/航空地面电源单位))。

(b)。拉-66 Comanche shall be maintained using two levels of maintenance (user and depot).

(C)。RAH-66 COMANCHE必须合并一个自诊断系统,该系统将故障识别为单个组件/模块级别。车载诊断/预后系统必须提供满足平均维修时间(MTTR)所需的检测和/或隔离水平。



(F)。在不利的条件下,昼夜,必须在不到或小于15分钟的情况下加油和重新加油和饲养防护服(例如北极,MOPP 4)。需要船上的重新装和加油。它必须需要等于或小于20分钟的时间,以安装和加载不使用特殊的地面支撑设备和最小特殊工具(不需要特殊工具)的其他多功能发射器。




((j). Operational and support (O&S) costs shall be less than the current light helicopter fleet.




A。在影响任务失败之间的平均时间((mtbmaf)must be equal to or greater than 8.5 hours.







(C)。RAH-66 COMANCHE必须在最大程度上使用现有的战斗损害评估和维修(BDAR)套件。BDAR组件/线路可更换模块(LRM)/可更换单元(LRU)子系统最大维修时间不得超过三小时的时间95%。BDAR修复应耐用等于或大于100小时的操作。

C。Critical System Characteristics.

(1)。电子反环境((ECCM). The Comanche must have ECCM which shall defeat threat electronic warfare capabilities possessing the potential to degrade combat communications, identification, navigation, and weapons capabilities.


(3)。survivability - See 4.a.(4). and Annex F Survivability.


(A)。The Comanche must operate throughout the worldwide electromagnetic environment, including shipboard, without affect or disturbance to flight critical functions. Momentary upset is allowed in mission essential functions as long as the crew can continue to perform the mission. There shall be no damage to any system or loss of information as a result of operating in the worldwide electromagnetic environment.

(b)。频谱communi能力cations system must be from 2 Mega Hertz (MHz) through 400 MHz.



3. Comanche需要在所有通信系统上可运行的数据功能。



((7). Security.

(A)。没有分类的数据,信息或材料将永久存储在Comanche车载系统中。必须在操​​作之前,之中和之后限制对机密信息的访问和保护。需要一种失败的安全手段,以归零或擦除所有分类信息。启动零化或擦除过程后,必须是自我执行,不可逆的,并且无法完成。RAH-66 COMANCHE必须具有在未分类和分类模式下操作(加载功率,运行飞行程序)的能力。


(C)。RAH-66 Comanche和集成的任务计划设备之间的数据传输必须保护要求并防止敏感信息妥协。



必须为所有飞机系统提供足够的设计增长。RAH-66 Comanche必须具有合并新兴技术的能力,这些技术预计在RAH-66 Comanche的生命周期中被预计成熟。



It is desired Comanche be able to receive data from future intelligence sources. Consideration should be given to Aerial Common Sensor (ACS), tactical information broadcast system (TIBS), tactical related applications program (TRAP) and tactical data information exchange sub-system - broadcast (TADIXS-B).

A wire detection system is desired (passive desired).

The ability to accept engines with increased power and associated structural improvements must be considered.

Integration of a passive chemical sensor, with appropriate warning, is desired.



A。维护计划。Comanche将使用两个级别的维护,用户和仓库进行范围。车载集成诊断将是确定用户级别维护的主要工具。供应支持将使用当前三级零售供应系统。在可行的地方将使用丢弃的部件,以通过拆卸和替换来进行维修。条件维护必须最大化,并使用用于“柔和寿命” Comanche主要动态组件的预后系统。支持设备或自动测试设备(ATE)不会限制仓库级别的维护。






2. The ITS must be of sufficient quality and quantity to justify limitations in the need for in-flight training hours. In-flight training hours for the Aircraft Qualification Course (AQC) must not exceed 35 hours, and in-flight training hours for individual skill sustainment must not exceed 35 hours semiannually.

3. Embedded Training (ET) capabilities must not adversely affect mission performance or safety of flight nor degrade the maintainability or component life of the aircraft systems.

(b)。Training Strategy. The ITS must be developed by the contractor concurrently with the aircraft and in accordance with (IAW) the Systems Approach to Training (SAT) process. It must include all hardware, software, courseware, technical and training documentation and manuals, consumables, facilities, and instructor and support personnel necessary to train both Active Component (AC) and Reserve Component (RC) Operator, Maintainer, and Support (OMS) personnel at all skill levels to fully mission-ready proficiency. It must train 100 percent of the approved critical tasks identified for OMS personnel; must be available for Instructor and Key Personnel Training (IKPT); and must be fully tested, validated, verified, and ready for training (RFT) in the training base at Initial Operational Capability (IOC). Concurrence of the ITS with the aircraft must be maintained during design and development and throughout the life cycle of the system.



3.维持培训。必须设计和开发适当的培训学说,以支持全球合格的Comanche OMS人员的维持和继续培训。它必须包括适当的技术和培训手册,培训指南以及培训辅助工具以及足够的基于计算机的教学(CBI)和仿真功能。


(c),培训媒体要求。它的训练media must support institutional, organizational, and sustainment training requirements. The types, quantities, mix, and fidelity of training media must be determined based on the SAT process, cost and training effectiveness analysis, and the Army Research Institute (ARI) "Guide for Early Embedded Training Decisions", 2nd Edition, April 1992 - March 1993. The ITS training media will include ET capabilities and training devices. The ET capabilities must provide individual, crew, team, functional, and force level training and must include a fully embedded Onboard Simulation (OBS) capability, a partially embedded and partially appended Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System/Air-to-Ground Engagement Simulation (MILES/AGES) capability, and an appended maintenance troubleshooting capability. Training devices must be provided to support procedure training, flight simulation training, and composite system training.



(b)。End Strength. Total end strength shall not exceed current numbers; however, category (e.g., officers, warrant officers, enlisted) changes may be required.


(3)。人事约束。物流支持分析(LSA)/物流支持分析记录(LSAR)过程将定义物流支持和人员任务技能,以实现系统的操作,维护和支持。任何独特的技能或军事职业专业(MOS),可能是通过合并Comanche Technologies(即复合维修)而创建的,必须与可比的MOS合并(即钣金维修)。

(4)。人为因素工程。科曼奇将整合士兵表现,以最大程度地提高任务成就。循环中的士兵必须满足ORD和系统规格中定义的所有系统要求。RAH-66的整体设计应通过准备就绪,维护,维护或拆除和更换来促进易于维护。控制,显示,符号和操作程序的设计必须提供平稳而迅速的操作,并促进RAH-66的无错误操作;最小化疲劳;并消除高需求驱动器的培训驱动力。Comanche的船员必须容纳以第5-95人的人体测量现象的男性士兵定义的男性/女性人口,以实现其全部任务职能。同样,RAH -66必须设计为允许代表第5-95个人体测量值(男性和女性)百分位数的士兵在使用适当的战斗齿轮并穿着防护服(北极,NBC)时有效地维护它。


(6)。Health Hazards. Health hazards which may be associated with mechanical forces or pressures, toxic substances, ionizing or non-ionizing radiation, noise, or other emissions from the RAH-66, either in its operation, maintenance, or support activities will be identified and eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels as prescribed by appropriate Government standards (including U.S. Army aeromedical standards).

d。Computer Resources. Comanche must be supported by existing and/or planned common computer resources. The RAH-66 Comanche must be compatible with Unit Level Logistics System - Aviation (ULLS-A). The mission planning system must interface with Maneuver Control System (MCS) and ULLS-A.



(2)。Facility and Shelter Requirements. No Comanche unique fixed facilities or shelters shall be required.

(3)。special Packaging, Handling, Storage and Transportation. Packaging, handling, storage, and transportation must meet standard requirements and require no special, environmentally hazardous materials or procedures.


(5)。乐动体育赛事出版物。RAH-66 Comanche应在最大程度上具有数字技术出版物系统。乐动体育赛事这包括对无纸化技术手册及其交付设备的要求。


A。命令,控制,通信和情报(C3I)。RAH-66 COMANCHE C3I必须与现有或计划中的陆军指挥,控制,通信和情报系统接口。直接和网关界面以及与陆军C3I系统的兼容性必须允许Comanche访问接近实时的目标和生存信息。这需要Comanche具有接收,关联,过滤并快速传播从各种来源到飞行中其他飞机的关键信息的能力。


(1)。运输。RAH-66 Comanche必须是可运输的地面,海洋和空气(包括C-130货运飞机)。需要最小的特殊工具和设备(不需要)。科曼奇必须有军事标准提升和绑架规定。Comanche必须通过铁路或美国陆军卡车可接地可运输和回收。它必须达到我们和北约公路限制。COMANCHE必须在C-130,C-141,C-5和C-17 USAF货运飞机上运输。使用C-130/C-141B的踏上或Debark(完全误以)时间必须使用八名或更少的士兵,并使用C-5/C-17分钟,等于或小于30分钟(等于或等于30分钟)不到15分钟),使用五个或更少的士兵。 Soldiers and equipment necessary to off-load and prepare aircraft to fight must accompany the deployment. When deployed by air transport, Comanche must be fightable in equal to or less than 45 minutes (30 mins for debark, 15 for rearm/refuel) after arrival. Comanche must be recoverable by medium lift helicopter (US Army CH-47 and UH-60L) using standard Army aerial recovery kit (single point attachment desired). Comanche must be transportable by sea using naval ships such as roll on, roll off (RORO), light assault ship helicopter (LASH) lighter ships, sea bee barge/ships, sea train ship, and fast sealift ship (FSS).


(A)。操作。RAH-66 Comanche将在全球范围内运作,训练和驻扎。尚未确定特定的操作基础或设施要求。

(b)。Individual. Individual Comanche training will occur, to the maximum extent possible, at the U.S. Army Aviation Center (USAAVNC), Fort Rucker, AL. Modification and/or new construction to basefields, stagefields, operator and maintenance training facilities and storage space will be required. No additional space or facilities requirements have been identified to support operator and/or maintenance training should they be conducted elsewhere. See Annex E., Training.

C。standardization, Interoperability, and Commonality. The terms of applicable standardization agreements to include STANAGS, QSTAGs and Air Standards will be incorporated into the design criteria for Comanche. Other services and allied nations are encouraged to collaborate/ participate in development and production. The Comanche must be designed to the metric system of measurement. Displayed measurements must be capable of being selected in either metric or U.S. standard units. Existing systems integrated into Comanche may use their current measurement standard. The aircraft must operate with JP-8 fuel.

d。映射,图表和大地绘制。需要使用数字地形产品为数字地图系统提供地形高程和特征数据。数字地形高程数据(DTED),ARC数字化的栅格图形(ADRG),战术地形数据(TTD),数字特征分析数据(DFAD)和临时地形数据(ITD),由国防映射机构(DMA)生产的是在RAH-66 COMANCHE,机动控制系统(MCS)和前向区域防空系统(FAADS)命令,控制,通讯和情报(C3I)之间建立共同地形数据基础的方法。如果不可用的数字地形产品,则必须为Comanche Map System和Mission Planning Station数字化地形线图(TLM)和联合操作图形(JOGS)纸图。

e。环境支持。美国陆军情报中心“战术天气支持 - 天气和环境数据需求”文件详细介绍了航空天气和天体地球体物理支持要求。Comanche没有独特的航空天气或天体地球物理要求。


8. SCHEDULE CONSIDERATIONS. Acquisition strategy includes Demonstration/ Validation - Prototype, engineering manufacturing and development (EMD) and production. Based on this program strategy and continued funding for EMD and production, the dates listed below can be supported.

A。First Unit Equipped (FUE). FUE is the date the system and agreed upon support elements are issued to the initial operational capability (IOC) unit, and training specified in the new equipment training plan has been accomplished. FUE can occur as early as June, 2002.



A2C2 陆军领空司令部
aamaa 陆军航空任务区分析
ACS 航空通信者
ADRG 电弧数字化的光栅图形
aftds 高级野战炮兵战术数据系统
AFAPD Air Force Applications Program Development
AIT 高级个人培训
ALDT 行政和后勤停机时间
AQC 飞机资格课程
API 装甲穿刺燃烧
ASE 飞机生存设备
atd/c Aided Target Detection/Classification
ATGM 空向地面导弹
bdar 战斗损害评估和维修
BDP Battlefield Development Plan
BNCOC 基本的士官课程
BSTF 基集测试设施
C 摄氏
CBI 基于计算机的说明
C3i 命令,控制,通信和智能
CEOI 通讯,电子操作说明
顺式 独立国家联邦
Coea 成本和运营有效性分析
圆锥 美国大陆
DFAD 数字功能分析数据
DMA 国防图代理
国防部 国防部
dted Digital Terrain Elevation Data
E3 电磁环境效应
ECCM 电子反环境
EETF Electronics Equipment Test Facility
EMD 工程制造和开发
EMI 电磁冲动
emp Electro Magnetic Pulse
Embedded Training
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAADS 远期区域防空系统
FCR 消防控制雷达
FH 飞行时间
FMC Fully Mission Capable
焦点 完整的操作能力
FPM 每分钟脚
FSS 快速密封船
FY Fiscal Year
gr/cs Guardrail Common Sensor
GSE 地面支撑设备
HEI 高爆炸性燃烧
HEL 高能量激光器
HF 地狱之火
HPM 高功率微波炉
IAW 依据
ICAO 国际民航组织
ierw Initial Entry Rotary Wing
iff 身份朋友或敌人
ifv 步兵战车
ils 集成的物流支持
IOC 最初的操作能力
IPC 讲师飞行员课程
ir Infrared
ITD 临时地形数据
它是 Integrated Training System
慢跑 Joint Operations Graphics
JROC Joint Requirements Oversight Committee
KTA 打结真正的空速
公斤 Kilograms
睫毛 轻型突击船直升机
LBE 负载轴承设备
LH 轻型直升机
LOS 视线
LRM 线可更换模块
lru 可更换单元
LSA Logistics Support Analysis
LSAR 物流支持分析记录
MANPRINT 人力和人员融合
3月 主要飞机审查
MCA Military Construction Army
MCS 机动控制系统
METL 任务基本任务清单
MEF 任务基本功能
MEP 任务设备套餐
MH Modified Helicopter
MHz 巨型赫兹
英里/年龄 多个集成激光参与系统 /空气 - 地面参与系统
MMH/FH 每次飞行小时维护人小时
MNS Mission Need Statement
MOS 军事职业专业
MOPP 以任务为导向的保护姿势
MRP 最大额定功率
mtbmaf 在影响任务失败之间的平均时间
MTBEMA Mean Time Between Essential Maintenance Actions
MTPC 维护测试试点课程
MTS 海洋战术系统
MTTR 平均维修时间
NATO 北大西洋条约组织
NBC 核,生物,化学
NM 海里
NLOS Non Line Of Sight
OEI 一台引擎不起作用
OGE 脱离地面效应
OH 观察直升机
OMS 操作员,维护人员和支持
O&O 组织和运营计划
ORD 操作要求文件
ORF 操作准备浮动
O&S 运营和支持
PA 压力高度
PGSE Peculiar Ground Support Equipment
PHS 包装,处理和存储
poi 教学计划
RCF Repair Cycle Float
RFI Radar Frequency Interferometer
rft 准备训练
ROC 所需的操作能力
罗罗 滚动,滚开
((s secret
萨尔 半活性激光
坐着 系统培训方法
SMMP 系统人机管理计划
所以我 安全操作说明
sTAMIS 标准陆军信息管理系统
星星 系统威胁评估报告
塔克萨特 战术卫星
tadixs-b 战术数据信息交换子系统 - 广播
TDA 分配和津贴表
TGS 炮制枪系统
TIBS 战术信息广播系统
TLM Topographic Line Maps
TDME 测试,诊断和测量设备
TOC Tactical Operations Center
脚趾 组织和设备表
trADOC 培训和学说命令
trAP 战术相关应用程序
TTD 战术地形数据
tr 技术报告
电视 电视
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
ULLS-A 单位级物流系统 - 航空
U.S. 美国
美国 美国陆军
USAAVNC 美国陆军航空中心
美国空军 美国Air Force
USMC 美国海军陆战队
Vbe 速度 - 最佳耐力速度
Vcr Velocity - Cruise Speed
Vbm 速度 - 最佳动作
VROC 垂直攀爬速率
温暖的 战时储备模式