

美国国防部新闻简报克雷格·r·奎格利少将2001年5月22日星期二下午1:30美国东部时间Q: V-22。IG的调查有进展了吗?当时总法律顾问有参与其中吗?奎格利:我来之前刚检查过V-22的调查,现在还在进行中。IGs从来都不愿意预测一个完成日期,除了描述它比他想象的更复杂和更耗时。不好意思,我还不知道具体日期。问:那法律总顾问呢?奎格利:对不起?问:现在总法律顾问办公室是否已经介入,因为如果有任何指控的话,应该是总法律顾问提出指控。奎格利:从一开始就有专业法律顾问的参与。 I mean, the IG has assigned - permanently assigned legal counsel, and they're a part of virtually every one of the IG's efforts on a regular basis. The Office of the General Counsel is very much aware, as we all are, of the work, although I don't think they've assigned any extra attorneys in order to support this particular effort. I think he's using the legal counsel that is a part of his normal team. Barbara? Q: On a different subject -- Q: I have a V-22 question. Q: Sure. Q: Why did - or what was the reasoning behind moving the V-22 from an ACAT-1(c) to an ACAT-1(d)? What was the reason on that? Quigley: To provide it the highest level of oversight, given the very visible nature of the program, given the reviews, given the recent accidents, he felt that that was the appropriate level of oversight. It's the highest one he could give it. And that was his motivation. Q: Why was it ever a 1(c) program? It's a $43 billion program with joint application. Quigley: Wow. I'd have to go back to '97 when that decision was made and see if we can ascertain the rationale for that, Pam. I do not know.