
Uphold Democracy
Support Hope
Joint Endeavor
Airfield Operations Equipment
Weather Equipment




In Operation UPHOLD DEMOCRACY, Air Mobility Command supported US objectives of fostering democratic institutions and reducing the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States. Despite the pledges of a military-backed regime in Haiti to return power to the democratically elected government it had ousted, the regime did not relinquish authority but became increasingly repressive and presided over a deteriorating economy. As the result of deteriorating conditions, tens of thousands of impoverished Haitians fled the country, many attempting to enter the United States. In September 1994, the United States responded with Operation UPHOLD DEMOCRACY, the movement of forces to Haiti to support the return of Haitian democracy. In preparation for this contingency, the Air Mobility Command simultaneously planned for an invasion and for the peaceful entry of forces into Haiti. The command executed portions of both scenarios. For the invasion, an airdrop was planned involving 3,900 paratroopers. Most of this force was airborne when Haitian officials agreed to a peaceful transition of government and permissive entry of American forces. The US peace negotiation team, led by former President Jimmy Carter, had been transported to Haiti by an AMC passenger plane. Following the agreement, the command switched strategies and began airland operations to deploy ground forces. Through March 1995, when the United States transferred the peacekeeping responsibilities to United Nations functions, strategic and tactical airlifters flew 1,779 missions carrying 51,000 passengers and 22,600 short tons of cargo. AMC contract civil carriers flew 74 passenger missions, moving 19,330 US troops to Port-au-Prince and Roosevelt Roads. Seven civil air cargo missions moved 126 pallets to Port-au-Prince and three cargo missions delivered ballots for the Haitian national election. Two additional missions moved the outgoing head of state, his family, and household staff to Panama and Miami. UPHOLD DEMOCRACY succeeded both in restoring the democratically elected government of Haiti and in stemming emigration.

维护民主是“近岸”的一个例子operation that had many aspects of an intercontinental contingency. Air refueling was used extensively for reconnaissance and combat air patrol missions, with 297 sorties and 1,129 flying hours logged by KC-135 and KC-10 tankers. To transport personnel and materiel from the continental United States to the Caribbean basin, strategic airlift relied on three stage bases close to onload locations: C-5s staged at Dover AFB, Delaware, primarily, and also at Griffiss AFB, New York, while C-141s staged at McGuire AFB, New Jersey. In Haiti, Port-au-Prince was the destination of the strategic airlifters. Airfield conditions at another offload site, Cap Haitien, precluded its use by C-5s and C-141s. C-5s and C-141s delivered troops and cargo to Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico, where the personnel and supplies were transloaded to C-130s for movement to Cap Haitien and other Haitian locations. The international aspect of UPHOLD DEMOCRACY was evident at Roosevelt Roads, since strategic airlifters transported forces to Roosevelt Roads from Bangladesh and Nepal, who were subsequently airlifted to Haiti. An Air Mobility Element (AME) and Director of Mobility Forces (DIRMOBFOR) deployed to Pope AFB, North Carolina, the principal launch site for the air invasion of Haiti. They were incorporated into the Air Operations Center. The DIRMOBFOR with a support staff then moved to Port-au-Prince soon after the arrival of the first American forces in Haiti. At various points during the operation, Tanker Airlift Control Elements were established at Cap Haitien and Port-au-Prince, Haiti; Roosevelt Roads and Boringquen, Puerto Rico; and Homestead and MacDill AFBs, NAS Cecil Field, and Opa Locka, Florida. AMC contract civil air carriers flew 78 missions, returning 17,914 US troops to their duty stations.

维护民主was a true total force operation. Air Force Reserve (AFRES) forces flew 112 sorties and 348.5 hours by the end of FY94. The National Guard (NGB) responded by involving 1,250 Army and Air Guard volunteers, including 22 combat communications specialists.


Ethnic hatred intensified in Rwanda in 1994 leading to mass slaughter and the subsequent flight of two million Rwandans who settled in refugee camps in several central African locations. With over one million refugees, the camp at Goma, Zaire, was the largest. Conditions in the camps were appalling with starvation and disease exacting a tremendous toll. By July 1994, 3,000 refugees a day died at Goma. The United States spearheaded a humanitarian operation to stop the dying called Operation SUPPORT HOPE. Mobility operations from July through September 1994 consisted of 871 missions to carry 8,100 passengers and 16,200 short tons of cargo. The success of SUPPORT HOPE could be measured quantitatively: within the first month of the operation, the death rate in Goma fell below 500 per day, and the rate continued to diminish.

油轮空中桥梁证明得到可靠性的关键ef supplies to the refugees. Due to the danger of epidemics spread by contaminated water, the immediate deployment of a water purification system was essential. A C-5, carrying an outsize load consisting of a portable water supply system made up of water purification units and fire trucks used to pump water flew non-stop from Travis AFB, California, to Goma in 22 hours. The 10,000-mile mission was made possible by three air refuelings. Most missions to central Africa flew via Europe. CONUS-based missions transiting the Atlantic for Moron AB, Spain, or Rhein Main AB, Germany, were air refueled as necessary. Flights from these bases were refueled over the Mediterranean to overcome the lack of fuel on the ground in central Africa. Delays preventing landing at Goma increased fuel consumption by aircraft aloft, necessitating establishment of a refueling orbit in the region, which was covered by KC-10s based at Harare, Zimbabwe. Because of the low fuel supply at Entebbe, the KC-10s also offloaded fuel into storage tanks there for use by US European Command C-130s. After delivering cargo and personnel in Zaire, Rwanda, or Uganda, airlifters proceeded to Mombasa, Kenya, to stage before returning to Europe. The DIRMOBFOR was located at Entebbe, Uganda, while TALCEs (Tanker Airlift Control Element) were established at Entebbe; Mombasa and Nairobi, Kenya; Goma, Zaire; Harare, Zimbabwe; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; and Kigali, Rwanda.

AFRES provided 18 medical personnel and various airlift units flew medical supplies and equipment and food into Rwanda. In less than 72 hours from notification, NGB volunteers from four states deployed a 160 person provisional squadron with 6 aircraft to Mombasa, Kenya. They flew 414 sorties and delivered 2,000 tons of relief supplies.


在波斯尼亚 - 黑塞哥维那的三年冲突激增之后,国际对交战派别的压力导致了1995年的代顿和平协定。从1995年12月开始,美国和盟国将维持和平部队部署到波斯尼亚以及前南斯拉夫的邻国,共同努力实施和平解决方案。截至1996年5月底,Intertheater空运由444个任务组成,该任务载有近13,000名人员和13,500多吨短的货物。商用飞机在这次间剧院的举动中发挥了重要作用,驾驶42次乘客任务,并运送了三分之一的乘客。截至1996年7月,AMC签订了公民航空公司,驾驶了将近150个货运宪章,以支持该行动。这家杂物式班车涉及4,025架,载有20,000多名乘客和42,000吨短货物。

这些数据反映了c - 17的存在,which was systematically employed in a major contingency for the first time. The numbers demonstrate the ability of the C-17 to carry large payloads into small airfields: the limited airfield at Tuzla, was the major port of debarkation in Bosnia-Herzegovina. During the first critical month of operations, the C-17 flew slightly more than 20 percent of the missions into Tuzla but delivered over 50 percent of the cargo. The aircraft provided the only means to airlift outsize cargo into some of the remote locations in Southeastern Europe and carried such cargo as the M-2 Bradley fighting vehicle and the M-109 self-propelled 155mm Paladin howitzer. The C-17 also provided the critical link necessary for the main American ground force to move into Bosnia. Flooding on the Sava River prevented the Army from completing the pontoon bridge that would span the route needed to move 20,000 troops from the north. The components necessary to complete the bridge could not be transported expeditiously over land or water routes, but could be quickly lifted by C-17s. Only 3 C-17s were needed to pick up 25 bridge sections and the flatbed trailers that would carry the sections once the aircraft landed. The C-17s delivered the cargo to Taszar, Hungary, where the parts were immediately driven to the bridge site and installed, permitting the movement of the troops.

在这一意外情况下,AMC人员部署到七个欧洲国家。战略空运飞机离开了在船员税日期间无法到达欧洲目的地的圆锥飞机,从负载站飞往舞台基地:多佛AFB,特拉华州,C-5;新泽西州McGuire AFB,用于C-141和KC-10;以及南卡罗来纳州的查尔斯顿空军基地,用于C-17。空气加油允许在大西洋上进行空中桥梁行动,由东北油轮工作队或欧洲油轮工作队的飞机提供的燃料。主要的卸载位置是德国Rhein Main AB,这是Instratheater空运和舞台基地的枢纽。德国Ramstein AB主要用于C-130降低范围的C-130任务,也成为了从CONUS飞行的目的地,并最终接管了Rhein Main的Hub责任。

Some intertheater missions flew direct to Italy and Eastern Europe. Strategic aircraft joined C-130s to fly shuttle missions from Germany: C-17s and C-141s carried cargo and personnel to locations in Italy, Hungary, and states of the former Yugoslavia, Tuzla being the hub for American operations in Bosnia. (Eventually, some C-5s flew into Tazsar, Hungary.) The Director of Mobility Forces (DIRMOBFOR) deployed to Vecenza, Italy, where he became the defacto single manager for theater airlift. The AME; NATO’s Regional Air Movement Coordination Center, for which the DIRMOBFOR was dual-hatted as commander; and the Airlift Coordination Cell function were collocated and essentially integrated into one organization, serving as the DIRMOBFOR’s staff. TALCE locations included Tuzla, Bosnia; Zagreb, Croatia; Ramstein AB and Rhein-Main AB, Germany; Budapest and Taszar, Hungary; Aviano, Brindisi, and Pisa, Italy; Belgrade, Serbia; and Gulfport, Mississippi.

提供美军一个休息和r的机会ecuperation (R&R), between 15 April and 30 September 1996, an AMC contract civil air carrier flew 118 missions (five missions per week) between Tuzla or Taszar and Germany. During approximately the same period, two other carriers flew 23 weekly missions between Philadelphia and Frankfurt, Germany in support of JOINT ENDEAVOR.


Air Force Reserve airlift units flew more than 502 sorties while transporting more than 662,300 pounds cargo and 993 people. As of 28 May 96, 1238 reservists have been on active duty in support of the Bosnia peacekeeping efforts. About 154 Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMAs) have volunteered for active duty since December 1995, with about 30 currently in support. The NGB had 10 air refueling wings participate in the Northeast Tanker Task Force which provided fuel for strategic airlift aircraft headed to the Southeastern European theater. In addition, Guard units airlifted over 975 tons to Bosnia in December 1995 alone.

Operation JOINT ENDEAVOR was the first large-scale contingency test of the C-17, and its success clearly validated its airlift and air refueling concept of operation. However, it was not a risk-free operation from the perspective of aircrews who flew into Bosnia and surrounding areas. They faced various threats including small arms fire, small rockets, and other hazards. It is in this operational environment with all its dangers that national military strategy is implemented by AMC personnel.



Additionally, the overall health of the MHE fleet limits our current capability. The average age of the 40K loader is 23 years, using original registration numbers, while their life expectancy, when purchased, was 8 years. Sixty-nine percent of the 25K loader fleet is comprised of old, deteriorating Emerson and Con Diesel loaders that are reaching the end of their service life extension. Heavy usage over the last few years has led to structural metal fatigue and frame cracks. The fleet requires intensive maintenance programs to meet normal equipment standards.







Air Traffic Control functions apply to all deploying military and civil missions for both terminal and en route services. In the en route arena, air traffic controllers, qualified as combat airspace managers, work with host nation and the ICAO for ingress and egress routes and procedures and with neighboring nations for clearance authority. They also work with them to determine instrument approach capability and with the FAA for flight inspection of navigational aids. They provide expertise for airfield assessment and survey as well. In the terminal environment, air traffic control operates deployed navigational aids while controllers provide both visual and instrument landing capability at air bridge, staging, and destination locations. These controllers may operate from fixed bases, using in-place or deployed equipment to augment theater and host nation controllers, or at austere airfields using mobile air traffic control and landing systems (ATCALS) equipment. They depend heavily on communications links, HF, SATCOM, and land lines to coordinate the transit of missions through adjacent airspace.

空中交通管制和着陆系统(ATCALS)Fixed Base


As the FAA continues to phase out TACANs and our precision landing systems reach obsolescence, these aging systems must be replaced with state-of-the-art technology. The FAA determined Global Positioning Systems will be the standard for navigation systems under the Future Air Navigation System.

In the short-range, Global Positioning System (GPS) is the preferred navigational aid with differential GPS for precision approach and landing guidance. AMC avionics and associated ground equipment must keep pace with FAA and ICAO requirements and capabilities implementation. In the long-range, GPS is technologically sound. AMC aircraft and ground systems will be in place and efficient. With the envisioned changes and growths in technology, ATCALS will meet future Global Reach requirements.


由于AMC目前没有移动资产,因此该命令依靠ACC提供移动ATCALS设备。AMC/DOA已开始采取行动,利用ANG空气交通管制单元提供移动ATCAL,以支持AMC GRL。此外,CRAF和平民航空公司对应急行动的合同支持需要与航空电子兼容的导航辅助工具。当今的不兼容性验证了对移动Vortacs的需求。目前,国防部库存中不存在移动vortacs。但是,AMC已提交了CSRD,以获取两个移动Vortacs。

AMC must pursue acquisition and ownership of mobile ATCALS resources to be truly in control of contingency operations. Along with this comes the responsibility to establish mobile units where equipment can be used for training or, stored and maintained in a deployment ready state. This will require a large expenditure of people and money.






虽然不是一个新问题, the difficulty of landing in low-visibility, adverse weather was highlighted during the 1995 deployment to Bosnia. Aircraft, including the C-17, were unable to land in the low-visibility conditions typical in the Balkans, which were especially severe that season. (C-130s with special equipment and a navigator experienced more success, but not all which could be desired.)

Instrument Landing System/Precision Approach Radar systems, which are typically unavailable at forward operating locations, could have relieved the problem; however, these systems require 6-7 C-130 loads of equipment and are not at all what could be termed "portable." They also require a good deal of time and personnel to deploy, setup, and operate and don't contribute to "first-in" capability. These systems lack full multiservice interoperability, and thus fall short of the ideal in a deployed expeditionary force environment.

AMC于1996年1月开始搜索解决方案。倡导长期未资金的联合精确方法和着陆系统计划的开始,AMC/CV与SAF/AQ启动了讨论。该计划随后被资助96财年。这项工作正在寻找替换ILS/PAR Systems DoD范围的替代品,并且是I-D类(主要)收购计划。

To provide a quicker, incremental fix, the C-17 SPO has accelerated efforts to test the C-17 GPS mission computer非先令接近能力。成功结论测试和测试后分析应确信4-500英尺的决策高度是可行的。计划对Mission Computer软件的升级应导致FAA对此类非精确GPS方法所需的99.9%的完整性。




In April 1996, AMC/CC received a briefing sponsored by Dr. Gene McCall, Chairman of the USAF Scientific Advisory Board, regarding the technical feasibility of a wide-area differential GPS (WADGPS) precision landing capability on the C-17. Dr. McCall's proposal, based on the SRI WADGPS concept, was endorsed by CSAF; scoping of the effort is now underway. WADGPS requires four ground stations located in a continent-sized area to provide correction to GPS signals. Theoretically, WADGPS is sufficient for Category IIIa (50 ft) decision height. Outcome of the demonstration will be used as proof of concept as well as data for the JPALS effort.

在点导航区域,AMC空中交通管制和着陆系统办公室继续与萨克拉曼多空中物流中心共同开发和现场,开发和现场两个可部署的VHF Omni-range战术空中导航(Vortac)系统,从而提供了一种可运输的方式点导航能力。从97财年开始的POM要求资金两年,将Vortacs整合到可部署的避难所中。

In summary, although AMC is vigorously pursuing austere field, adverse weather approach and landing capability, the issue requires a systems approach to the problem. Way point navigation is one issue; landing in adverse weather is another. Threats must be considered. Further, AMC must consider the concept of operations, training, and logistics of precision approach capabilities to choose the right systems for both near- and long-term use.


AMC天气人员使用广泛的设备提供天气观察和预测服务。将来,更多的自动化系统将提高天气产品的准确性和及时性。Air Weather Service,作为天气设备的标准系统经理,为AMC使用的大多数天气设备的收购和监督。

Fixed-Base Weather Systems

Airfield observing equipment includes sensors and associated hardware needed to determine weather conditions that may impact air and ground operations. These systems operate independently and do not share common processors or display hardware. This configuration requires excessive time to make and disseminate observations.

State-of-the-art automated observing methods will soon become more efficient than the manual methods now in use and will provide a continuous weather watch with real-time automatic notification of critical weather events. In addition to replacing existing sensors, future weather observing capabilities will provide lightning detection for ground refueling and support to base computer facilities, measurement of wind and temperature vertical profiles for wind shear detection and warning, and measurement of slant range visibility to improve flight safety. Conversion to integrated, automatic observing systems is set to occur by the early 2000s under the Meteorological Operations Capability (MOC) program. MOC is in the early planning stages and program funding is in doubt. Program delays could leave AMC dependent on aging equipment with decreasing reliability.


All AMC bases have weather radars to detect and display storms. Some of the radars are based on 1960s technology and have minimal storm analysis capability. All AMC bases will have the WSR-88D Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) by the end of 1996. NEXRAD uses Doppler technology to enhance storm detection and severe weather prediction. Projected radar initiatives include replacement of obsolete components using upgraded technology on the WSR-88D. Upgrades should include modifications to system software to improve weather detection algorithms. These algorithms identify characteristic radar signatures associated with tornadoes, hail, downburst wind shear, aircraft turbulence, and icing. The WSR-88D, with periodic life cycle and technological upgrades, should satisfy the weather radar detection needs at fixed bases through the year 2015.


In addition to an automated observing capability, MOC includes a replacement for AWDS. This aspect of the MOC program will transition forecast support capabilities fielded in the late 1990s for deployed environments back into the base weather station to ensure combat and peacetime support systems are as similar as possible. Reaching final operational capability by FY04, the MOC forecast system will replace or upgrade existing meteorological data manipulation and display systems and will include an integrated platform dedicated to the collection, assimilation, processing, and dissemination of all required weather information.

Deployable Weather Systems

Deployable weather observing systems currently include semi-automated and manually operated sensing equipment. While only recently fielded, many of these systems experienced excessive failure rates during DESERT STORM and RESTORE HOPE and continue to be plagued with problems. System modifications underway at the Sacramento Air Logistics Center应提供足够数量的可靠传感器来满足未来几年的AMC要求。


As a first-in capability, AMC weather personnel may also deploy with a laptop/notebook microcomputer equipped with a modem to access textual and graphical analysis and forecast products and data from CONUS Naval and AF dial-in systems using phone capabilities at the deployed location. Additionally, some weather teams deploy with a Quick Reaction Communications Terminal (QRCT) which can receive textual and graphical facsimile weather analysis and forecast products from military and civil HF weather broadcasts.

可运输AWD(TAWDS)是固定基准AWD的可部署版本,并提供了维持能力。功能类似于QRCT,语音HF和Pilot-Metro Service(PMSV)无线电的附加功能的AWD。AMC目前没有任何毒品,但如果需要,最多将任务三个。

The AF Meteorological Information Terminal (AFMIT) provides the capability to receive, display, and manipulate processed geostationary imagery and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) polar orbitor imagery in the deployed environment. The more robust AF Small Tactical Terminal (STT) program will provide the capability to receive both processed geostationary and direct-readout Defense Meteorological Satellite Program and NOAA polar orbiting satellite imagery and data beginning in FY96.



四类人合并组成了空中流动团队 - 活跃的军事,空中储备组成部分(ARC)军事,在职民用雇员和平民合同服务人员。现役军事填补职位直接导致战争的行为(战斗或直接战斗支持)。它们受到海外轮换的约束,或者法律要求军事。传统上,ARC人员在战时激增的位置上充满了兼职卫队和预备役人员以及全职警卫技术人员,Active Guard Reserve(AGR)和空中储备技术人员(ART)人员。艺术负责和平时期培训和管理ARC单元。所有其他职能都可以由军事人员,在职民用雇员或合同服务人员执行,具体取决于战时要求,法律考虑,管理责任和成本等因素。此外,在和平时期和战时,要求民用储备机队(CRAF)增强AMC的有机舰队。




Air Reserve Component (ARC) Military
