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Improved Agility/Maneuverability" Goal Totals'#FWV Demonstrtor (Goal Weighted)WL/FIBWL/FIMWL/FIGWL/FIVWL/XPNLockheed*I" Technologies and Technology Sets D DescriptionF Attributes&(&( !!!# Structures Aeromechanics Flt Controls SubsystemsMartinB-E'$'$""# X PXP PXQ PX>06Compact Inlet System / Inlet-aerostructure integrationY;QCompact, Fixed Geometry Inlet System for Reductions in Aircraft Volume and WeightfR"@R"@R"@R"@R@R@R@R"@R@R@R@R@R"@R@R"@R"@SffffffQ@L @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @L~ T"@ SFT33333@#- LL UX UX UX UX U !UX~ "S@#x@(### LL X XXX XX XX XXogExhaust system: low-cost yaw vectoring, plume mixing/shape, structural integration, fluidic/fixed area)yFixed Nozzle Geometry, Elimination of Moving Parts. Fluidic Control Adjusts Nozzle Flow Area and Enables Thrust VectoringfY"@Y"@Y"@Y?Y"@Y"@Y"@Y"@Y@Y@Y@Y"@Y"@Y@Y"@Y"@Zfffff&S@+L @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @L~ [@ ZG@# \X \X \X \X \ !\X~ "Z@#@*### LL P PXP PX PX%0UAV/UCAV Control (Data Links)B0:Spoof-Proof, Secure, Anti-Jam, Stealth, Variable BandwidthfR"@R?R@R@R@R@R@R?R@R@R@R?R"@R"@R"@R@S433333D@~ T"@ SATv@# UXU UXU  UX !UX~ "S@#@E#### LL ]X ]X] ]X ]X/TaillessO^GNo Vertical or Horizontal Tails for Low Drag and Excellent LO Qualitiesf_"@_@_@_@_@_?_@_@_@_@_@_@_"@_@_"@_"@`LH@~ a@ `Fa23333Cu@# bX bb bX  bX!b~ "`@#@### LL P PXP PX PX30+UAV / UCAV Control (Close Formation Flight)B0:Enables Cooperative Flight Operations of Multiple AircraftfR?R?R"@R"@R?R@R@R?R@R@R?R?R"@R@R"@R?SB@~ T"@ SAT@t@#U UX UU  UX !UX~ "S@#`@### LL X XX XXX XX XXK9CAdvanced Wing Platforms: Continuous/conformable moldline technologyxStructurally Sound Memory Elastic Material with Application to Expandable Fuel Tanks and Weapons Bays, Control Surfaces.fY"@Y@Y@Y@Y"@Y"@Y"@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y"@Y@Y"@Y@ZI@~ ["@ ZFffff}@#\\\\  \X !\X~ "Z@#fffff@### LL PX PPQ PX,0$Advanced Wing Platforms: Lambda Wing7/Planform Shape That Offers Aerodynamic BenefitsfR"@R?R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R"@R@R"@R?SC@~ T@ SFTh@# UUU UX  UX !UX~ "S@#`@### LL X XXX XX XXB:Composite Structures (Low cost, lightweight, limited-life)Use Large Unitized Structural Composite Parts to Minimize Hand Labor, Part and Fastener Count. Relaxed Structural Criteria for Limited Life.fY"@Y"@Y"@Y"@Y@Y"@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y"@ZM@D @DD @ D D @ D D @ D D @ D D @ D D @DD @DD @DD @DD @DD @DD @DD @DD @DD @D~ [@ ZG@# \X \X\ \X  \\!~ "Z@#gffff^@@# DD" P PXP PX PX.0&UAV/UCAV Control (Single Ship Control)=05Emphasis of Automated Guidance and Control AlgorithmsfR"@R?R"@R@R@R@R@R@R@R"@R@R@R"@R"@R"@R@SK@~ T"@ SAT~@#UUUUU  !UX~ "S?#~@# X XX Xe XX79/Multivariable control/effectors: reconfigurablephControl Law Design Algortithms which Execute On-Line and Real-Time to Yield Maximum Possible PerformancefY"@Y@Y"@Y"@Y"@Y"@Y"@Y"@Y@Y@Y@Y"@Y"@Y@Y"@Y@Z43333P@~ [@ ZFi@# \\ \X \\  !\X~ "Z@#ly@$### LL XQ PXQ PX PX5.-Active aeroelastic wing/twist wing technology:}Use Aeroelastic Flexibility with Leading and Trailing Edge Devices. 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Improves Maintainance, Weight, RF Signature and O&S Requirementsf:"@"@"@"@@@@"@@@@"@"@@"@"@:SQ@:9~ :T@ :SF:Tgffffj@:#9 :UX :UX :UX :UX : UX:!U~ :"S@:#@9 D:"D:; ;X ;X; ;X ;X;<TaillessO;GNo Vertical or Horizontal Tails for Low Drag and Excellent LO Qualitiesf;"@@@@@?@@@@@@"@@"@"@;ZLH@;8~ ;[@ ;ZF;u@;#8 ;\X;\ ;\X ;\X ; \\!~ ;"Z@;#@H;#;;## LL <X <X <X< <X <X <=Innovative Aero ControlsD<N<Aerodynamic Control Effectors for Vertical Tailless Aircraftf<"@@@@"@"@"@@@@@@"@@"@@<SI@<8~ <T"@ <SF<Tfffff}@<#8<UUUU < UX <!UX~ <"S@<#fffff@;<#<<## LL =X =X =X= =X =X&=@Continuous Moldline Technology=LxStructurally Sound Memory Elastic Material with Application to Expandable Fuel Tanks and Weapons Bays, Control Surfaces.f="@@@@"@"@"@@@@@@"@@"@@=ZI@=8~ =["@ =ZF=ffff}@=#8=\\\\ = \X =!\X~ ="Z@=#fffff@K=#==## LL >X> >X >X> >X>6Integrated VMSz>7rCommon Processors, Optical Buses to Integrate Flight and Propulsion Control, Actuators, Subsystems, Air Data, IFPCf>"@"@"@"@@@"@@@"@@"@@"@"@"@>S433333S@>8~ >T@ >SF>Tl@>#8 >UX >UX >UX >UX > UU!~ >"S@>#̌@@>#>>## LL ? ?X ? ?X$?<Integrated Adaptive Controls?Technologies include On-Line Control Allocation and Optimization, Parameter Identification and Control Design, Pilot Command Limitingf?"@@@@"@"@@@@"@@"@"@@"@@?ZLK@?8~ ?[@ ?ZF?@?#8 ?\X?\ ?\X ?\\\!~ ?"Z@?#33333@<?#??## LLDt<l,prRR|2,)@$bVA$fB$\ZVC$fD$\VE$ZfF$\VG$\fH$\VI$fJ$bVK$fL$VM$\fN$VO$f@P$o`Q$PVS$Pf]$o @ @X @ @X0@=(Rapid Prototyping Flight Control Systems[@?STailored to Improve Flight Control System Modularity and to Reduce Development Costf@"@"@"@@@@@@@"@"@@@@"@@@SN@@8~ @T@ @SF@T s@@#8 @UX@U @UX @UUU!~ @"S@@# @?@#@@## LL AX A A A AX!A@Robust Composite/SandwichNAAFReduced Weight, Elimination of Fasteners and Lower Manufacturing CostsfA"@"@"@@@@@"@@@@@@@"@"@AZP@AAAPL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @L~ A[@ AZFA@A#8 A\X A\XA\ A\X A \\!~ A"Z@A#@NA#AA## LL BX B B B BXB6Innovative Prototyping/B7'Minimal Tooling and Reduced Part CountsfB"@"@"@?@@@"@@@@@@@"@?BSL@BBBLL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @LL @L~ BT@ BSFBTq@B#8 BUX BUXBUUUU!~ B"S@B#@LB#BB## LL CX C C  CX CX$C@Composite Afford InitiativesgC_Use Large Unitized Structural Composite Parts to Minimize Hand Labor, Part and Fastener Count. fC"@"@"@"@@@"@@@@@@@@@"@CZN@CA~ C[@ CZFC@C#8 C\X C\XC\ C\X C \\!~ C"Z@C#gffff6@PC#CC## LL DX D DXD DXD=Integrated Subsystems7DN/Combining of Subsystems to Eliminate ComponentsfD"@"@"@"@@@@"@@@@"@"@"@"@"@DSLR@DB~ DT@ DSFDT43333sk@D#8DU DUXDU DUX D UU!~ D"S@D#43333s{@GD#DJ## LL EX E EXE EX'E<Integ Subsystem Routing ChanneljE>bA Structural Channel Running Longitudinally in the Vehicle Where All Wiring and Systems Can Be RunfE"@"@"@"@@@@"@@@@"@"@@@"@EZYP@EB~ E[@ EZFEffffh@E#8E\ E\XE\ E\X E \\!~ E"Z@E#gffffx@D DE"DE FX F  FXF FX FXF=Active Aeroelestic WingKFMCUse Aeroelastic Flexibility with Leading and Trailing Edge Devices.fF"@?@"@@@"@?@?@?@@"@@FSLE@F8~ FT@ FSFFT43333_@F#8 FUUU FUX F UX F!UX~ F"S@F#gffffw@8F#FF## LL G G GXG GXG<More Electric Aircraft=G5Replacing Many or All Hydraulic Systems with ElectricfG"@?"@"@@@@@@@@"@"@"@"@"@GZM@GB~ G[@ GZFG@G#8G\ G\XG\ G\X G \\!~ G"Z@G#433333v@JG#GG## LLH HX HX H HXH=Pneumatic ControlHH?@Use of Pneumatics for Vehicle Control and Boundary Layer ControlfH"@@??@"@@??@@?"@@"@?HSB@H8~ HT@ HSFHTgffff[@H#8 HUUU HUX H UX H!UX~ H"S@H#t@OH#HH## LLI IX IX I IXI@ MEMS ControlxIpMicromechanical Devices for Viscous Drag Reduction, Control Effectors, Active BL Control and Vortex ManipulationfI?@?"@@"@"@@@@?@"@@"@"@IZfffffG@I8~ I[@ IZAI@I#8I\\\\ I \X I!\X~ I"Z@I#q@>I#II## LL JX J J J JX(J= Laser Formed Metallic StructuresoJNgGeneration of Structures Using Laser Beam Solidification of Metallic Powders Without the Use of ToolingfJ"@"@"@?@@@"@@@@@@@"@?JSL@JB~ JT@ JSGJTq@J#8 JUXJUUUUU!~ J"S?J#q@BD#K KX KXK KX KX&K<Riblets/Paintless TechnologieseK>]Sheet Material and Other Techniques Applied To Aircraft Surface To Reduce Turbulent IntensityfK"@?"@"@@@@@@@@"@"@@"@@KZ33333I@K8~ K[? 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